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Former Member

49-year-old woman raped at Kingsley Village, Berbice 

– alleged rapist, pardoned by President, arrested



A 49-year-old woman is now battling to erase from her memory the mental scars and trauma which constantly haunt her after she was brutally raped by a 21-year-old male at Kingsley Village, West Coast Berbice recently.

B Division Commander Errol Watts

B Division Commander Errol Watts

The woman, who is a domestic worker, was attacked by the male whose name was given as Ryan Gouveia in the village after he invaded her premises. On Saturday, residents of the community told Guyana Times that Gouveia is a known character and a young man who is usually involved in criminal activity. “He was caught attempting to rape two other girls and was sent to boy school. The boy then while at Boys school raped another boy and was sent to jail. All of this happening since he was “lil”…like 15 year old we hear”, one resident told this newspaper. Another resident from the village alleged that the boy was recently released from prison after being pardoned by President David Granger. This newspaper was told that the matter was transferred to Georgetown but on Saturday, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, when telephoned for a comment, could not give any details about this particular case. He advised that the B Division (Berbice) Commander would be the best person to contact for information. When Guyana Times contacted the Police authorities in Berbice, they were tight-lipped about the matter involving Gouveia. B Division Commander Errol Watts explained that the Police are investigating the matter and have already arrested the young man at the centre of the incident. He declined to speculate or confirm whether Gouveia was indeed one of the persons recently pardoned by President Granger. “I cannot speculate. I do not have that information at hand. I am unable to say whether he was pardoned from looking at his file. You will have to call the Head of the Guyana Prison Service, Mr Trotz because the President released the names to them and not the Police”, the Commander said. Trotz, speaking with the Guyana Times via telephone, said that he could not confirm nor deny that the young man’s name was on the list because he did not have the requisite information at hand.

Head of the Guyana Prison Service Welton Trotz

Head of the Guyana Prison Service Welton Trotz

He gave an undertaking to check his records and supply the newspaper with the information being requested on Monday. Residents in the area are not taking the matter lightly and are calling for the Police and prison authorities to investigate the incident thoroughly. They are demanding that the Police say definitively whether the 21-year-old young man was pardoned by the President. “His relatives have said so… and we heard him say so many times because we aint know how he get out of jail”, another resident stated. Guyana Times tried on numerous occasions, after President Granger made the announcement of his pardon of 60 young prisoners, to ascertain the list of the names of the individuals who were pardoned and given a second chance by the President. All that was revealed that the original list of 60 persons to be pardoned was reduced to 40. Countless calls and attempts to solicit the information have been stonewalled by the Guyana Prison Service, the Ministry of the Presidency and the Public Security Ministry. In mid June, the pardoned prisoners were released into USAID’s Skills and Knowledge for Youth Employment (SKYE) Project for a three-month rehabilitation programme. The three-month period would have expired last week. Even the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic had expressed concern over the decision by the President to release persons whom he said were “petty criminals” and incarcerated or remanded for “stealing cellphones” etc. Other members of civil society have already expressed their shock and reservations about the move in light of the Government’s refusal to be transparent and allow the names of those released to be made available to the public. President Granger had indicated that he would be pardoning selected prisoners annually.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Other members of civil society have already expressed their shock and reservations about the move in light of the Government’s refusal to be transparent and allow the names of those released to be made available to the public.


This news paper know they lie and are spreading rumors. This fellow does not fit the profile of those who offered a chance to rehabilitate their lives under strict controls.


This paper if it was not being a bilious bile rag would have verified their information before printing it.


So we don't have any evidence that this guy was pardoned, but it is presented as a matter of fact.


The fellow is obviously a mental case who does appear to be a clear and present danger. If he was indeed pardoned with that kind of criminal record then he should be castrated on top of any prison sentence.



Originally Posted by Nehru:


The PPP also released a number of people who went on to commit crimes. But in most cases they even refused to have criminals questioned by the police in connection with some serious crimes. Like the murder of Sawh.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This news paper know they lie and are spreading rumors. This fellow does not fit the profile of those who offered a chance to rehabilitate their lives under strict controls.


This paper if it was not being a bilious bile rag would have verified their information before printing it.

According to the article, numerous attempts were made to verify the veracity of what villagers were saying.  It is easy enough for the director of prison to verify. However, let us see if there is an official denial in the near future.

Originally Posted by Zed:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

This news paper know they lie and are spreading rumors. This fellow does not fit the profile of those who offered a chance to rehabilitate their lives under strict controls.


This paper if it was not being a bilious bile rag would have verified their information before printing it.

According to the article, numerous attempts were made to verify the veracity of what villagers were saying.  It is easy enough for the director of prison to verify. However, let us see if there is an official denial in the near future.

The Paper related a story that does not concur with the protocols for release for juveniles. They must all be convicted for possession or something similar not serious as bodily harm or rape. One cannot go about denying everything that is said since they put our one such story of falsehood, skirting the truth or half truth each day.


We need a sex offenders list. The lacking here is glaring as the lacking of rape kits in hospitals or trained police to handle these things. The police public relations arm should be out here answering questions. It cannot be business as usual that is why seelall. hickson etc  and most of the top brass needed to be re assigned. It is pure bull that these fellows sit on their asses and are not planning create a modern police force. We need outside advisers and outside criminologists to train the ones we have. Every station should have a couple of these and the information should be accessible by any officer in a car or in station.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
This is what happens when you have total anti koolie in control of things.

Anybody would be anti coolie if they are not coolie where racists are concerned. Were you not one of those willing to concede Guyana's territories on account of a black man in office?

I have no problem with a black man in office. I have said several times I have nothing against caribj being President of Guyana. What I have a problem with is total anti-koolieism and it's hate of the koolie.
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The PPP also released a number of people who went on to commit crimes. But in most cases they even refused to have criminals questioned by the police in connection with some serious crimes. Like the murder of Sawh.


All of sudden the PPP has become holier than holy and cases like this did not occur under them.

This was normal experiences for young women applying for jobs under the PPP, who are now struggling with serious mental issues.  


This was Jagdeo's motive when him and Ramroop decided to have publications and freely handed out broadcast licenses.

They want to control the mass media with their sensualisation news reports, that influences the people in a negative manner.

This drives Guyana further into the Atlantic.     

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Prashad:
I have no problem with a black man in office. I have said several times I have nothing against caribj being President of Guyana. What I have a problem with is total anti-koolieism and it's hate of the koolie.

Anti coolism for you will be any of the dark complected.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
danyael dude I don't have a PhD in total anti-koolieism like some of your leaders neither am I an anti-koolieist like some of your leaders.

I am my own leader. I write here on my own volition as a person committed to the best interest of my country as I see it.


As one who supported the PPP  to 2002, my opinion is not taken loosely. It is guided by conscientious observation and the full understanding that the blood of my blood, indians, are disgustingly viscous with their racism and it spills out in a nasty way in our politics.


It is de rigueur for most indians  here on this board, for example, to state openly that blacks cannot run a cake shop or to insist that Granger heeds help because he does not have the mental facilities to lead. That they glaringly neglect the fact he is more academically accomplished than any of the Indians before him is not even considered!


The reality is you cannot find any other person from any other race claiming such prerogatives! That you do not see the nastiness of it has to be a classified mental disease! You ruin the culture for the rest of us,


That tells me it is not "anti coolism" as you so vilely  puts it, to say as you have said, it is better to be under Venezuela than the present regime. It is straight up bloody, ignorant, traitorous behavior wrought of purulent racism.


The regime is not the matter under consideration for your loyalty but the assault on what should be sacred soil from which you rise as a person is!!!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

That Trotz guy is related to Granger.  It's a "Friends & Family" administration Running the country.  

You mean like Jagdeo and he wife Bobby.

While Varshanie sleep with  the mosquitoes.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Traitors and crooked like a snake.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Why is caribj in hiding?

A resident ALLEGED that this person was pardoned.


You really ought to do better than that.


Now resume your normal "black man a kill ahbe" screams.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

Last edited by Former Member
I never said that it is better to be under Venezuelan rule than the present administration. I said if Venezuela can provide the security for an independent state in Berbice for PPP and Roar supporters then it is something to consider
which is better than running the risk of living in a total anti-koolie governed country.
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

I ain't black. That's why. I even bet that I more light skinned than you.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
I never said that it is better to be under Venezuelan rule than the present administration. I said if Venezuela can provide the security for an independent state in Berbice for PPP and Roar supporters then it is something to consider
which is better than running the risk of living in a total anti-koolie governed country.

I think your reasoning is even more stilted than your racism? ROAR and PPP supporters being "given" Berbice by the Venezuelans is appropriate patriotism for you?


What makes you think Berbice is available to be given to one group in the first place? and why is it venezuela is appealing to you to do t his "give away"? It is not theirs to give away in the first place and the reason we are at an impasse.


Berbice like the rest of our country is thoroughly racially intermingled. There are almost 60 thousand people other than Indians there. There and Indians are not homogeneous? Do think your hive mentality dominates? What arrogance!

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

Why do you assume the man is black? The man stated here more often he is of German, Amerindian, Indian and black ancestry  ancestry. I am like him a polyglot of our people so no one can tell me what to label myself.


If you see me you will know that all of it passes through my veins and understand I cannot neglect one for the other because none of it fully defines me.


There are over 120 thousand blended people in Guyana plus another 80 thousand Amerinds.This black/indian fight is stale. Neither side owns the place and the presumption of one or the other ethnic labels to define us is abject nonsense. I embrace my polyglot blood line and culture because I feel secure in it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

coolie is not off limits on GNI


It was Prashad's hero Mama Janet Jagan who pardon the convicted murderer David Hill alias Rabbi Edward Washington from Prison after Hoyte had put him there for manslaughter.  According to her the Rabbi got used by bad people.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

This news paper know they lie and are spreading rumors. This fellow does not fit the profile of those who offered a chance to rehabilitate their lives under strict controls.


This paper if it was not being a bilious bile rag would have verified their information before printing it.

Dem PPP bhais used to say the same about KN.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
I never said that it is better to be under Venezuelan rule than the present administration. I said if Venezuela can provide the security for an independent state in Berbice for PPP and Roar supporters then it is something to consider
which is better than running the risk of living in a total anti-koolie governed country.

I think your reasoning is even more stilted than your racism? ROAR and PPP supporters being "given" Berbice by the Venezuelans is appropriate patriotism for you?


What makes you think Berbice is available to be given to one group in the first place? and why is it venezuela is appealing to you to do t his "give away"? It is not theirs to give away in the first place and the reason we are at an impasse.


Berbice like the rest of our country is thoroughly racially intermingled. There are almost 60 thousand people other than Indians there. There and Indians are not homogeneous? Do think your hive mentality dominates? What arrogance!

Ravi Dev and the rest of the Indo KKK homeland are convinced that Berbice is an Indo homeland.


1.  Most Indians live OUTSIDE of Berbice.


2.  At least 30% of Berbicians are not Indian.


3.  Berbice has the fastest rate of population decline, with some headed to Demerara.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

Why do you assume the man is black? The man stated here more often he is of German, Amerindian, Indian and black ancestry  ancestry. I am like him a polyglot of our people so no one can tell me what to label myself.


If you see me you will know that all of it passes through my veins and understand I cannot neglect one for the other because none of it fully defines me.


There are over 120 thousand blended people in Guyana plus another 80 thousand Amerinds.This black/indian fight is stale. Neither side owns the place and the presumption of one or the other ethnic labels to define us is abject nonsense. I embrace my polyglot blood line and culture because I feel secure in it.

Regardless as to Mr Ts ethnic identity, that still doesnt give him the right to stereotype drug dealing as an Indo only activity.


The fact that he is part black will not lead to me ignoring any anti black rhetoric from him.  It is a known fact that many mixed people in Guyana are ashamed of aspects of their ancestry, and sometimes are even more racist against that/those groups than are others.  Just look at the black vs. red man animosity which existed in Guyana. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:
danyael dude I don't have a PhD in total anti-koolieism like some of your leaders neither am I an anti-koolieist like some of your leaders.

you be very careful with this anti 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I never knew East Indians in Guyana to be so quick to sell out the country for a few bags of cocaine. Traitors galore on this site.

Now THIS is an example of an "anti coolie" statement.  Indians are NOT the only people involved in the drug trade.

As a descendent of a coolie family who were into farming I am perfectly within my rights to criticize other coolies who are committing treason. It is entirely up to you if you wish to defend the black traitors and cocaine drug lords. I can only speak for my own line of descent. 

Why don't you carry your racist scrunt Mr. T.


How would you feel if a call you a "N-word"?  Ass.  The C word is off limits just like the N word.

Why do you assume the man is black? The man stated here more often he is of German, Amerindian, Indian and black ancestry  ancestry. I am like him a polyglot of our people so no one can tell me what to label myself.


If you see me you will know that all of it passes through my veins and understand I cannot neglect one for the other because none of it fully defines me.


There are over 120 thousand blended people in Guyana plus another 80 thousand Amerinds.This black/indian fight is stale. Neither side owns the place and the presumption of one or the other ethnic labels to define us is abject nonsense. I embrace my polyglot blood line and culture because I feel secure in it.

Regardless as to Mr Ts ethnic identity, that still doesnt give him the right to stereotype drug dealing as an Indo only activity.


The fact that he is part black will not lead to me ignoring any anti black rhetoric from him.  It is a known fact that many mixed people in Guyana are ashamed of aspects of their ancestry, and sometimes are even more racist against that/those groups than are others.  Just look at the black vs. red man animosity which existed in Guyana. 

I think if any mixed person is ashamed of any part of them it is because they are not fully grounded in self. Indians and some blacks may persecute their blended kin but most still strive, survive and often surpass and over come. You live in a deluded world.  It does not match reality.


Speak to his anti indian rhetoric if you perceive it to be so and do not presume he is the entire group. That is the sin he complains about. Your presumption that because he is part something he is sub par is his complaint and rightly so. Get it in your head, race is a label that is not meaningful in any real sense. No group on the planet are less endowed with good sense than any other. You are not smarter than the entire black race. I doubt you even match up with the bottom rung.

Last edited by Former Member

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