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Britain,  Europe Union,  US, and Canada are keeping the pressure on Gecom and the Guyana government to complete the recount of the votes casted on March 2 and declare the winner. 

We see the PPP heading for victory after being in the opposition for the last five years. 

Keep the hopes high ,"Indo pun tap again" with the front man fearless leader.

Credible March 2,2020 Elections

Last edited by Django

It's about respecting the right of the people to elect a government of their choice.  Voters had to cross racial lines to give the winning party over 50% of the votes.  Your bogus analysis of voting pattern has been a joke 

Django likes to throw in the race card when all else fails.  It’s the way to end any discussion. It’s a cheap form of manipulation. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are a very funny person.   You referred to Django as a blackman and a racist about ten times on this thread.  Little do you know that you have exposed yourself as confirmed racist. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones..


HUH? Are you getting delusional? Did someone spike your prune juice this morning and you got the shittings?
I speak my mind. I call it as I see it. I even cuss out the Guyanese coolies. I cuss the Chinese, The India Indians. So, go ahead and call me a racist. I HATE ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO TRIES TO SCREW AND STEAL FROM THE AVERAGE POOR MAN. So get off the damn race thing. I am my own man. No one tells me how to think and what to think.

@Mitwah posted:

Hey Rama and Skelly, cool it guys. With all that energy come over and help me do some yard work. Prune juice is good for old folks.

I am trying to finish the basement plumbing problems I had. The last stage now is to pour the concrete. Too much damn work for this old man. Jackhammer and sledgehammer. Never thought I can swing a sledgehammer or hold on to a jackhammer.


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