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caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

I can assure you presently the DNC is reconstituting itself.

Unless you all leave the Ivory Towers and LISTEN to the people instead of preaching to them.

Taking into account what THEY think is important, instead of what you think that they should prioritize.

Learning that no party "owns" any voting bloc, and these voting blocs aren't monolithic.

Then the Democrats will lose.

If this election taught us anything its that the bases of BOTH parties hate their elites. This is why we have Trump as president. He knew the GOP base much better than many, and was also skilled at getting enough swing votes.

Turns out that more Americans in the swing states didn't care about a foul mouthed bigot. What they cared is the fact that he successfully mounted a scam that he could improve their lives. Hillary wasted time with her "Nasty Women" rather than showing that this was a fraudulent claim.  This because her campaign team knew nothing about what was important to many voters. They pushed their own value systems on these people and are confused as to why this was rejected.

When working class women cared more about issues ( RACISM )beyond misogyny the campaign should have listened and refocused their messaging on issues important to these people.

What should have been in the face of every American 24/7 were scenes of Trump screaming that the US auto industry be allowed to die, and also scenes of Asian women making Trump's ties and other clothing.

If you know all these things why blame democrats for strategy.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Yes, he won fair and square!!

Yes he did. So now he is president he will have to bring back jobs.

By March 2017 I would like to see all the closed factories humming with jobs brought back from China.  Why not as Trump is a magician.  Let us see 11 million immediately deported.

Let him tell 20 million people who have insurance through the exchanges, sorry no health insurance for you.

All of this by March 31, 2017. He will have 2 whole months to do this.

None of the above will be accomplished,his supporters were duped.

Danyael posted:

If you know all these things why blame democrats for strategy.

Why not blame the Democrats for strategy. The women said that they think that men in general are sex pigs and so didn't attach priority to the fact that clearly Trump is one. They said that they will vote for Trump because they thought that he was a successful businessman who would bring jobs.

Now I would think that this would bring about a change is strategy. But the week before the election, when many were already voting, rather than slaying the Trump job creator image, it was all about Trump the Sex Pig.

Well 53% of white women voted for Trump.  As did more Hispanics, blacks, and Asians, than who voted for Romney. 

The Hillary campaign didn't understand their base.  Now they are busy screaming that a WHITE woman was rejected by whites because of her race. Well a (HALF BLACK) Obama won in 2012 with the votes of many of those same WHITES who voted for Trump.

A better use of their time will be to discuss why the messaging didn't inspire the Democratic support base to vote in their usual numbers, and why there was some moderate inroads by Trump into the non white vote.

In fact the BIG QUESTION is how come a bigot INCREASED rather than reduced votes for the GOP among blacks, Asians and Latinos?  Hillary ought to thank her stars that it wasn't Rubio, or she would have also lost NV and CO as even more Latinos would have defected!

Django posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Yes, he won fair and square!!

Yes he did. So now he is president he will have to bring back jobs.

By March 2017 I would like to see all the closed factories humming with jobs brought back from China.  Why not as Trump is a magician.  Let us see 11 million immediately deported.

Let him tell 20 million people who have insurance through the exchanges, sorry no health insurance for you.

All of this by March 31, 2017. He will have 2 whole months to do this.

None of the above will be accomplished,his supporters were duped.

And I suggest that the Democrats prepare for this. But what are they doing. Calling every one who voted for Trump a member of the KKK. Even the blacks, Hispanics and Asians who did so. Accepting no responsibility for the fact that they are out of touch with their own support base, so have messaging that was inappropriate.

Here is the deal. The Democratic leadership needs to be replaced. All of those "bright, white" Liberals need to go.  They live in a bubble and are too arrogant to respect those who live in a different world. They tell people how to think, and what they should consider to be important. 

People who have seen their real incomes plummet over the past 15 years can only focus on that. Leave the green energy and all the other favorite causes that Rich White Liberals love until after you win. As is one of their favorite causes, gay marriage, will likely go. As I recall that was one of Obama's executive orders as I don't recall either the House or the Senate approving this.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

If you know all these things why blame democrats for strategy.

Why not blame the Democrats for strategy. The women said that they think that men in general are sex pigs and so didn't attach priority to the fact that clearly Trump is one. They said that they will vote for Trump because they thought that he was a successful businessman who would bring jobs.

Now I would think that this would bring about a change is strategy. But the week before the election, when many were already voting, rather than slaying the Trump job creator image, it was all about Trump the Sex Pig.

Well 53% of white women voted for Trump.  As did more Hispanics, blacks, and Asians, than who voted for Romney. 

The Hillary campaign didn't understand their base.  Now they are busy screaming that a WHITE woman was rejected by whites because of her race. Well a (HALF BLACK) Obama won in 2012 with the votes of many of those same WHITES who voted for Trump.

A better use of their time will be to discuss why the messaging didn't inspire the Democratic support base to vote in their usual numbers, and why there was some moderate inroads by Trump into the non white vote.

In fact the BIG QUESTION is how come a bigot INCREASED rather than reduced votes for the GOP among blacks, Asians and Latinos?  Hillary ought to thank her stars that it wasn't Rubio, or she would have also lost NV and CO as even more Latinos would have defected!

I am sure they understood it as well given the information. Any candidate would have been beaten by Hillary minus the attorney general putting up a road block in her way and stopping what was clearly a momentum. If their data was marginal they would have fared better with the rising tide of that movement that was checked. They lost by tiny margins.

Danyael posted:

I am sure they understood it as well given the information. Any candidate would have been beaten by Hillary minus the attorney general putting up a road block in her way and stopping what was clearly a momentum. If their data was marginal they would have fared better with the rising tide of that movement that was checked. They lost by tiny margins.

Trump is an ogre and a brute. It is baffling to many, and I told you this, why Hillary couldn't just have blasted him away the way that LBJ did to Barry Goldwater.

She didn't, and so the FBI scam was enough to have her be wiped out.

Now she could have spent that week blasting America with videos of Trump screaming that Obama was wrong to bail out the auto industry and that American workers were over paid. She could have had other videos which shows Trump sourcing product out of Asia.

So even as many would have thought that she was a fraud because of the emails, they would have seen Trump as a lying hypocrite and a destroyer of American jobs. In addition of course to being a brute.

Now we hear Latinos saying that they voted for Trump because they think that a highly successful man like him would bring jobs. That they don't like him personally, but he gave them more confidence that he could create good paying jobs than Hillary did.

So even as he called Mexicans rapists and murderers, Latinos who weren't Mexican went to the polls to vote for him. A whole 30% of them! MORE in FL. Now we discover that many of the Puerto Ricans in FL, whose turn out caused the Latino vote to DOUBLE, might have supported Trump!

Danyael you can fool yourself that it was all Trump's fault why he won. Implying of course that Trump should have allowed Hillary to win. OR you can admit that the messaging was wrong. Many in the Dem base didn't buy it, so stayed away, with some even defecing to Trump, the bigot!

Think of this. Trump is an Anti Hispanic bigot yet one almost 1 vote from them for every 2 that Hillary one.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

CNN ..

Was in fact an unending advertorial for Trump. Their gushing admiration was nauseating.  Even Soledad Obrien, a Cuban American, had to upbraid them for making white supremacy respectable.

Don't over estimate Trump's support. He will have to deliver very quickly, or he will be in deep trouble once the honey moon period finishes. And it always does.

Last edited by Former Member

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