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500 get house lots at Providence Phase 3

Minister Ali addressing the crowd on Friday at the One Stop Shop

Minister Ali addressing the crowd on Friday at the One Stop Shop

By Jomo Paul

The Central Housing and Planning Authority on Friday pulled off another successful One Stop Shop at the National Stadium, which saw some 500 plus house lots being made available to citizens in a $1.2 billion housing scheme aback the National Stadium.

It was noted that $60 million alone went into providing Providence Phase 3 with electricity. Housing Minister Irfaan Ali, who gave brief remarks at the event, noted that the price that persons were paying for the house lots which is between $1.5 million and $2 million, was heavily subsidised, contending that the original price was almost three times that amount.

Ali pointed out that already major development has been taking place in the scheme, noting not only the availability of electricity but also the asphalt roads in the community.

No resale

He also pointed out that the Government has intentions of running a major roadway from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) to Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) through the housing development. This would give residents more entrance and exit options.

Further, he pointed out the area is well poised to become a major commercial district, complete with malls, Banks, and a University that is already under construction. With that in mind, it was noted that the house lots in the area would appreciate greatly and their value would “skyrocket”.

This man is about to retrieve his house lot number from the envelope [Jomo Paul photos)

This man is about to retrieve his house lot number from the envelope (Jomo Paul photos)

However Ali warned the would-be house lot owners of the dangers of attempting to sell or lease the house lots, an act which is deemed illegal. He said that though persons will be approached and offered huge sums of monies for their house lots, they should not take it.

“From the time people know that you’re the owner of a house lot in that vicinity, they are going to offer you a lot of money for the land. This will be illegal and you will not be entitled to another piece of land. Don’t be lured into any offer that would seem rewarding now,” Minister Ali said.

When Guyana Times arrived at the event, persons were seen lining up cordially to sign up and collect numbers. The persons at the One Stop Shop would have been notified by the Ministry of the availability of house lots in the area and were invited to the event. These persons would have made applications for land at the Central Housing and Planning Authority from as far back as 2010.

This newspaper spoke to several of the persons there who all expressed joy at the opportunity to own their own land in the area.

One man who gave his name as Terrence went to the event with his wife and youngest son. Terrence explained to Guyana Times that he was elated to have the opportunity to “finally” own a plot of land and begin construction of his own home for his family.

He said: “I am really excited, I can’t wait to start building. If I could have started building today, I would have started; I just can’t wait to get the process over with.”

When asked whether he had visited the area the man responded in the negative, but said from the reviews he has heard thus far from persons who would have taken the time to visit, he is “certain it won’t disappoint… we love the area”.

A woman who has visited the scheme explained that she was blown away by what she saw. “They have proper roads and I saw lantern posts, so that means electricity and the drainage, everything is just there; is just for me to go and build now. I am really, really happy that I received what I wanted; it is a very nice area,” she said.

She further explained that she had applied a long while ago and to have the opportunity presented to her was a “blessing”. She too contended that she would soon commencing building, adding that she was looking forward to the area becoming a major district in the coming years.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:
One man who gave his name as Terrence went to the event with his wife and youngest son. Terrence explained to Guyana Times that he was elated to have the opportunity to “finally” own a plot of land and begin construction of his own home for his family.

He said: “I am really excited, I can’t wait to start building. If I could have started building today, I would have started; I just can’t wait to get the process over with.”

500 get house lots at Providence Phase 3

September 13, 2014 By

Another wonderful occasion.


He also pointed out that the Government has intentions of running a major roadway from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) to Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) through the housing development. This would give residents more entrance and exit options.

This proposal is very necessary.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

He also pointed out that the Government has intentions of running a major roadway from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) to Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) through the housing development. This would give residents more entrance and exit options.

This proposal is very necessary.

* That is distressing news for the PPP Haters.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

He also pointed out that the Government has intentions of running a major roadway from Ogle on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) to Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) through the housing development. This would give residents more entrance and exit options.

This proposal is very necessary.

* That is distressing news for the PPP Haters.



Why people would go against developments that will benefit the citizens of Guyana? I don't understand this logic. Please explain, Rev!


Every administration can "proposed" something like feed, clothe and house the nation by 1972, but only the PPP administration delivers.


D_G, was it 1972 or 1982?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why people would go against developments that will benefit the citizens of Guyana? I don't understand this logic. Please explain, Rev!

* The PPP HATERS are petty and narrow-minded people who know that any progress, growth and development in Guyana would  reflect positively on the PPP in the minds of voters and so they selfishly and diabolically hope and wish for stagnation in the country, which would be a plus for the PNC/AFC.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Every administration can "proposed" something like feed, clothe and house the nation by 1972, but only the PPP administration delivers.


D_G, was it 1972 or 1982?

In the 1970's.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Every administration can "proposed" something like feed, clothe and house the nation by 1972, but only the PPP administration delivers.


D_G, was it 1972 or 1982?

In the 1970's.

Thank you, Sir! My history is fading. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ok boys lets plan and plot on how to thief more from the treasury.


While there are those who will project nonsense and distractions, the PPP/C is focused on the development and betterment for Guyanese.


What facts are you referring to Mr. HM_R? I will agree with you that the three gentlemen above are thieves. But I don't have any facts to support that. Please provide the facts if you have them. Thank you!

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ask surrendra for de facts and also ask NICIL for de facts.


Listen this is a good saturday don't start spraying serpent piss all over the place today.

You mean the same facts like saying that PPP and NICIL burn down Yumana Yana to make parking lot for Marriott? BTW, to maintain a fruitful conversation, you need to control your temper. Mr. Gilly ask me to show you respect and that's what I am trying to do here.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Why people would go against developments that will benefit the citizens of Guyana? I don't understand this logic. Please explain, Rev!

* The PPP HATERS are petty and narrow-minded people who know that any progress, growth and development in Guyana would  reflect positively on the PPP in the minds of voters and so they selfishly and diabolically hope and wish for stagnation in the country, which would be a plus for the PNC/AFC.



its worse than stagnation,the country going backward 


Ministry of Housing:


Corruptions in another blatant way, there are thousands who needs house lots and who when given (if lucky) will build a house for about 10M Guyana Dollar

With PPP/C almost giving away the house lots to their friends and cronies, it means that every house they (developers) build that cost them less than 10M Guyana dollars will be selling to the Public for 25 Million Guyana would look at this and say that maybe the Minister of Housing even will get a cut back or a bribe of at least 5 Million Guyana Dollars per house.

And so poor people are deprived of house lots by the PPP/C Governments.


Poor people who has applications for over three years, are being told that they cannot have house lots yet. But on the same token, the PPP dishes out prime property to their cronies and friends without any waiting time.


With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.      


I am sure that most of you who posts here, does not have any idea where Phase 3 Providence is.


It is way past Mocha, where if one lives in there he has to get his own transportation. So only a few would want to go and live there, behind god's back.


These homes have been proven after a year or two, to have cracks all over, and the people ask for guarantee to fix same, but this Corrupt Government refuses.

Who in their right mind would want to take out a mortgage for a house like the above and after a little over a year....the problems starts.


You dont believe what i am telling you, then find out what happens at Parfaite La Harmonie, on the West Bank of Demerara.




Another consideration is that when rain falls, the entire place is inundated with water all over. There is known to be no proper drainages


Security is another problem area.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.

Guyanese always have the choice to vote in any free and fair elections and the PPP/C will again be elected to govern the country.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.

Guyanese always have the choice to vote in any free and fair elections and the PPP/C will again be elected to govern the country.

Even if they do have a choice, they would not be stupidity to vote for the PPP/C.

Which all the new houses and schemes, the People took their house lots and still voted for the PNC Region 4.


When a man/woman spends his entire life savings, he/she expects to have some peace of mind.......Not with this Corrupt PPP/C.


Most of you guys think that given house lots to build houses on, is almost free, but some people have to take their life savings to purchase those lots,

(this Corrupt PPP/C gives it out almost free to their cronies and friends)

and in order to have a house, they will have to take out mortgage to build,

so it is not all that easy.


The Corrupt PPP/C wrings everything out of the Poor, nothing is free.

Originally Posted by seignet:

Do they have electricity and tap water?

Yes they do have electrical poles in the area, and yes they do have lines from the adjoining village that connects to the main Water Plant. In that few years time two, three, a new water plant would have to be erected. 

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.

Guyanese always have the choice to vote in any free and fair elections and the PPP/C will again be elected to govern the country.

Even if they do have a choice, they would not be stupidity to vote for the PPP/C.

Your personal opinion, yet all free and fair elections has clearly shown that the PPP/C emerges as the party which receives the most votes and hence forms the government.


Go today in the New Housing Schemes at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara, the Streets are broken up, when rain falls, it is like the Atlantic Ocean, Security is another concern, you leave your home to go to work in the morning, and when you comes back in the evening it is empty by thieves.

You do not need to take my word for it, enquire.


PPP didnt receive the most votes in the last election that is why they are a minority government.


The PPP has rigged the past 3 elections there is no doubt about that the OAS and the commonwealth observers have all agreed that the last election with bottom house polls and irregularities at GECOM HQ were quite prevalent.


Still your PPP lost the election, were it not for further bastardization of your guru Forbes constitution the PPP would be in opposition today. Thank Hubcap for that.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.

Guyanese always have the choice to vote in any free and fair elections and the PPP/C will again be elected to govern the country.

Even if they do have a choice, they would not be stupidity to vote for the PPP/C.

Your personal opinion, yet all free and fair elections has clearly shown that the PPP/C emerges as the party which receives the most votes and hence forms the government.

What I am trying to say is that the people are so much fraustrated with the Corrupt PPP/C, that whatever they have to dish out........fry rice, money, or what ever.......the people will take and still not vote for the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:
With these blatant corruptions how can the people go out and vote, who would they vote for?......well not the corrupt PPP/C.

Guyanese always have the choice to vote in any free and fair elections and the PPP/C will again be elected to govern the country.

Most of you guys think that given house lots to build houses on, is almost free, but some people have to take their life savings to purchase those lots, (this Corrupt PPP/C gives it out almost free to their cronies and friends) and in order to have a house, they will have to take out mortgage to build, so it is not all that easy.

The same conditions exist in all parts of the world, e.g., US_of_A, Canada, United Kingdom, the European countries, etc., etc., etc..


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