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50 Billion hidden in Secret PPP Bank Accounts

By Editor

May 5, 2012


Yesterday at an AFC press conference held at Sidewalk Cafe on Middle Street, the AFC’s Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan declared that the PPP has hidden in excess of 50 Billion Dollars in secret PPP controlled and administered bank accounts.


Ramjattan stated that these monies were largely acquired and routed through NICIL which many including Carl Greenidge of the PNC as well as Chartered Accountant Chris Ram have questioned the integrity and accountability within this unit. It is important to note that NICIL is not audited in any way. The current Auditor General is not qualified to sign off on NICIL accounts even though he does and the main reason for this is because no qualified chartered accountant would sign off on the accounts of NICIL due to irregularities there.


Ramjattan stated that the monies which is being held in the National Industrial and Commercial Investment Ltd (NICIL) account, is “money accrued from the sale of assets” that were owned by the citizens. ”As a result, the money should have been placed in the people’s treasury. Instead, the government which authorized NICIL to act as the ‘sale agent,’ has the money in an account under their control. This has resulted in a situation where the elected representatives of the people cannot monitor or even question how the money is being used,” he indicated.


The PPP has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these funds exist or not.


Ramjattan continued that their silence is evidence that NICIL is in possession of huge sums of money. “That is why they are keeping it away from the public scrutiny, particularly the parliament’s scrutiny,” he added.


He said too that other experts are saying that the amount being questioned is far more than $50B.


Another AFC Executive Member Moses Nagamootoo later said the government has publicly acknowledged that there is a sum of $50B in the NICIL account and the question now is how these monies would be divested. He noted that stakeholders who are the people of Guyana are being denied the benefits of this money.


“We will demand that NICIL through the government should give a full account of every transaction of NICIL, every divestment, every property sold. To whom and for how much and then we will see who the beneficiaries of the sums are,” he said. He added that everybody knows who is benefiting from the NICIL funds. He went as far as to say that who will benefit from the construction of the controversial Marriott Hotel is known to some.


It is important to note that the last hotel investment the government made under the Jagdeo Administration resulted in not a single cent being repaid to tax payers and that Hotel was later sold at a windfall profit going to its previous owners. The Government at the time indicated that it was repaid with “free hotel rooms”.


We will demand that NICIL through the government should give a full account of every transaction of NICIL, every divestment, every property sold. To whom and for how much and then we will see who the beneficiaries of the sums are,” he said. He added that everybody knows who is benefiting from the NICIL funds. He went as far as to say that who will benefit from the construction of the controversial Marriott Hotel is known to some.


Ramjattan said that the process of establishing the Economic Services Committee of Parliament had started in view of the High Court’s recent ruling that the Committee of Selection as currently composed is legal and lawful. He said that now “we will have to make a further amendment to the Standing Orders. Right now the Standing Order has the Economic Services Committee should have four members from the government side and three members from the opposition side. There is a motion in Parliament to reconfigure that that the opposition will have four members and the government will have three members and so you will have a 3:3:1 scenario.”


Ramjattan indicated that the opposition would be driving hard to ensure that these funds are accounted for and that the people of Guyana can get the benefit of these sums owing to its citizens.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

That is avery plausible explanation. Everytime this Punk open his mouth you can expect raw garbage. Imagine he has hopes of being a President!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

That is avery plausible explanation. Everytime this Punk open his mouth you can expect raw garbage. Imagine he has hopes of being a President!!!

I can't see Ramjattan ever becoming president. If you read the article it is clear that he and Nagamootoo knows about the 50mil and still don't know if it exist.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

That is avery plausible explanation. Everytime this Punk open his mouth you can expect raw garbage. Imagine he has hopes of being a President!!!

I can't see Ramjattan ever becoming president. If you read the article it is clear that he and Nagamootoo knows about the 50mil and still don't know if it exist.

Bhai, The absolute lust for POWER  and WEALTH gat the Two of them like Joker and Scarface.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

That is avery plausible explanation. Everytime this Punk open his mouth you can expect raw garbage. Imagine he has hopes of being a President!!!

I can't see Ramjattan ever becoming president. If you read the article it is clear that he and Nagamootoo knows about the 50mil and still don't know if it exist.

the government has publicly acknowledged that there is a sum of $50B in the NICIL account.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

If Ramjhaaaaaatan is not a JACKASS then Jackass does not exist on this Planet. First, this fool need a Math Lesson and also a Brain.

Dear me! asking for accountability from the PPP is his job. BTW where does the failing of his math reveal itself in that piece? You are quite the clown as usual.

Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

Why would you say something like that? The gentleman is asking for accounting; responsible government does that. So far all we see are the appearances of government assets in the hands of PPPites and their friends and we see none of the standard debits and credits that ought to appear immediately in the handling of such transactions by responsible parties. The only reason they have been absent is because we have crooks dealing with our assets. Why the hell did they take the money from the sale of ATN assets and put it into the Marriott deal? Should it not go into the treasury to be allocated per a transparent parliamentary allocation?

Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

He is there risking his life and that of his family. Do you how many death threats he receives daily? Why would you make such a statement?


Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

Originally Posted by Henry:

Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

trying hard to out-KLOWN drug_b, i seeee


quite a task, but a worthy start . . . good luck

Originally Posted by Henry:

Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

And here I am thinking that larouche instilled paranoia is your only sin? You are obviously a dirt bag as well. 

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

trying hard to out-KLOWN drug_b, i seeee


quite a task, but a worthy start . . . good luck

They are both barking moonbats.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

trying hard to out-KLOWN drug_b, i seeee


quite a task, but a worthy start . . . good luck

Thank you, Redux, but I believe that my real competition is Mr. Ramjattan. I stand in awe of his Klownishness.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Yesterday at a poorly attended press conference held at the back dam near Beterverwagtin, someone declared that the AFC has what was described by an anonymous source as a "gay prostitution ring," as well as chronic littering in G/Town and occasional indecent exposure.


The AFC has been quite silent on this matter refusing to state whether these charges are correct or not. What is the public to think, when this organization is unwilling to come clean on such serious accusations?


Some people said that they would be driving hard to ensure that the AFC answers these charges.

trying hard to out-KLOWN drug_b, i seeee


quite a task, but a worthy start . . . good luck

Thank you, Redux, but I believe that my real competition is Mr. Ramjattan. I stand in awe of his Klownishness.

Should he come down to your level you will beat him with experience.


what you lowlife ppp thief have to worry about is not ram or moses but ralph these three indians that have the guts to speak out.there is indians out there that still love guyana and they can see the ppp is distroying it for their own personal gains


NEHRU YOU IS THE LAST PERSON that should be calling people names,these people choose to stay in guyana and help develop it you come to  live in a country that was already develop with other people blood and sweat

Originally Posted by Vish M:
Don't encourage "foolishness"
Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

What is foolish about that?? Everytime dat Chap open his mouth you have to wonder what he was smoking or snorting.

Originally Posted by warrior:

NEHRU YOU IS THE LAST PERSON that should be calling people names,these people choose to stay in guyana and help develop it you come to  live in a country that was already develop with other people blood and sweat

Isn't that what the PPP is doing. They were doing it from inception. They were jailed and rendered "ENEMY" but they never gave up. Maybe people like you need to start doing something for Guyana not just hope to PROFIT from Guyana.


NEHRU bai i am one of the people that was jail for the ppp,and i am doing things for guyana,i have business in guyana with workers that have to be paid,i am in a org in canada that help sick children in guyana.and maybe one day i will get to hang some ppp crime family

Originally Posted by warrior:

NEHRU bai i am one of the people that was jail for the ppp,and i am doing things for guyana,i have business in guyana with workers that have to be paid,i am in a org in canada that help sick children in guyana.and maybe one day i will get to hang some ppp crime family

So is GREED that has you in the current state???


do not be stupid bai,if it was greed i will be in the ppp,and i was offer lots of time to be in the ppp crime family.went i went back to guyana and live jagan ask me in person to do so

Originally Posted by Amral:

he is most likely snorting cocaine

I'll say this is in answer to Nehru's post just b4 Amral's. So is Nehru he's speaking about.


Oi Nehru, I hear somebody say...ah neva mind...

Originally Posted by warrior:

do not be stupid bai,if it was greed i will be in the ppp,and i was offer lots of time to be in the ppp crime family.went i went back to guyana and live jagan ask me in person to do so

Why do you suppose he did that? Was it your courteous manner and pleasant personality, or perhaps your good spelling and grammar?

Originally Posted by Amral:

BTW is this 50Billion US dollars or Guyanese$$$, I should have asked that first.


It is Guyanese $$$. Given that NICL does not provide audited statements, the weak auditor general, the fact that the wife of the MOF watches over the AG, I would not dismiss this G$50 bill claim outright. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by warrior:

do not be stupid bai,if it was greed i will be in the ppp,and i was offer lots of time to be in the ppp crime family.went i went back to guyana and live jagan ask me in person to do so

Why do you suppose he did that? Was it your courteous manner and pleasant personality, or perhaps your good spelling and grammar?

perhaps your good spelling and grammar


Ow bai Henry! Fee sarry fu am nah! Dis bai na get too much hedukashan. Me no he want fu play wid dem big bais. Dis bai only no 2 words dat somebady tell am; PPP an tief. Me sure dis bai na no fu spell tiel correckly. He na know fu spell small ting like maskita an he want fu spell big big ting like cow. Gyam wan break!




By what I've read warrior is a decent person, he is posting on a Guyanese site and even Iman does talk nuff nuff bruk up what?

Wanna bet if he was posting the shit the PPP guys have been posting it woulda been jus great, but he is speaking out against the PPP's corruption and yall givin the man a hard time.

Originally Posted by cain:

By what I've read warrior is a decent person, he is posting on a Guyanese site and even Iman does talk nuff nuff bruk up what?

Wanna bet if he was posting the shit the PPP guys have been posting it woulda been jus great, but he is speaking out against the PPP's corruption and yall givin the man a hard time.

Cain: I also think he is a decent person. I think he feels that by chanting the same mantra, he is getting to us. Sometimes I am hesitant to be hard on him. I feel sorry fo rhim. It's like kids who want to play a game they know very little about.
I give him crap just to rile him up. I'll be easy on his spelling and grammar.

Originally Posted by alena06:

The article is dated 5/5/12, and does not refer to any 'concrete evidence'..

note that the last hotel investment the government made under the Jagdeo Administration resulted in not a single cent being repaid to tax payers and that Hotel was later sold at a windfall profit going to its previous owners. The Government at the time indicated that it was repaid with “free hotel rooms”.


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