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44-year-old husband chokes teen wife… over cell phone call

June 27, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Yesterday, at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court, a probation officer was asked to step in after a 44-year-old man was charged with assault causing actual bodily harm on his 19-year-old common law wife, Stacey Stanley.
Presiding over the case was Magistrate Alex Moore.

It is alleged that on June 22, last, at the couple’s home at 77 Area E, Ogle, East Coast Demerara, Gavin McPherson, choked his teen wife and threatened to kill her during an argument over a cell phone call.

Court documents revealed that on the night in question, Stanley who is a mother of a one-year-old son went to a party. When she returned to their home, an argument resulted over a phone call the victim received. Her assailant then reportedly choked her and threatened to kill her. According to medical reports, the victim sustained swelling to the anterior region of her neck.

The matter was later reported and McPherson was subsequently charged for the said offence.

Mc Pherson, in his defence, said, “When I entered the bedroom, she was on the bed on her cell phone and I ask her to give me the phone and she press a set of buttons before she gave me and I snatch it from her.

“When I start to run the phone I see a man number that me and she use to quarrel over. When I see the number, I challenge her for an explanation and she start beating me up and she probably hit her neck in the process.”

Magistrate Moore then asked, “So, whilst in the process of her attacking you, she probably hit her neck on your fist?”

To this the defendant replied, “Well, Sir it could be.”

To this response, there was an outburst of laughter in the court room.

Attorney at Law, Motee Singh, rose in defence of the victim and disclosed in open court that Stanley had suffered a fractured shoulder about a year ago over an argument regarding their child.

At the mere mention of the incident, Stanley began crying and indicated to the Magistrate that she did not report the matter.

The defendant was granted bail in the sum of $20,000 when the matter was called on Tuesday last.

The case is expected to return on July 15 for the report from the probation officer.

This is a jealously rage that should never had happened. With the age difference, I see nothing wrong with that. She is over the leagel age and if she want an old man that's her choice. Old piano play sweet tunes.  


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