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42 companies submit bids to construct new Demerara River bridge

A whopping 42 companies have submitted bids to construct the new bridge across the Demerara River. The bids were opened today at the Ministry of Public Works, Wights Lane, Kingston.

At the official ceremony, Minister of Public Works, Bishop Juan Edghill, said he was satisfied with the number of bids received and pledged to work in the interest of all Guyanese.

“The rules of engagement will be transparency, accountability, and full disclosure to the people of Guyana. That’s the assurances that the dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali's administration would have come to Guyana with. That is the modus operandi that we have followed since we are in Government and on this very significant public infrastructure project, we will continue to keep faith with the people of Guyana in keeping with the principles of good governance,” he said.

Senior Minister of Finance within the Office of the President, Dr. Ashni Singh, who has purview over the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board, also attended the ceremony.

Dr. Singh highlighted the importance of the event and was pleased with the number of bidders.

“We witnessed an unprecedented level of interest in a major infrastructural project in Guyana,” he said.

Minister Singh said the new Demerara River crossing will make a dramatic contribution to the improvement of the country’s transport infrastructure.

He also said the bridge must be built within the timeline given by President Dr.  Mohamed Irfaan Ali, three years.

Dr. Singh said the current Demerara Harbour Bridge has outlived its usefulness and relevance to Guyana of today.

“One merely has to observe the daily traffic congestion on the East Bank Demerara, both in the mornings and evenings, which has contributed to thousands and thousands of lost man-hours, as people endure the daily commute into and out of the city,” he said.

The Government has recognized the need to have a crossing of large capacity not only to meet the immediate challenges faced today, but also in its vision of transforming the overall transport landscape of Guyana.

Dr Singh highlighted, the new Demerara River crossing, in addition to the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the Guyana/Suriname Bridge, the Highway from La Grange to Parika, the Ogle to Haags Bosch bypass road, and waterfront developments, will ensure Guyana becomes a country with modern infrastructure. It will also improve connectivity between Guyana and with neighboring countries. (Extracted and modified from the Department of Public Information)

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Article posted.

20 companies submit proposals to build new Demerara Harbour Bridge

Stabroek News said 20.  How much tender are really there ?

From the article

Juan Edghill, who was present at the tender opening, stated that staff at NPTAB retrieved some 42 packages from the tender box.

Check the amount of Chinese Companies ,another shaft for Guyana if they get the contract. There goes the local labor force ,any one remembers the Marriot and CJIA ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Article posted.

20 companies submit proposals to build new Demerara Harbour Bridge

Stabroek News said 20.  How much tender are really there ?

From the article

Juan Edghill, who was present at the tender opening, stated that staff at NPTAB retrieved some 42 packages from the tender box.

Check the amount of Chinese Companies ,another shaft for Guyana if they get the contract.

The article I posted has a source but you can delete mine if you wish.

Last edited by Viper

The new Demerara River crossing, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the Guyana/Suriname Bridge, the Highway from La Grange to Parika, the Ogle to Haags Bosch bypass road, and the waterfront developments, will provide Guyana with the infrastructure they need to improve connectivity between Guyana and with neighboring countries.

With all the things that are happening under the PPP governance, how can they not get re-elected in 2025 and 2030?

@Ramakant-P posted:

The new Demerara River crossing, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the Guyana/Suriname Bridge, the Highway from La Grange to Parika, the Ogle to Haags Bosch bypass road, and the waterfront developments, will provide Guyana with the infrastructure they need to improve connectivity between Guyana and with neighboring countries.

With all the things that are happening under the PPP governance, how can they not get re-elected in 2025 and 2030?

Lots of PIE in the SKY at the moment ,wait for financing and completion.

Regarding the new location chosen for Demerara Harbor Bridge ,any feasibility study done on the impact of the population in the neighborhood .

The four lane highway ,where is the plan ? which part on West Coast Demerara will it be built ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Lots of PIE in the SKY at the moment ,wait for financing and completion.

Regarding the new location chosen for Demerara Harbor Bridge ,any feasibility study done on the impact of the population in the neighborhood .

The only feasibility study done was to ensure that the soil is not porous. The impact on the population would not be severe. They would need lots of business to develop on the outskirts of the bridge.

Django, don't try to insinuate that there is a bad judgement by the construction company who conducted the feasibility study.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The only feasibility study done was to ensure that the soil is not porous. The impact on the population would not be severe. They would need lots of business to develop on the outskirts of the bridge.

Django, don't try to insinuate that there is a bad judgement by the construction company who conducted the feasibility study.

When that was done ? which company did it ?

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

When that was done ? which company did it ?

It was done some time ago.     Who did it, is of little consequence now.

Although there are so many developments in the country, You tend to deny everything the PPP did.

@Ramakant-P posted:

It was done some time ago.   Who did it, is of little consequence now. Although there are so many developments in the country, You tend to deny everything the PPP did.

Who buys the pig in the bag ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are very biased in your remarks.  Did you ever chide the PNC for doing absolutely nothing in the last 5 years?  No, you didn't.

No feasibility study was done on the location of the new Demerara Harbor Bridge, plain and simple.

You are trying to tell it was done and we should accept. Regarding development in the past five years ,some people don't see.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

No feasibility study was done on the new  Demerara Harbor Bridge, plain and simple.

You are trying to tell it was done and we should accept. Regarding development in the past five years ,some people don't see.

I asked you what did they do and you cannot tell me so I posted what they have done and you didn't read it. Their achievements were share Bull.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I asked you what did they do and you cannot tell me so I posted what they have done and you didn't read it. Their achievements were share Bull.

You need to dig deeper ,even then you will see nothing ,because of being a PPP-ite

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

No feasibility study was done on the location of the new Demerara Harbor Bridge, plain and simple.

You are trying to tell it was done and we should accept. Regarding development in the past five years ,some people don't see.

No feasibility study for better kickbacks and when the project becomes a white elephant like the Skeldon factory, the PPP  blame others. These people don't do anything unless there is personal profit.

@Tola posted:

No feasibility study for better kickbacks and when the project becomes a white elephant like the Skeldon factory, the PPP  blame others. These people don't do anything unless there is personal profit.

There was one done under the last administration and a Dutch Company was selected to build the bridge ,when financing becomes available ,the location is from  Houston to Versailles , why not use the same location.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There was one done under the last administration and a Dutch Company was selected to build the bridge ,when financing becomes available ,the location is from  Houston to Versailles , why not use the same location.

Tell that to the PPP. They have their own agenda and it's in full throttle.

The PNC agenda didn't work out.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

Tell that to the PPP. They have their own agenda and it's in full throttle.

The PNC agenda didn't work out.

Shows clearly your lack of ability to think clearly. You need to remove your PPPite blinkers.

@Ramakant-P posted:

....,....You tend to deny everything the PPP did.

Like what? They are in the planning stage, done nothing yet. Ok ok, they fired a buncha people, flooded out some of the homeless, I hope you are not speaking of these because no one has denied any of it.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Like what? They are in the planning stage, done nothing yet. Ok ok, they fired a buncha people, flooded out some of the homeless, I hope you are not speaking of these because no one has denied any of it.

If they want to be inclusive, that is not a good start.

@cain posted:

Like what? They are in the planning stage, done nothing yet. Ok ok, they fired a buncha people, flooded out some of the homeless, I hope you are not speaking of these because no one has denied any of it.

The PPP didn't flood out anybody. No! I am not talking about your squatters. 

@Mitwah posted:

Shows clearly your lack of ability to think clearly. You need to remove your PPPite blinkers.

Why are you so stupid?

Do you think that the PPP cares about what you say?   You write share shyte all the time.


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