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OK Folks!


Great news for Guyana and Guyanese who want to see continued economic growth and development in Guyana.




This is horrible news for the dirty ones in Guyana---the DIRTY PNC INDIANS---like Tarron Khemraj aka redux on gni.


Check this folks:


Between 1964 and 2011, there have been 6 fair and free elections(1964, 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011) in Guyana and 4 rigged elections compliments of the PNC(1968, 1973, 1980, 1985)


Now, here is the exciting news for Guyanese wanting economic growth and development. In the 6 free and fair elections---the highest percentage votes the PNC/APNU ever received was 42.3%



THE NUMBERS DONT LIE FOLKS----check the PNC % votes in the 6 free elections









The highest percentage of votes the PNC/APNU ever received in a free election was back in 1992---42.3%




In a free and fair election the PNC/APNU will never win the presidency---they can only win via rigging.


What do you folks think ?




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Credibility is like virginity. You lost yours a long time ago.




You were recently contemplating joining dirty PNC Indian TK over at APNU/PNC, right ?


Perish that thought my boy---stay with the sinking AFC----TK's beloved PNC will never win a free and fair election in Guyana.


THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE----42.3% = Most % votes PNC ever received in a free election---and that was back in 1992.


By the way---the AFC has peaked at 10.3%----next election they'd be lucky to pull 5%



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, what kind of a (wo)man are you? There is 50% chance you are not a man.




The Rev refuses to join you in the gutter---you are good at it---gutter and trash talking---no wonder you are a devotee of Moses, Khemraj and the AFC.




The PNC/APNU has zero chance of winning a free and fair election in Guyana---they can only win rigged elections.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, what kind of a (wo)man are you? There is 50% chance you are not a man.




The Rev refuses to join you in the gutter---you are good at it---gutter and trash talking---no wonder you are a devotee of Moses, Khemraj and the AFC.




The PNC/APNU has zero chance of winning a free and fair election in Guyana---they can only win rigged elections.



Don't forget how the PPP/C rigged the results and stole 2 seats from the AFC and then in 2011 Jadgeo and Boodhoo tried to rig it again.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Don't forget how the PPP/C rigged the results and stole 2 seats from the AFC and then in 2011 Jadgeo and Boodhoo tried to rig it again.



Like a drowning man, you are clutching at straws my boy!


It must deeply pain you to see that the PNC/APNU, a party you are secretly rooting for, will never even win a free and fair election in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Don't forget how the PPP/C rigged the results and stole 2 seats from the AFC and then in 2011 Jadgeo and Boodhoo tried to rig it again.



Like a drowning man, you are clutching at straws my boy!


It must deeply pain you to see that the PNC/APNU, a party you are secretly rooting for, will never even win a free and fair election in Guyana.



I still think that there is 50% chance you are not a man due to the feminine traits you display.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC cannot bring down the PPP, only the Indians can. Last Election they tried and failed. Now you know what I have known all along.

  The AFC Indians are crooked and corrupt. Their bad manners can only be exceeded by their bad manners..



There are not enough dirty PNC Indians in Guyana to help the PNC defeat the PPP.


THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE---check the PNC % in the 6 fair and free elections










The PNC cannot win a free and fair election in Guyana---maybe in a thousand years---but not in this century.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC cannot bring down the PPP, only the Indians can. Last Election they tried and failed. Now you know what I have known all along.

  The AFC Indians are crooked and corrupt. Their bad manners can only be exceeded by their bad manners..



There are not enough dirty PNC Indians in Guyana to help the PNC defeat the PPP.


THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE---check the PNC % in the 6 fair and free elections










The PNC cannot win a free and fair election in Guyana---maybe in a thousand years---but not in this century.




Only the PNC can prove that less than 50% is greater than 50%. The logic is called rigging.


By rigging just like this?



An election with fewer voters than ballots is fraudulent and manipulated



Dear Editor,


I am going to make this simple for Vishnu Bisram:how in heaven’s name is an election with 1,097 voters and 1,599 ballots democratic and electorally fair and just? How is this a free and fair election? How is creating a voter list moments before an election with 1097 voters and 1599 ballots a free and fair election?
When the PNC did exactly this from 1964 to 1992, Vishnu Bisram fought them. When, as he claims, regimes did this in Zimbabwe, Haiti, Trinidad, Central America, Philippines, etc., he fought them. Yet, when the PPP’s 2013 congress election Presiding Officer himself announced to Demerara Waves there were 1097 voters and 1599 ballots at its 2013 internal party congress, Vishnu Bisram adamantly maintains “I have no evidence that there was fraud at the PPP August 2013 Congressâ€Ķ”


1599 ballots for 1097 voters is universally accepted as electoral fraud, because it assaults the fundamental democratic principle of one voter one ballot. No law, rule or policy could counter this fundamental truth.
Creating a voter list just before an election where there are more ballots than voters strongly suggests electoral manipulation. Bisram’s hypocrisy on this issue convinces me that he was never fighting for democracy in Guyana but for the PPP to return to power.


Bisram tells us that “Evidence of fraud at PNC Congress was public knowledge” yet there was no fraud or manipulation with 1097 voters and 1599 ballots in the PPP congress elections. For Bisram’s information, I did acknowledge the democratic failures of the PNC and AFC when I said this “Bisram would not admit to the very evident shenanigans of the PPP 2013 congress elections, but readily tarred and feathered the AFC and PNC for their democratic failures.” (see my letter titled “The PPP continues to fall since 2011”, KN, Sept 16, 2013).


Bisram most deceitfully states about me “He is okay with rigging in the PNC and manipulation of voting within the AFC but is against manipulation of voting at PPP Congress.” This is a callous lie and ludicrous falsity against me. So is his accusation that I suggest it is fine for the AFC to wait a few years before opening its election to the full membership.


I recommend Bisram reads this letter I wrote in Stabroek News “Elites control Guyana’s two major parties” (SN, August 28, 2012). I said this in that letter “The AFC will head down that same road if it does not change its ways.”


Bisram should also read my letter titled “These budget cuts will likely be reversed and we’ll be back to square one” (KN, May 3, 2012) in which I stated “Frankly, Guyanese people are wasting their time voting for the PPP, PNC/APNU and the AFC. They are all the sameâ€Ķ. APNU is one of the laziest political parties ever constituted. The AFC tried, but its leadership is a liability.”


I refer Bisram to yet another letter I wrote titled “Institutional building must start from the bottom up” (SN, March 2, 2011) in which I said the following “Dr Khemraj waxes supreme on the institutional building capacity of the AFC and I don’t doubt him, but why is it that the PNC conducted the nation’s first partially open primary process to elect its presidential candidate while the AFC used a milder version of the PPP’s draconian process? Wasn’t the AFC supposed to be the PNC in this regard? Doesn’t institutional building start with the institution that wants to commit the institutional building?


Frankly, if an open primary (partial even) was conducted, the AFC would have gained a large number of fence-sitting votes. I can’t trust men who talk a good talk, because it is men who talk a good talk who talked us into this corner. Is talking of true democracy enough when actions can speak much louder? The AFC will have its congress to ratify Mr Ramjattan and Ms Holder. Why not call a congress in the first place and let Ramjattan and Holder get picked by the wider membership rather than by a small committee which may be stacked with those who are uncritical?


Until significant institutional reform commences at the stage of political parties and how power is obtained at that level, I cannot trust those entities. Even the PNC which made history with its presidential selection process had flaws in its process, namely it was not wide enough and Mr Corbin remains a thorn in terms of the issue of who becomes the Opposition Leader.”


I called for open primaries in March 2011, Bisram is calling for them now. Clearly, in his mind and based on his twisted logic, Bisram has more democratic credentials than Maxwell.

M. Maxwell

Originally Posted by JB:


I called for open primaries in March 2011, Bisram is calling for them now. Clearly, in his mind and based on his twisted logic, Bisram has more democratic credentials than Maxwell.

M. Maxwell

It deeply pains PNC losers and deadbeats like M. Maxwell to see the success Guyana has achieved under the PPP. Under his beloved PNC, which rigged elections to stay in power, Guyana became a bankrupt nation. May M. Maxwell continue to be mentally tortured by the PPP's success. And may the dirty ones--dirty PNC Indians---suffer with him.



Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Only the PNC can prove that less than 50% is greater than 50%. The logic is called rigging.



That is PNC mathematics for you!


Here you have the most crooked, the most corrupt, the most unscrupulous, and the most violent party in Guyana's history, and yet you have the dirty ones, DIRTY PNC INDIANS like Tarron Khemraj aka redux rooting for the degenerate PNC to rule Guyana again.


WAIT UNTIL THE DECADENT PNC FINDS OUT ABOUT REDUX'S HOMOSEXUAL RANTINGS ON GNI---they may love him even more---or they may start ignoring him like the AFC did


Anyway, STICK A FORK IN THE PNC/APNU---they can never win a fair and free election in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was victim of their own success at the 2011 polls, a majority awaits the PPP/C come 2016



There is no question the PPP has been successful in boosting the Guyana economy.


But success breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure. And it was complacency that accounted for the PPP's failure to get 50% and win a majority in 2011.


But you are right--with the disintegration of the AFC---there is a strong possibility the PPP will regain the majority in 2016.


WE NOW KNOW THAT THE CEILING FOR THE PNC IS 42.3%----Tarron Khemraj aka redux on gni---his depraved party---the PNC/apnu-- cannot ever win a fair and free election in Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was victim of their own success at the 2011 polls, a majority awaits the PPP/C come 2016



There is no question the PPP has been successful in boosting the Guyana economy.


But success breeds complacency and complacency breeds failure. And it was complacency that accounted for the PPP's failure to get 50% and win a majority in 2011.


But you are right--with the disintegration of the AFC---there is a strong possibility the PPP will regain the majority in 2016.


WE NOW KNOW THAT THE CEILING FOR THE PNC IS 42.3%----Tarron Khemraj aka redux on gni---his depraved party---the PNC/apnu-- cannot ever win a fair and free election in Guyana.





This is a joke. You were calling me Dr Khemraj and now you claim he is someone else? Bitterness and envy are tearing you up inside Mr Rev. It is not good for your heart. Do not envy the man. Try to be yourself. Show us what you are made of. Show this board some substance.   

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C was victim of their own success at the 2011 polls, a majority awaits the PPP/C come 2016

what success the crime rate is climbing everyday more indians is being kill everyday the hydro project is doom the hotel cannot find a investor the airport project is stop in its tracks what the hell you talking about go and lick kwame batty

Originally Posted by Cobra:

When APNU/AFC pass the firearm bills then crimes will comedown drastically. Every citizen that get killed is due to Granger & Ramjattan negligence for not passing the bills.

Increased crime in Guyana is good for the PNC/APNU----and poster Bgurd has a point---crime is encouraged by the PNC/APNU.


And let's not forget perceived terrorist Nigel Hughes(AFC chairman) and his role in the mayhem in Agricola.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

When APNU/AFC pass the firearm bills then crimes will comedown drastically. Every citizen that get killed is due to Granger & Ramjattan negligence for not passing the bills.

Increased crime in Guyana is good for the PNC/APNU----and poster Bgurd has a point---crime is encouraged by the PNC/APNU.


And let's not forget perceived terrorist Nigel Hughes(AFC chairman) and his role in the mayhem in Agricola.



Let's not forget how you lick the butta off Kwame's BT.

Originally Posted by Rev:




You claim to be a loyal and devoted hindu, yet your behavior on gni stinks--it's rotten---full of vulgarity and boorishness. Listen! Try being mannerly and polite for a change and Mother Lakshmi may bless you.



You can go an lick the butta off Kwame's BT. What does that have to do with me being a Hindu? Your effeminate posts speak volumes about your traits.


redux aka TK pissing on his EX--the AFC





You and redux (TK's alter ego) are two of the most vulgar and boorish posters on GNI---redux  with his homosexual rantings(antiman this--antiman that, etc) and you Mitwah with your daily filthiness---and you have the gall to call yourself a loyal and devoted hindu ?---you are just a nasty piece of work---shame on you.



Originally Posted by Rev:

redux aka TK pissing on his EX--the AFC





You and redux (TK's alter ego) are two of the most vulgar and boorish posters on GNI---redux  with his homosexual rantings(antiman this--antiman that, etc) and you Mitwah with your daily filthiness---and you have the gall to call yourself a loyal and devoted hindu ?---you are just a nasty piece of work---shame on you.



Rev, you hate blackman. Yet, you kneel down in front of Kwamee and you quite willingly suck up the info from him and obediently follow his instructions. You are vile. Enjoy your suck little gurl.


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