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$500M for City clean-up is an election

gimmick – City Hall

March 26, 2014 | By | Filed Under News

“…a teardrop in the ocean” By Zena Henry


Already, arguments are brewing over the budgeted $500M that will be pumped into the City for its rehabilitation, with the government saying that it is doing what is required of it in terms of cleaning up Georgetown, while the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) claims that not only is the allocation a “election gimmick”, but it is also “a teardrop in the ocean.”


Mayor Hamilton Green

Mayor Hamilton Green


Mayor Hamilton Green told reporters yesterday that “this is clearly an election gimmick or ploy as the run-up to either Local Government Elections or as we suspect, National Elections.” He said it is clear that this $500M will be used for propaganda purposes and even though he has not seen the details of the venture, there is no suggested sum of sustainability. The Mayor suggested that local polls are being delayed, while the government is ignoring the M&CC and taking it upon itself to pump money into the City while depriving the Council of what it needs to perform those functions. He highlighted also that as the governing body of Georgetown, the Council was not consulted on this initiative. Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green described the $500M as a “teardrop in the ocean”. She explained that while the Council is being ignored and the government is seeking to submit the amount for rehabilitating the capital, it is grossly insufficient. The Deputy Mayor pointed to the 1996 findings of the Council’s engineer, that to overhaul the drainage system alone would take more than $1B, keeping in mind the  continued deterioration of the city. Chase-Green touched on the sustainability of the project and indicated that cleaning the city is one thing, but its maintenance is another. Minister within the Local Government Ministry Norman Whitaker is however unmoved by the Council’s comments. He told Kaieteur News yesterday that the government realized that something had to been done about the growing issue of solid waste. “This amount of resource is being made available because there is recognition on the part of our government that something drastic has to be done early/quickly to address the solid waste bid. We thought when we engaged City Hall last year, in discussions as to what are the priorities and what will be done, that there would be significant improvement at their head; that didn’t happen.” He emphasized that at Cabinet level, he asked for considerable increases to resources. He conveyed that, “It has nothing to do with politics, it has to do with environmental and sanitation concerns.”


Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green

Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green


To allegations of the half-billion-dollar cleanup project being an “election gimmick” and “party elections campaign”, the Minister said that political parties, groups and for the first time, individuals, can represent their constituencies. “These persons have a specific interest. The government’s interest in terms of elections is ensuring proper readiness; not because the Constitution says the Minister shall; it does not mean the Minister will blindly and stupidly call elections. This thing is not about what a political leader wants, my position remains the same,” he stressed. The Minister also pointed out that he did not consult the Mayor and his team on the use of the money, but the Town Clerk, the City Engineer and the Council’s Solid Waste Director were brought on board. Kaieteur News understands that none of the budgeted half-billion dollars will go to City Hall. On the other hand, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment in a joint statement with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) welcomed the $1 billion that was budgeted for the nationwide ‘Clean-up Campaign’. “The Ministry sees this move as an investment to ensure a clean and healthy surrounding, and one that will deal with the problem of improper garbage disposal across our country, particularly the Capital City of Georgetown.” The Ministry said it is however “disturbed and baffled” at comments by the Mayor where he allegedly said that the budgeted sum is “unnecessary”.


Local Govt. Minister Norman Whitaker

Local Govt. Minister Norman Whitaker


The Ministry said that the initiative will build on the ongoing ‘Pick it up Guyana’ Campaign and other recent efforts, such as the recently passed Litter Enforcement Regulations to tackle the problem of garbage and littering. The Ministry, via the Environmental Protection Agency, will enforce the Litter Regulations, through the hiring of Litter Prevention Wardens, and an aggressive ongoing public education campaign. “These initiatives are being rolled out in collaboration with local government bodies, including the Mayor and City Council.”

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Mayor Hamilton Green told reporters yesterday that “this is clearly an election gimmick or ploy as the run-up to either Local Government Elections or as we suspect, National Elections.” He said it is clear that this $500M will be used for propaganda purposes and even though he has not seen the details of the venture, there is no suggested sum of sustainability.




Green why you do not shut yu baxside.


I am happy that they will clean up the place.  Now if you think it is a gimmick, then go to all the streets of Georgetown and tell the people.


But the people do not want to see GREEN since he is a historical crook.


So the Corrupt PPP/C says that they are giving to Georgetown $500 million, but they are not telling that this is for Irfaat Ali dream to make Goergetown

unlike an eyesore, so that when his tourist comes in the piles of garbage would be gone for a short while. And then from the 500, a part might be going to kickbacks.


Quote 'But the people do not want to see GREEN since he is a historical crook.'unquote


Green as the Mayor, is convenient for the Corrupt PPP/C no wonder they have him there and would continue having him there so that they can pass the blame to poor Green.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Mayor Hamilton Green told reporters yesterday that “this is clearly an election gimmick or ploy as the run-up to either Local Government Elections or as we suspect, National Elections.” He said it is clear that this $500M will be used for propaganda purposes and even though he has not seen the details of the venture, there is no suggested sum of sustainability.




Green why you do not shut yu baxside.


I am happy that they will clean up the place.  Now if you think it is a gimmick, then go to all the streets of Georgetown and tell the people.


But the people do not want to see GREEN since he is a historical crook.

That 500 Million would have been better spent to create an institution for housing those homeless people that sleeps all over Georgetown, and throw their garbage all over the place.

If you are in Georgetown, take a ride around Guyana Stores, Fogarty's GPO Building and in Water Street and Regent and Robb Street, where you will see

thousands, not hundreds, sleeping on the pave.


If the Corrupt PPP/C cleans Georgetown, without moving these people and putting them into an institution..........Georgetown will always be like an infestations of sores.


Bless the Thieving and Corrupt PPP/C, they certainly do know how to waste taxpayers money.


Hammie Green is shameless


GT Mayor says $1Billon clean-up campaign is unnecessary.
PPP should take that money and hold local government elections where this PNCR’s once would-be King ruler would be tossed in the very garbage heap he produced.For Hammie Green to talk about tax and whatever he has absolutely no shame.
If he had his way to raise the peoples’ taxes the amount of those imaginary employed would be tripled, then the tax payers will hear the same cries over again that we don’t have money.
They are thieving the peoples’ money. It is as simple as that.
Despite paying your bribe and you start to conduct your renovations or repairs to your property, a truck load of City Hall workers will show up demanding that you show them documents.
No one ever sees that same truckload of City Hall people carrying out their duties on a daily basis to keep Georgetown clean.
This is exactly how the would-be King Ruler one time crowned “PNC Prince” would be running Guyana, stink like Georgetown.
Does the PNCR have any shame and pride?
Even their core supporters dare not say a word but to live in the stench.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Hammie Green is shameless


GT Mayor says $1Billon clean-up campaign is unnecessary.
PPP should take that money and hold local government elections where this PNCR’s once would-be King ruler would be tossed in the very garbage heap he produced.For Hammie Green to talk about tax and whatever he has absolutely no shame.
If he had his way to raise the peoples’ taxes the amount of those imaginary employed would be tripled, then the tax payers will hear the same cries over again that we don’t have money.
They are thieving the peoples’ money. It is as simple as that.
Despite paying your bribe and you start to conduct your renovations or repairs to your property, a truck load of City Hall workers will show up demanding that you show them documents.
No one ever sees that same truckload of City Hall people carrying out their duties on a daily basis to keep Georgetown clean.
This is exactly how the would-be King Ruler one time crowned “PNC Prince” would be running Guyana, stink like Georgetown.
Does the PNCR have any shame and pride?
Even their core supporters dare not say a word but to live in the stench.

More PPP rubbish from the toilet paper newspaper, the Chranicle of LIES.


Many years ago I remember they had the prisoners going around helping to clean the city. Is this still done and if not why??


They should have a keep your city clean day like we do in Toronto. People and businesses go around with bags and help clean up the surrounding areas they live/work in. 

Last edited by Amral
Originally Posted by kp:

Hammie should jump in the Demerara River, ask him what happen to Shirley Field Ridley...

For those of you who are too young to know..he killed her and burned her body. 

Last edited by Former Member

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