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An artist’s impression of the proposed $400M new Stabroek Wharf
An artist’s impression of the proposed $400M new Stabroek Wharf

$400M Stabroek Wharf coming


By Navendra Seoraj

APPROXIMATELY $400M is to be spent on rehabilitating the dilapidated Stabroek Market Wharf, according to Town Clerk Royston King, yesterday in an invited comment to this publication.

Mr. King noted that the unsightly structure is soon to be torn down and replaced with a mall-like facility, complete with a boardwalk and entertainment area.

The Town Clerk said that subsequent to the passage of the 2016 budget, which will include the proposed sum for the project, the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) and the Ministry of Public Infrastructure will commence demolition and subsequent reconstruction of the wharf.

He indicated that a meeting has been set for tomorrow (Thursday) with the vendors who occupy the area, and they will be advised to temporarily relocate to the Transport and Harbours (T&HD) section of the market.

“Vendors ought not to worry, as they will be given first preference to return, once the project (has been) completed. However, due to the modernisation, they will be asked to pay a little more rent,” King explained.

The portion of the stelling, which faces the Demerara river has, for years, been an eyesore for the thousands who use the speedboat service every day. The pathetic sight of this ramshackle stelling, with zinc sheets dangling dangerously, since a section of the roof caved in a year ago, is what greets those coming in on cruise and other ships, which use the Georgetown docks.

Collapse of a portion of the roof two Septembers ago did not deter vendors from conducting business there. Many stallholders have been determined to hold on to the spots they have occupied in this facility over the years, and some have even been occupying those spots for decades.

“The facility is not only an eyesore, it is ruinous and dangerous to the health and lives of persons who use it,” King said.

The M&CC has drafted a plan on which is depicted a newly modernised wharf designed by Kabila Hollingsworth, which will surely vanquish the eyesore and bring a better sight for the public.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Stabroek market is one place in G/T I  held close to my heart in younger days. The wharf is where I usually sit at every visit in city. I would sit at the far end where it was collapsed. After a tall glass of cane juice and three puri with sour, one egg ball and a fish and bread, I would still have room for a hand of fig bananas. I would sit there for two hours watching the ships coming in and out of the river mouth while I ate bananas and feeding the fishes under. The artist impression of the new wharf is impressive, and the idea to rebuild the landmark wharf is a mark of excellence.


I am not sure why the govt would want to waste 2 million US to house fruit and fish vendors who pay 200gy rent a week. Another waste of tax payers dollars.

 They forgot to put stabroek market in the background, the wharf is directly behind it. 

Drugb posted:

I am not sure why the govt would want to waste 2 million US to house fruit and fish vendors who pay 200gy rent a week. Another waste of tax payers dollars.

 They forgot to put stabroek market in the background, the wharf is directly behind it. 

At least let them build something to show some progress. They will find ways to spend the money wastefully. It's better they spend it on something. 

Last edited by Former Member

We have to stop them from spending money that they don't have. Look for the country to run into deficit spending at an alarming rate with this new bunch of jokers running the country like a cake shop. 

cain posted:

The Govt does nothing...they complain

The Govt does something...they complain


Govt must be thoughtful and prudent when it comes to spending the taxpayers dollars. In this case it is a waste, providing vending space for fruit, fish and ground provision sellers at 200GYD per week while spending 2 Million US. Waste!!!!  Wake up and start criticizing this govt with the same fervor as you attacked the PPP when they were in office and claimed they were wasting money. 


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