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CARIBJ: I am a Granger guy and I am telling you that the PPP will win? Precisely becausde, as you correctly say, APNU has no structure and is doing no campaigning. Hmmmmm. Doesnt that strike you as being very odd.

You finally came out of the closet. Good for you. It is your right to support Granger. However, you have chosen race; I've chosen to be part of a multi-ethnic party. You chose a party that was part of the destruction of Guyana. I chose the party of the future. I have no qualm telling you that you chose race because there is nothing impressive about Granger ot the PNC derivative APNU. APNU has said nothing interesting or proposed nothing to transform Guyana. You are just like Ravi Dev and Bisram. You are the other side of the coin...ironic since you spent years telling Indos how clannish they are.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:

Baseman you used to write about how blacks in Africa eat ants, that blacks are filthy, subhuman savages, giving all sorts of example of this from your village. .

I do agree with you, regardless of ownership, businesses should practice equity in hiring. I have a few relatives with businesses in GT and they do hire quite a few Afros as they find them dedicated workers. Owning a business does come with certain responsibilties given the size of the operations. You must however, bear in mind many employees are family, i hope you dont attack that right.

The rest of crap you wrote, i leave it at that.

I am glad that you think what you used to write is crap. One less bigot on GNI.

Now as to your family. Are Africans viewed as loyal, and uncomplaining low level employees, or can they expect to be considered for promotion to management slots where it is deserved and a spot appears, and a NONfamily person is hired?

Much of the "loyalty" is fear. Many think that "collie run every ting" so they have no choice other than leave Guyana or suffer in silence. If fired they fear no other work might be there. You know "teh devil you know".

There was a trade show from Guyana some years ago aimed at the New York Guyana market. What struck me was, when asked about Guyana, how terrified some of the black vendors looked. They looked around carefully and then whispered "its hard...well you know those Indians....." trailing off, with another frightened look. It was Guyana circa 1980 all over again when ever some one whispered something about Burnham.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:

Caribj much respect. I don't hate you. I let you know when I thought your posts were of a racist tone. I see you have mellowed over the years. I still maintain that you are not the spokeperson for Afros.

If what your people are saying is true, then Guyana is ripe for a revolt of the masses, which I don't wish for.

SO I guess you think you speak for AfroGuyanese now, or assume to know more about them than I do? I offer comments made by some AfroGuyanese living IN GUYANA. You disrespct them becaue they do not say whwt you wish them to say.

What you consider to be racist is a product of the society that raised you. I now see that you AFCites have jumped on teh bandwaggon of PPP discrimination against blacks. I guess because it suits your political agenda. When I said so over the last 9 years I was called a racist. By people like you, baeeman (who called blacks subhumans), TK, D2 and others.

Rest assured that discrimination against AfroGuyanese is only part of the story. Indo dominated parts of the private sector are even WORSE than the PPP. But for companies like Banks DIH I dont know what blacks would do. Discrimination at places like DDL is legendary. Blacks go there to get something on their resume and then flee to Barbados or elsewhere knowing that its most unlikely they will ever be promoted. We saw hires by AINLIM by the Indo manager. Over 80% of those hired were Indians even though the labor piool in Gtwn will suggest otherwise.

So dont think that discrimination against blacks is only the PPP. Its an integral part of the pysche of the IndoGuyanese. Now if you all want to say revenge fine. The PNC did give you all a hard time and AfroGuyanese backed them in that. They did so because they had a deep rooted fear of Indian clannishness and the fact that blacks dont stick together so are ill prepared to counter act addition to being out numbered.

Now it turns out that these fears were correct. An Indo dominated Guyana has been extremely stressful for most AfroGuyanese.

When ever some one raises this problem they get knocked as being racist. Just look at responses to people like David Hinds, Lincoln Lewis, Eric Phillips and others.

Just be honest and say that the treatment of blacks is revenge and that you are quite prepared to accept teh day when blacks are again positioned to return the favor.

Nonsense. Don't tell me what to say. You are a chronic racist. Keep on babbling. You have been doing the same thing over and over for the past nine years and yet you expect the results to be different. This decribes you as being a lunatic.

You are going beserk because your racist PNCR will loose its opposition status and how the AFC is gradually eating into its support base.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

I travel to Guyana each year, was an economist at the BOG, and I wrote extensively on the financial structure, economics and political economy of Guyana.

So yes...I do consider myself an expert on Guyana.

General views can be different, while you can consider yourself as an expert on Guyana.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:

Baseman you used to write about how blacks in Africa eat ants, that blacks are filthy, subhuman savages, giving all sorts of example of this from your village. .

I do agree with you, regardless of ownership, businesses should practice equity in hiring. I have a few relatives with businesses in GT and they do hire quite a few Afros as they find them dedicated workers. Owning a business does come with certain responsibilties given the size of the operations. You must however, bear in mind many employees are family, i hope you dont attack that right.

The rest of crap you wrote, i leave it at that.

I am glad that you think what you used to write is crap. One less bigot on GNI.

Now as to your family. Are Africans viewed as loyal, and uncomplaining low level employees, or can they expect to be considered for promotion to management slots where it is deserved and a spot appears, and a NONfamily person is hired?

Much of the "loyalty" is fear. Many think that "collie run every ting" so they have no choice other than leave Guyana or suffer in silence. If fired they fear no other work might be there. You know "teh devil you know".

There was a trade show from Guyana some years ago aimed at the New York Guyana market. What struck me was, when asked about Guyana, how terrified some of the black vendors looked. They looked around carefully and then whispered "its hard...well you know those Indians....." trailing off, with another frightened look. It was Guyana circa 1980 all over again when ever some one whispered something about Burnham.

Sorry to say this, but you are nothing short of a racist pig. Everythuing someone highlights, you find a way to put in into your prejudicial racists format. As far as you are concerned, the only good indian is a poor or dead one, the mantra of the Buxton FF. If this represents the "new" PNC, then you are a throw back to the LFSB days, you should honor that man, he was your god.

I will now go into any further discussions, you have one agenda, return to pre 1992. This will never happens, I can tell you that.
Mits, TK, baseman and caribj, let's take a time out brothers. This kind of discourse is nothing but destructive. At the end of the day we agree that the PPP and PNC have never governed for all Guyanese - except in 1953 for 133 days - correct? Thereafter, in our own ways, we have all felt excluded, correct? And this exclusion has left all of us scarred, some more than others - therefore, none of us have the monopoly on the right way forward. But that we can agree on the past, is at least a start. Let us not lose sight of that brothers. Please.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
CARIBJ: I am a Granger guy and I am telling you that the PPP will win? Precisely becausde, as you correctly say, APNU has no structure and is doing no campaigning. Hmmmmm. Doesnt that strike you as being very odd.

You finally came out of the closet. Good for you. It is your right to support Granger. However, you have chosen race; I've chosen to be part of a multi-ethnic party. You chose a party that was part of the destruction of Guyana. I chose the party of the future. I have no qualm telling you that you chose race because there is nothing impressive about Granger ot the PNC derivative APNU. APNU has said nothing interesting or proposed nothing to transform Guyana. You are just like Ravi Dev and Bisram. You are the other side of the coin...ironic since you spent years telling Indos how clannish they are.

I guess irony is lost on you TK. Like the old folks say..."you make my hand fall". Clearly I expected an intelligent man like you would see how ironic that is. A "Granger man" predicting a PPP victory at a time when most PNC supporters believe this so have no interest in the up coming elections...clearly an automatic defaat for the PNC which has little support outside its black/mixed bloc. Do you think that Granger will be happy for this? Do you think if I acted on race I would let "my" party fail by encouraging the skeptical not to vote? The only people who will be fit will be the PPP.

I can undrstand if you called me a soup licker rushing for PPP cold soup. Indeed I bet thats what PNCites say reading my posts.

Clearly the "Granger man" exists in your head. If I really were a Granger man I would be daily lambasting the AFC to join APNU as this was the only way to defeat the PPP (the T&T style alliance which many in Guyana are leaning on). The best that the AFC can do is woo a few Indians who will never vote PNC. Hopefully reducing the PPP to 49% of the votes.

A party might be multi ethnic if it has 2 blacks, three Indians and one Amerindian. That doesnt mean that its popular or viewed as credible.

TK you can sit OUTSIDE of Guyana and scream at those who live INSIDE Guyana who tell you that all three parties are pathetic. None excite, None are viewed as having any relevance. That means the incumbent wins as they have largesse to share and tax payers dollars to mobilize support.

Also do you really think that people dont notice how you ROARites used to be part of an extremist Indian party, the leader of which used to be quite bigoted towards blacks...and now you claim that race is no longer part of your world view? I remember pitched battles I used to have with you when you denied that Ravi Dev was ethnocentric, maybe even a bigot.

Come on. Both the PPP and the PNC have picked up on that and the "multi ethnic" thing no longer has juice, You all really should have had Trotman instead of Holder, who is seen as a token in the same way that Sam Hinds is. Most recently allowing her self to be seen as damning a whole industry as consisting of homeless drug addicts.

What is impressive about Ramjattan and Holder, both as boring and uninspiring as Granger? As lazy too!!!
Originally posted by baseman:
Sorry to say this, but you are nothing short of a racist pig. .

A racist because,

1. I remind you about how evil you used to be you cant take it. baseman I congratulated you on your ascension out of bigotry.


2. I inform you of how fearful blacks living in Guyana are.

Well if this is the new AFC I can only wonder. ROAR failed so you need a new home?

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

I travel to Guyana each year, was an economist at the BOG, and I wrote extensively on the financial structure, economics and political economy of Guyana.

So yes...I do consider myself an expert on Guyana.

General views can be different, while you can consider yourself as an expert on Guyana. views are backed up by the fact that I have been ASKED on several occasions to serve in an economic/finance capacity in Caribbean institutions. Remember my views can pay my bills. There is nothing you can do about it in spite of the various emails you might send.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
caribj, please read what I wrote above. Easy brother.

GR every time I have raised teh issue of discrimination against blacks in Guyana folks like baseman paint it as being racist. My objective is for AfroGuyanese to be treated as fair citizens. If some AFC supporters feel that is racist hey what can I say. You all might need to look and see about some of the ROARites you have let into your ranks.
Originally posted by caribj:

TK ..

Also do you really think that people dont notice how you ROARites used to be part of an extremist Indian party, the leader of which used to be quite bigoted towards blacks...and now you claim that race is no longer part of your world view? I remember pitched battles I used to have with you when you denied that Ravi Dev was ethnocentric, maybe even a bigot.

ROARitesto the core, though in another "house".
Originally posted by Wally:
Gerhard is right. Keep fighting and you will fight in the opposition. I am voting PPP and I am telling you this.
Thank you Uncle Wally, and you know I respect your position, notwithstanding that it saddens me. However, just because I feel in my heart that I am on the correct path does not give me the right to insult the path of others. I can only hope that through reason our paths can one day merge.
WALLY: Gerhard is right. Keep fighting and you will fight in the opposition. I am voting PPP and I am telling you this.

What great deed has the PPP done since 1992 to deserve your support? I have been asking Indos this question since I can only thing of two reasons: (i) soup and (ii) race. I can't say ideology because the PPP has been a complete disaster for the working class. Ask Rajendra Bissessar. If you are not and Indo just ignore my question.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
caribj, please read what I wrote above. Easy brother.

GR every time I have raised teh issue of discrimination against blacks in Guyana folks like baseman paint it as being racist. My objective is for AfroGuyanese to be treated as fair citizens. If some AFC supporters feel that is racist hey what can I say. You all might need to look and see about some of the ROARites you have let into your ranks.

You manipulator.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
caribj, please read what I wrote above. Easy brother.

GR every time I have raised teh issue of discrimination against blacks in Guyana folks like baseman paint it as being racist. My objective is for AfroGuyanese to be treated as fair citizens. If some AFC supporters feel that is racist hey what can I say. You all might need to look and see about some of the ROARites you have let into your ranks.
caribj, brother, please ease on this ROAR thing. The AFC is too diverse for any one person to speak for the party - including me.

This ROAR thing is way overblown. TK, like me was in the PYO and then he went with ROAR. Salim and Amar are the other persons from ROAR. Those are but three persons caribj, please don't continue to propagate this PPP propaganda.
Originally posted by Wally:
Gerhard is right. Keep fighting and you will fight in the opposition. I am voting PPP and I am telling you this.

I enjoy horsie fighting with you all. He might well leave the PPP. Druggie too.

His dad isnt with the PPP so whats keeping you there.

want to help the PPP split the vote. Ensure its a minority govt. Then you will see the new start when genune dialogue begins...or a quick vote of no confidence.

Want to know my truth. I dont have faith in any of the major parties. All I want to ensure is thet PPP doesnt win outright. I know APNU/PNC will not so no fears there. The confusion that will result hopefully will force dialogue and will force the opposition parties to recreate themselves, connect with the people, build a genuine movement if they really want to succeed. As of now NONE of them have the support of the people.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

I travel to Guyana each year, was an economist at the BOG, and I wrote extensively on the financial structure, economics and political economy of Guyana.

So yes...I do consider myself an expert on Guyana.

General views can be different, while you can consider yourself as an expert on Guyana. views are backed up by the fact that I have been ASKED on several occasions to serve in an economic/finance capacity in Caribbean institutions. Remember my views can pay my bills.

There is nothing you can do about it in spite of the various emails you might send.

Nontheless, they are simply your personal political views which does not reflect those for the general views in Guyana.

Your constant reference on institutions and other places have meaningful importance ONLY when individuals from those places personally make their views known on GNI on your statements.

In the mean time, it might be useful to cease using the institutions and individuals as crutches for your discussions on GNI
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

- therefore, none of us have the monopoly on the right way forward. But that we can agree on the past, is at least a start.

Let us not lose sight of that brothers. Please.

Correct, Gerhard. wavey

Thank you Uncle D_G - Evenin wavey

Evening Gerhard. Smile

I trust that all going well with you. Big Grin
Wally: Thanks Gerhard. The only reason I am voting for the PPP is because of the sacrifice that I saw many PPP Comrades including your Dad made for the party in the past. Otherwise, I would be voting for the AFC.

Do you think Donald Ramotar sacrificed by spending years in Czechoslovakia? I know Cheddi Jagan never got the licks and Joey Jagan was well protected by Burnham. The people who made the sacrifice were those in the WPA and the lower level PPP foot soldiers. Rememeber: "don't hit Cde Cheddie...don't hit Cde Cheddie..."
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Wally:
Thanks Gerhard. The only reason I am voting for the PPP is because of the sacrifice that I saw many PPP Comrades including your Dad made for the party in the past. Otherwise, I would be voting for the AFC.

Do you think todays PPP is CBJ's PPP?

Absolutely not. I did not see eye to eye with the Jagans because of the back biting, name carrying and gossip that went on with Comrades when they ran the party. The Jagans controlled the party with an iron fist and it destroyed many tallented comrades. Nevertheless, the Jagans were absolutely not corrupt people and Janet Jagan would give you her last dollar if she knew that you were hungry.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Wally:
Thanks Gerhard. The only reason I am voting for the PPP is because of the sacrifice that I saw many PPP Comrades including your Dad made for the party in the past. Otherwise, I would be voting for the AFC.

Do you think todays PPP is CBJ's PPP?

Absolutely not. I did not see eye to eye with the Jagans because of the back biting, name carrying and gossip that went on with Comrades when they ran the party. The Jagans controlled the party with an iron fist and it destroyed many tallented comrades. Nevertheless, the Jagans were absolutely not corrupt people and Janet Jagan would give you her last dollar if she knew that you were hungry.

So why you feel obligated to stay in that camp of self-centered corrupt individual who represents everything CBJ did not.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
does not reflect those for the general views in Guyana.


DG if there is a general view in Guyana its that none of the leader s contesting in November inspire. None are viewed as representing any interests other than their own. None have spent the time to truly connect and mobilize the population at the grass roots level.

The days of enthusiastic party supporters have gone. Hopefully the next parliament will have no majority, and so real chnage will have to come. Or nothing gets done.

That way the party which wins will truly deserve it as they will have genuine support of the people. Not support because of racial fears..or support out of a "thrown the bums out" sentiment.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

I travel to Guyana each year, was an economist at the BOG, and I wrote extensively on the financial structure, economics and political economy of Guyana.

So yes...I do consider myself an expert on Guyana.

General views can be different, while you can consider yourself as an expert on Guyana. views are backed up by the fact that I have been ASKED on several occasions to serve in an economic/finance capacity in Caribbean institutions. Remember my views can pay my bills. There is nothing you can do about it in spite of the various emails you might send.

Nontheless, they are simply your personal political views which does not reflect those for the general views in Guyana.

Your constant reference on institutions and other places have meaningful importance ONLY when individuals from those places personally make their views known on GNI on your statements.

In the mean time, it might be useful to cease using the institutions and individuals as crutches for your discussions on GNI.
Uncle D_G, for all the banter, you do concede that TK is young and accomplished. TK on the other hand, knows of your role in Guyana, and he understands and advocates that an AFC Government needs the diaspora.
Demerara_Guy: Nontheless, they are simply your personal political views which does not reflect the those for the general views in Guyana.

Your constant reference on institutions and other places have meaningful importance ONLY when individuals from those places personally make their views known on GNI on your statements.

In the mean time, it might be useful to cease using the institutions and individuals as crutches for your discussions on GNI.

Those people who receive the emails are clever enough to understand the difference between the technical stuff I write and political work. Everything I wrote in the political area is backed by some technical work I did. I have never criticized the PPP's economic policy unfairly. Everything is there for peers and scholars to review, which they do. The PPP has been a complete disaster...keep the emails rolling.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Wally:
Thanks Gerhard. The only reason I am voting for the PPP is because of the sacrifice that I saw many PPP Comrades including your Dad made for the party in the past. Otherwise, I would be voting for the AFC.

Do you think todays PPP is CBJ's PPP?

Absolutely not. I did not see eye to eye with the Jagans because of the back biting, name carrying and gossip that went on with Comrades when they ran the party. The Jagans controlled the party with an iron fist and it destroyed many tallented comrades. Nevertheless, the Jagans were absolutely not corrupt people and Janet Jagan would give you her last dollar if she knew that you were hungry.
This among other things, such as the long marches and the time spent in political trenches is what has made the loyal PPPite. Like I said before, I can understand, and with that background it is hard to just to turn your back on the PPP. More especially if you reside abroad.

However, TK's words are fact - the PPP today is not even a shadow of what it was. It has been transformed into an ugly beast, not unlike the PNC. The difference is, that with all the negatives, the PPP has seen tangible progress in the last 19 years, more than obtained under the PNC. However, the people are awakening to the barefaced and naked thievery that obtains today, and it is very likely that how a dog shakes the fleas off that suck him, the Guyanese people will do the same to the PPP.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

I travel to Guyana each year, was an economist at the BOG, and I wrote extensively on the financial structure, economics and political economy of Guyana.

So yes...I do consider myself an expert on Guyana.

General views can be different, while you can consider yourself as an expert on Guyana. views are backed up by the fact that I have been ASKED on several occasions to serve in an economic/finance capacity in Caribbean institutions. Remember my views can pay my bills.

There is nothing you can do about it in spite of the various emails you might send.

Your continue to spew BLATANT LIES ( highlighted in red ), over, and over, and over .. and over.

Your blatant LIES reflect your great failure.

Whenever you can deal with issues in a rational manner, it will be a good start for you.

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