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What Genocide ? whom are fooled in this modern day ?


(a) Deaths

When one considers the number of East Indians evacuated, the large number of Africans in the area and the negligible opposition which the attackers encountered, the number of fatalities was indeed very small.

There were two East Indians who died on the 25th May, 1964. Richard Khan, aged about 18 years, died at the Mackenzie Hospital two hours after admission. He had been attending high school in Georgetown. The other, Pau1 Mirgin, who operated a tug, was married and lived with his wife and four sons in the Valley of Tears.

Gussie English* an African was shot on the 25th May, 1964. He died the same day.

On the 28th May, 1964, Isaac Bridgewater was killed. He was the father of Senator Christina Ramjattan and lived at Section C, Christianburg.

On the 27th May, 1964, Byron Wharton*, an African, died because of extensive burns suffered when he was trapped in a burning building.

Following the Sun Chapman disaster the bodies of 35 persons were taken to Mackenzie and 12 others were listed as missing or unidentified. All of these were Africans. The Sun Chapman incident resulted in five East Indians being murdered at Mackenzie.

There are no official records of the deaths of these persons as no entry has been made in the Register of Births and Deaths. The dispenser who is also the Sub-Registrar for Births and Deaths left for Georgetown on the 24th May and never returned. His place was looted. The present dispenser did not even prepare a temporary list of deaths from the Police record pending the report from the coroner. He did not attend at the Inquiry in order to be of some assistance to the Commissioners. The Assistant District Commissioner who supervises the Sub-Registrar has done nothing to regularise the position. Up to the time when evidence was being taken at the Inquiry the coroner's court had not started to enquire into these deaths.

[Editor's Note: * Gussie English and Byron Wharton met their deaths while they were involved in looting.]

(b) Injuries

On the 22nd May, 1964, three people, a man, his wife and their daughter, were admitted to the Mackenzie Hospital suffering from injuries sustained a result of a bomb being thrown into their home.

On the 24th May, 1964, two male persons were admitted to the Mackenzie Hospital. They were beaten. There was one case of shot-gun wounds. He was treated and sent away.

On the 25th May, 1964, thirty-three persons were admitted to hospital with several injuries ranging from gun shot wounds, fractures of the skull, mandible and humerus, lacerated wounds, multiple contusions and abrasions. Children suffered bruises, women suffered rape, fractures and lacerated wounds. One woman suffered a fractured right humerus and both bones of the right forearm. Another pregnant woman had multiple contusions about the body. Her baby was born the next day 26th May, 1964, a full term child. Victor Bholai Singh suffered a fractured pelvis and left fibula. He gave evidence and we noticed that he could not walk nor stand up properly. There were six cases of rape, some of whom had been successively raped by several men. Four were hospitalised and were treated and sent the next day to Georgetown Hospital. These cases were still bleeding slightly when they were examined at Georgetown Hospital. Eighteen persons were treated by the St. Johns Ambulance Brigade.

One African had a bullet wound through his right arm. This injury was inflicted by the security forces.

The records of the persons admitted and/or treated at the Georgetown Hospital, although not as carefully documented as we would have liked, disclosed that about 14 cases were hospitalised.

One 15-year-old girl who had been raped, besides her physical suffering, had received a terrible mental shock, and there is no doubt that her experiences on the 25th May will leave an indelible scar on her memory.

On the 26th May, 1964, three persons were hospitalised for their injuries. One was treated and sent away.

On the 27th May, 1964, one Indian was beaten and an African who swam the Demerara River near the Christianburg area, because of rumour that the East Indians were coming to attack the community, was suffering from exhaustion and a punctured wound in the right arm.

On the 6th July, 1964, seven persons were injured including a child 3 years old who suffered a depressed fracture of the skull. She had to be sent to the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital in Georgetown where after some time she recovered. Her brother, aged 10, was murdered when he tried to save her from further injuries.

In the Sun Chapman disaster 10 persons were injured. Five of these were admitted to the hospita1 and the other five treated and sent home. Seven other persons were treated for shock when they heard the news of the disaster.

(c) Loss and Damage

Two hundred and twenty houses were destroyed. Of those, five belonged to Africans. Three of the five were destroyed either because they were owed by P.P.P. members or by persons who had assisted East Indiana during the disturbances. The other two could not have been saved when large Indian buildings adjacent to them were on fire.

Stocks, including household furniture and general merchandise, were looted, and what could not be taken away were burnt with the buildings. Only a very small proportion of looted goods has been recovered and restored to their owners. Some loot is still lying unclaimed at the Wismar Police station.

The Social Assistance Department compiled statistics relating to the displaced persons from Wismar-Mackenzie area and they were made available to the Commission. The number of families displaced is 744 comprising 1,249 adults and 2,150 children making a total of 3,399 individuals. The estimated value of the houses is $1,457,810. The number of business premises is 87, valued at $448,540. There were 8 farms destroyed valued at $6,500 and livestock lost valued at $30,000. The estimated value of the total amount of property destroyed or lost is $1,942,850.

The occupational groupings of the displaced families are:
(a) Farmers 24
(b) Artisans 315
(c) Businessmen 101
(d) Clerical Employees 114
(e) Unclassified 190

The estimated loss in earnings, wages, or salaries per month is $135,600.

On arrival in Georgetown the evacuees were taken to the Ruimveldt bond where they were given free board and lodging for 10 days. After this period they received immediate money grants which amounted to $16,500, and they were assisted with food vouchers monthly. Every adult was given a food voucher to the value of $6 and $4 for each child per month. The vouchers were not available for clothing but they were assisted in this respect by religious and charitable organisations. Food vouchers amounted to $18,100 per month.

The number of families who we re unemployed as a result of the disturbances are as follows:
(a) Farmers 19
(b) Artisans 285
(c) Businessmen 100
(d) Clerical Employees 96
(e) Unclassified 244

These people were placed either with friends or relatives so that they could try to pick up the threads of their broken lives.

The individuals who were working at Demerara Bauxite Company on the 25th May, 1964, were 365. Of this number 342 were evacuated on the 27th May, 1964, but some of those returned subsequently. During the period between 27th May, 1964 and the 6th and 7th July, 1964, 175 were employed. On the 7th July, 1964, 132 persons were evacuated. Of the total evacuees during this period 163 persons were granted leave of absence and 116 decided to terminate their employment with the Company.

Demba gave $10,000 as financial assistance to the evacuees and the Maha Sabha expended a total of about $30,000 to assist the displaced persons.

Many of the building were not insured against riot and as a result, with one exception, no one received any insurance money for buildings or stocks. In many cases the buildings were insured below the market value. One building was insured with the Hand-in-Hand Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ltd. for $60,000. This claim was settled. The number of people insured with the Hand-in-Hand Insurance Company was 13 and the value of the buildings and stocks amounted to $100,000. Of this amount $6,000 was paid out. The British Guiana and Trinidad Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ltd. had buildings and stocks insured to the value of $335,933: buildings $253,593.00, stocks $78,000, machinery $600, furniture and other household items $3,940. No amount was paid out. There were no records of claims for life insurance as a result of the disturbances. As a result of the injuries and lootings a few criminal cases have been instituted. Some have been terminated whilst others are pending.

Many witnesses named persons who had attacked and/or robbed them. We were informed by the Police that prosecutions have been instituted against some of these persons.

Last edited by Django

On May 26, 1964, murderous villains descended upon Mr. Bissoon who had a store in Wismar. They were about to burn down the house. He begged them to take everything but spare him, then went to school, picked up his daughters and fled to my village. He built the Nazarene Church and often gave testimony of that day, that's how I know about it.

55 years ago, pens inscribed with 'Independence Day, May 26, 1966' were distributed at all schools. 

LFSB, the man who drove everyone to distant shores. I'm thankful though, because I would have long been killed by thugs if I were still living there. 


Nothing to celebrate. A racist shithole failed state that will always be a racist shithole failed state. Where the koolie is seen as an inferior subhuman only good for death or to produce girl children to impregnate. I say let my people create their own independent sovereign country where they can live in peace and harmony.

@Django posted:

What Genocide ? whom are fooled in this modern day ?


(a) Deaths

When one considers the number of East Indians evacuated, the large number of Africans in the area and the negligible opposition which the attackers encountered, the number of fatalities was indeed very small.

There were two East Indians who died on the 25th May, 1964. Richard Khan, aged about 18 years, died at the Mackenzie Hospital two hours after admission. He had been attending high school in Georgetown. The other, Pau1 Mirgin, who operated a tug, was married and lived with his wife and four sons in the Valley of Tears.

Gussie English* an African was shot on the 25th May, 1964. He died the same day.

On the 28th May, 1964, Isaac Bridgewater was killed. He was the father of Senator Christina Ramjattan and lived at Section C, Christianburg.

On the 27th May, 1964, Byron Wharton*, an African, died because of extensive burns suffered when he was trapped in a burning building.

Very unfortunate incident on May 25, 1964 at Wismar, Demerara River.

1. Richard Khan -- my cousin.

2. Paul Mirgin -- a family member.

3. Isaac Bridgewater -- my godfather.

@Prashad posted:

Nothing to celebrate. A racist shithole failed state that will always be a racist shithole failed state. Where the koolie is seen as an inferior subhuman only good for death or to produce girl children to impregnate. I say let my people create their own independent sovereign country where they can live in peace and harmony.

Take West Demerara and make it your Independent Sovereign Country.

@Django posted:

Upon reflection what's there to celebrate ,the nation was divided when independence was given and continues to this day.

that sums it nicely.

Stabroek has a great editorial today on the 55th aniversary

Today, the nation of Guyana is 55 years old, an age at which people tend to contemplate (though quite a few abstain or procrastinate) the status of their lives; get that long overdue physical check-up, make preparations for retirement, begin the first drafts of their wills and generally put their affairs in general order...â€Ķ.>>>>>>

Our country’s motto of One People, One Nation, One Destiny might as well be the catchphrase or sales pitch presented to potential tourists seeking to escape to an imaginary utopia. It is certainly not representative of today’s situation where the two political bases continue as they have for the length of our existence to subtly, and directly push to ensure that we are a sharply divided nation, with total distrust for the ‘other side.’ This harsh underlying reality which lies perpetually bubbling under the surface like a dormant volcano came very close to erupting after last year’s general elections.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

These violent acts were accompanied by large scale arson which saw the destruction of more than 200 houses and business places owned by Indians.

This what this forum is denying.

There is no denying what occurred ,I was a kid at that time, thanks to the late Odeen Ismael for providing the documents ,debunking the LIES told to the people.Many are still spreading the disinformation.There was no GENOCIDE on  May 26,1964 in Wismar.

Not East Indians suffered , also other ethnicity suffered.

Eight in Family Are Killed in British Guiana Bombing

GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, June 12—Arthur Abra‐ham, 47 years old, who was once permanent secretary in Premier Cheddi B. Jagan's of‐fice, and seven of his nine chil‐dren died today when their city home was burned down after terrorists had thrown two bombs into it. The children, four girls and three boys, were from 6 to 10 years old.

Mr. Abraham was transferred to the Ministry of Works six months ago after documents disappeared from his office.

The bombs were thrown as the family slept. Mrs. Abraham escaped by jumping through a window. The other two children were away from home.

Terrorists also tried to burn down the home of Senator Ann Jardim, a member of the United Force party of Peter D’Aguiar.

Today's deaths brought to 46 the number of persons killed in the 121-day‐old strike of sugar workers.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

No one is deny what occurred ,I was a kid at that time, thanks to the late Odeen Ismael for providing the documents ,debunking the LIES told to the people.Many are still pedaling the disinformation.There was no GENOCIDE on  May 26,1964 in Wismar.

Not East Indians suffered , also other ethnicity suffered.

Eight in Family Are Killed in British Guiana Bombing

GEORGETOWN, British Guiana, June 12—Arthur Abra‐ham, 47 years old, who was once permanent secretary in Premier Cheddi B. Jagan's of‐fice, and seven of his nine chil‐dren died today when their city home was burned down after terrorists had thrown two bombs into it. The children, four girls and three boys, were from 6 to 10 years old.

Mr. Abraham was transferred to the Ministry of Works six months ago after documents disappeared from his office.

The bombs were thrown as the family slept. Mrs. Abraham escaped by jumping through a window. The other two children were away from home.

Terrorists also tried to burn down the home of Senator Ann Jardim, a member of the United Force party of Peter D’Aguiar.

Today's deaths brought to 46 the number of persons killed in the 121-day‐old strike of sugar workers.

Ishmael may be a heavily rewarded Jagan propagandist?  May be take everything with a grain of salt?

Last edited by Prashad
@Ramakant-P posted:

You cannot change what people said about you, but you can only change your reaction to what they said.

Ok then suppose a banna called me nasty names and lied about me and I kicked 'im rass in the left nut, how do I change that reaction, do I kick e rass again but this time in the right ..jus to balance off things?

@cain posted:

Ok then suppose a banna called me nasty names and lied about me and I kicked 'im rass in the left nut, how do I change that reaction, do I kick e rass again but this time in the right ..jus to balance off things?

Correct Cain ...

You should be balanced with your actions.

Last edited by Former Member

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