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@Former Member posted:

Six South American nations say declare CARICOM-certified recount figures

The Governments of Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru have jointly called on the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to formally declare the results of the CARICOM-certified recount, and for all political stakeholders to respect the transparent process as it demonstrates the will of the people as expressed on March 2.
CARICOM had found that the recount results represent the will of the Guyanese people, and stated that it should form the basis of a declaration. The six governments noted and endorsed the Organisation of American States (OAS’)s support for the recount, as well as that of the European Union. They also stated that they value the actions being taken by the OAS. The OAS on Tuesday had held a special meeting to discuss the Guyana situation, during which 22 member states were represented in a firm call for a declaration of the results of the transparent vote recount.
This statement from the six South American governments was made through the Forum for the Progress and Integration of South America (PROSUR), an initiative for an intergovernmental regional bloc. They have expressed concern about the delay in the conclusion of the electoral process in Guyana, as elections were held since March 2. PROSUR said that the situation threatens Guyana’s stability and threatens democratic principles. The countries, like Guyana, are signatories to the Inter American Democratic Charter – a document signed by countries of the Americas, committing to defend and preserve democracy in the hemisphere.
The APNU+AFC coalition, which currently holds de facto power in Guyana, has not endorsed the transparent vote recount, but the district declarations, which most notably include the fraudulent Region Four declaration which was made on March 13 by Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo.
The six governments have emphasized that one of the essential guidelines of PROSUR is respect for democracy. The declaration which began the process to form PROSUR is called the β€˜Declaration of Santiago for the renewal and strengthening of South America’. Section five of that declaration, for which Guyana is a signatory, states β€œThat the essential requirements to participate in this space will be the full validity of democracy, of the respective constitutional orders, respect for the principle of separation of the Powers of the State, and the promotion, protection, respect and guarantee of human rights and fundamental freedoms…”
PROSUR is an initiative meant to replace the Union of South American States (UNASUR) from which most initial member states have withdrawn, due to the region’s debilitating relationship with Venezuela. Amidst the withdrawals from UNASUR, PROSUR held its first summit in 2019, and excluded Venezuela. Apart from the six states making the joint statement, Argentina and Guyana are PROSUR member states as well.


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