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5 more REOs join 4 others on breadline

Paul Ramrattan

Paul Ramrattan

By Devina Samaroo


A new batch of Regional Executive Officers (REOs) have been axed by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government, which has been accused of embarking on a “witch hunting” exercise to get rid of professional public servants who are perceived to be affiliated to the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

Ashford Ambedkar

Ashford Ambedkar

The five REOs: Nigel Fisher – Region One (Barima-Waini); Ashford Ambedkar – Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice); Paul Ramrattan – Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) and Yolanda Hiliman – Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) were served with letters of termination with effect from September 7 – having only being given less than one week’s notice.

It must be noted too that their contracts were set to expire in January 2016.

Despite having already received several lawsuits amounting to millions of dollars from the victims of its arbitrary firings, the Government continues to engage in similar activities.

 According to a copy of the termination letter seen by Guyana Times, no reasons were given for the REOs’ removal. It just stated that “a decision was taken by management to terminate your contract of engagement”.

Donald Gajraj

Donald Gajraj

Prior to the dismissal of this new batch, the Communities Ministry was already advertising for persons desirous of filling the posts of REOs. Their applications were to be submitted no later than July 31.

Government had already dismissed the REOs for Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) Donald Gagraj; Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) Deolall Rooplall; Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) Ronald Harsaywack and Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) Claire Singh.

 Government had sought to defend this action by claiming that it needed more qualified persons to fill the posts, “given the complexity of managing five sectors within the region”.

Deolall Rooplall

Deolall Rooplall

Former Permanent Secretary of the Local Government Ministry, Collin Croal, during his maiden Budget presentation speech in Parliament on August 20, lambasted the Government for its “duplicity” to the Guyanese public and once again exposed the Administration for backpedalling on its word.

 President David Granger had announced, shortly after assumption of office that senior positions in the Public Sector should be occupied by individuals without political intentions.

However, Government’s replacement for the REOs in Region Eight and Region Nine are known to be activists of the present Government and they also appeared on the Party’s List of Candidates for the General and Regional Elections 2015.

Nigel Fisher

Nigel Fisher

The APNU/AFC Administration has come in for harsh criticisms over its unjustifiable firings of hundreds of professional persons in the Public Sector.

Time and time again, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has been exposing the David Granger-led Administration for its indiscriminate dismissal of Guyanese professionals on the basis of their “race and political affiliation”. More than any other thing, the PPP/C has objected to the manner in which the dismissals were effectuated, pointing out that the employees were not afforded due process. In most cases, the severing of accumulated benefits were deemed “vindictive”.


Ronald Harsawack

Ronald Harsawack

Thus far, the Government has fired former Permanent Secretary Croal; former Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry, Nigel Dharamlall; Guyana Power and Light Inc Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bharat Dindyal; Guyana Water Inc CEO Shaik Baksh; Guyana Sugar Corporation CEO Dr Raj Singh and all its Directors Geeta Singh-Knight, Shaik Baksh, Badrie Persaud, Keith Burrowes and Dindyal Permaul; former Local Government Minister Clinton Collymore; Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency Anne Green; acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba; Information Liaison Officers Kwame McCoy and Zulfikar Mustapha; among many others.

Yolanda Hilliman

Yolanda Hilliman

In addition, Government has sacked a large number of employees under the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) initiative, employees under the Amerindian Land Titling Project; 1972 Community Support Officers; employees from the Office of the President, employees of the National Communication Network (NCN), along with many others who did not make the news.

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Granger justifies dismissals in public service

September 4, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– Cites malpractice and disappearance of tax dollars

By Abena Rockcliffe

President David Ganger yesterday cast aside cries of witch hunting saying that in each case where the government has terminated the services of a public servant, there was a “good explanation.”
“There has not been a purge; there has been no witch hunting,” said Granger.
The President told the media of the instances where it was found that “funds have disappeared”. He recalled cases of malpractice saying that those cases were taken to Cabinet which made its decisions.
“So there has been no witch hunting or any purging.”
The Head of State said that his government intends to pursue a transparent and efficient economy.
He added, “In my first week in office, I mentioned that we need an efficient public service. Some persons who were not prepared to participate in our programme have since left the service.”
President Granger renewed his administration’s commitment to the launch of a Public Service Staff College. He said, “We want to make sure our Public Servants are trained and I told them that Public Servants  must be ‘unbribeable’. We want an honest and efficient Public Service (The public servants) will be better paid, better educated and they will be respected. That is what we are aiming at.”

President David Granger

President David Granger

Since the government assumed office, many officials spent a lot of time defending the dismissal of several public servants while the former governing party—People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C)—made cries of witch hunting and “ethnic cleansing.”
Many Government Ministers took time during their budget presentations to defend Government’s right to fire errant public servants. Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman, went as far as to say that “it is necessary” whenever a new government takes over to let some people go.
More than 20 persons who were secretly working at the Office of the President under the guise of being ‘Work Processor Operators’, but were actually doing political work under the People’s PPP/C Government, had their services terminated.
According to sources within of the Ministry of the Presidency, most of the staffers were being paid to write letters to the editors of the various newspapers, and to create fake profiles on Facebook and other social websites.
It would be one of the most glaring cases to have emerged in which State resources were being abused under the previous Government.
Almost a dozen of them had contracts with the National Communications Network (NCN), reportedly receiving salaries from that entity as well as from the Office of the President.
The 20-odd persons were said to be under the watch of Kwame Mc Coy, the controversial Press Liaison, who served under the administrations of Bharrat Jagdeo and then Donald Ramotar.
On Mc Coy’s orders, the special media unit was tasked with monitoring critics of Government and responding to them, in the online fora and in the newspapers.
Among the persons in the unit was a relative of a former senior PPP/C Minister and another is closely related to a Parliamentarian who lives in Berbice and works at the NCN branch.
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon had told the media that the Ministry of the Presidency was overstaffed by almost 200 persons.
Advisors to the former President, Donald Ramotar, and “research” personnel have been fired.
People like Odinga Lumumba, who had responsibilities for “Youth Empowerment” is also gone. At least two Permanent Secretaries who campaigned for the PPP were sent home.
The government also stopped paying 2000 indigenous Community Support Officers who were found to have been paid to do community work for the PPP.

Last edited by cain

In any business endeavour, the boss must have creditable people working to build and not to destroy.

These people placed in their positions by the PPP, if they follow the directions of Jagdeo and the PPP [who shows all indications of being hell bent in destroying], they might jeopardise the efforts of the new government, thus their removal is appropriate. The PPP when in office did exactly the same.  

It makes good business sense.   


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