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5000 OLPF laptops dispatched from Haier, China

Published on Saturday, 22 October 2011 14:29
Written by Super User

A batch of 5000 laptops branded with the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) and Haier logos have left for Guyana by air and are scheduled for arrival on October 28, bringing a significant phase of the programme within reach. The first set of learning centres in the community commonly referred to as Information Communication Technology (ICT) Hubs will be launched in the next few days making way for the balance of 27,000 laptops before year end.

Recipients will be notified of the developments of the programme that seeks to provide 90,000 laptops to families over a two-year period as part of the national ICT enhancement initiative to bring the digital divide for those who need it the most. The contract for the delivery was sealed on September 14 when Permanent Secretary at the Office of the President Dr. Nanda Gopaul and Haier Electrical Appliance Limited General Director of Key Projects Sun Yongle inked the US$7.5M agreement at the Office of the President.

Haier had won the award after the tender was re-advertised in July for wider participation for the supply of the laptops. Eleven bids were received and subsequently evaluated by a technical team to ascertain whether they were substantially responsive. Of the list, three tenders fitted the criteria. The Chinese company has benevolently given an 18-month extension on the guarantee for the devices after Government had asked for 12 months and the substantial grant which China had given Guyana is likely to be used for the purchase of additional laptops.

Haier is mulling the establishment of a local office and is even brainstorming a local Haier manufacturing plant which the company’s Director of Key Projects envisages will be realized within the next two years.

Beneficiaries of the free laptops who receive training will be required to pass on the knowledge to every other member in the family and dedicate 30 minutes of their time to train other people

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