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Monday, July 31, 2017  Source

70 single houses will be built to relocate the Broad and Lombard Street squatters, each costing $1.2M, with funding provided by the Ministry of Communities and Food for the Poor. This was disclosed during the ministry’s mid-term review and budget proposal held at the Regency Hotel, Hadfield Street.

Minister within Ministry of Communities Valerie Adams-Patterson explained that the decision to relocate the squatters was due to the legal action taken by the land owner and a High Court decision. This led to a six-week eviction notice.

Minister within the Ministry of Communities, Valerie Adams-Patterson

“We have taken the initiative to relocate those persons. We have commenced work at Barnwell North on the East Bank where we are currently advertising to have the road done. That will facilitate house lots’ development and in collaboration with Food for the Poor we have already negotiated we are doing 70 single houses there. When we did the registration, it was close to 68 adults and 100 children in that little area,” Minister Patterson noted.

The minister emphasised that government will not allow their citizens to live in those conditions hence the relocation programme. “Our focus from CH&PA is, far as is practical, to build the low cost houses and relocate these persons and we are also looking at a similar project in Industry on the East Coast to relocate squatters from Sophia, East and West Ruimveldt and its immediate environments”, Minister Patterson explained.

The government will be investing $42M on the relocation programme, which will be transferred to Food for the Poor for the construction of the houses and $30M for the infrastructure development of the area.

Minister Patterson also reminded that government remains committed to providing lands and houses for other persons and urges that they remain patient.

By: Neola Damon

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These jackasses using tax payers money to buy votes. Imagine paying 1.5M per home for squatters, persons living illegally on other people's land. Not even in the US do we do this type of shyte. The slop can crew proppa love their jackass Granger. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

These jackasses using tax payers money to buy votes. Imagine paying 1.5M per home for squatters, persons living illegally on other people's land. Not even in the US do we do this type of shyte. The slop can crew proppa love their jackass Granger. 

70 single houses will be built to relocate the Broad and Lombard Street squatters, each costing $1.2M, with funding provided by the Ministry of Communities and Food for the Poor.

The government will be investing $42M on the relocation programme, which will be transferred to Food for the Poor for the construction of the houses and $30M for the infrastructure development of the area.


Where you got that figure from.??

Bibi Haniffa posted:

They worrying about squatters and prisoners are still running around the country.

i see criminals in freedum house still walking the streets this government should do a better job and send them to prison  

Drugb posted:

These jackasses using tax payers money to buy votes. Imagine paying 1.5M per home for squatters, persons living illegally on other people's land. Not even in the US do we do this type of shyte. The slop can crew proppa love their jackass Granger. 

how much bar-rat and the ppp spend on pradoville u ass


warrior posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They worrying about squatters and prisoners are still running around the country.

i see criminals in freedum house still walking the streets this government should do a better job and send them to prison  

Like the Canadian govt let you out early. Was it for good behavior? Whose cow did you thief?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

They worrying about squatters and prisoners are still running around the country.

Idiot what does one have to do with the other? How come Jagdeo did not see you as a fit for his Friends and Family Inc.?


Gov’t to relocate Lombard and Broad Sts squatters to Barnwell

-under $72M initiative.

August 2, 2017 Source

The Department of Hous-ing will be investing a total of $72 million to relocate the residents squatting in shacks at the corner of Lombard and Broad streets.

Minister within the Ministry of Communities Valerie Patterson told reporters on Monday that her department will be working with Food for the Poor to provide homes for the residents at Barnwell North, on the East Bank of Demerara.

Responding to questions at the ministry’s Mid-Term Review, held at the Regency Hotel, Patterson noted that $42 million will be spent for the construction of 70 homes, while $30 million will be spent on infrastructure development, including a road.

The tendering process for the road has begun, with public advertisements already in place, Patterson said. Each home is expected to cost $1.2 million.

An aerial view of the community at Lombard and Broad streets.

The squatting area came to public attention after former Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence in September, 2016, led a team from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to the area as part of their first country visit to Guyana.

A statement from the IACHR on the September 21 to 23 visit said in part, “during its visit to the neighbourhood of Lombard Street, the IACHR delegation was shocked by the extreme poverty and precarious living conditions of its inhabitants. The community comprises approximately 40 adults and 80 children with clear housing, sanitation, and health problems, as well as limited work opportunities and scant social services provided by the State.”

Several visits to the area by Stabroek News saw the residents publicly declaring their requests for land on which they can establish their homes.

However, Lawrence had said in an interview that the persons in the area had previously been provided with land, which they were unable to develop. She explained that she was working with Patterson to provide them with homes.

Earlier this month, Lawrence, who is now Minister of Public Health, and Patterson visited the area residents to “iron out” some issues.

A subsequent statement on the meeting said that the ministers expressed the desire to have ‘turnkey’ homes built for the 56 families living in the space.

“We are looking at the possibility of building core homes so that when we remove the people from here, we’re going to put them in a house rather than (giving them a piece of) land,” Patterson was reported to have said.

Patterson made a similar statement on Monday, while noting that if the residents were provided with land, they would simply move their shacks onto the property and government would therefore be contributing to the creation of another shantytown.

Instead, government is prepared to match the contributions from Food for the Poor and upgrade infrastructure so that a viable community can be created.

The number of houses, according to Patterson, was set at 70, since a registration exercise conducted found that 68 adults and about 100 children were living in atrocious conditions as part of the area.

She further explained that the land belongs to a private individual, who has been granted a judgment against the squatters in the High Court. “The High Court has given them six weeks to move from that location and we have taken the initiative to relocate those persons,” she said.

This relocation is part of the ministry’s efforts to combat squatting across the country. According to Patterson, the ministry’s main focus at this time is Georgetown, where efforts are being made to relocate squatters from Sophia, East and West Ruimveldt as well as other central locations.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

They worrying about squatters and prisoners are still running around the country.

The department of housing should halt operations and help to capture escaped prisoners?

Demerara_Guy posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Seems to be their focused approach.

What better approaches you two dumb squatters have?

Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Squatting is illegal, however you seem to be intentionally ignoring the greater danger, rewarding the squatters with free homes. Was that done during the PPP era?

cain posted:

Ohhh what a caring govt they don't just look out for themselves by building monster homes for their ministers but also assist some of the poor..sigh...what a beautiful change.

They are not a charity, it is coming from taxpayers funds. At least they didn't give themselves another 50% raise, but you never know. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Squatting is illegal, however you seem to be intentionally ignoring the greater danger, rewarding the squatters with free homes. Was that done during the PPP era?

What danger?? they are poor people,if the government assist all well and good,have you noticed the Food for the Poor is involved.

The current PPP had no vision to assist poor people,they were busy fattening themselves and building mansions among the poor.

A pack of thieves some of them were riding bicycles and today their worth doesn't justify their income.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Ask dem people who now living next to the line tap road they all squatted there and most of them are PPP supporters 


Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Squatting is illegal, however you seem to be intentionally ignoring the greater danger, rewarding the squatters with free homes. Was that done during the PPP era?

yes Just Ask dem people who now living next to the line tap road

Pointblank posted:

yes Just Ask dem people who now living next to the line tap road

Are you daft man? Regardless of party affiliation, squatting is illegal and should not be tolerated. Worse yet is when govt caves in and rewards squatters with free land. The PNC in power now, let them answer for their incompetency as they continue to wast tax payers dollars. They have a history of giving out freeness to their supporters, remember Linden and subsidized electricity. 


I work in a hurricane disaster area where the federal government build over 500 one and two bedroom prefab concrete furnished houses for people who homes were destroy. After about two years they were all demolish and dumped with guards to make sure people do not remove any appliances or anything.

The feds claim they don't want to compete local stores or real estate market. The PNC rationalize if PPP can share out  pradoville so can they. These aholes politician don't realize that if you can squat and get it for free there wont be any need for a mortgage. They copy cat very well salary for themselves and taxing rates at ABC  countries levels but services and infrasture remain below Haiti..  


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  • grainger
Last edited by sachin_05
cain posted:

Ohhh what a caring govt they don't just look out for themselves by building monster homes for their ministers but also assist some of the poor..sigh...what a beautiful change.

It would be foolish for me to tell you to stop being a hypocrite and tell the truth. You won't listen because you are lover of a party that has a rotten history of promising and never delivering what they promised.  Building a mere 70 houses is Schiit when compared to the over 100 housing schemes that was built by the PPP/Civic government in two decades. Stop celebrating and forcing yourself to believe your own horrible lies. We don't buy and no sane person would. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
cain posted:

Ohhh what a caring govt they don't just look out for themselves by building monster homes for their ministers but also assist some of the poor..sigh...what a beautiful change.

It would be foolish for me to tell you to stop being a hypocrite and tell the truth. You won't listen because you are lover of a party that has a rotten history of promising and never delivering what they promised.  Building a mere 70 houses is Schiit when compared to the over 100 housing schemes that was built by the PPP/Civic government in two decades. Stop celebrating and forcing yourself to believe your own horrible lies. We don't buy and no sane person would. 

Hold your horses there Billy, the jackasses didn't build the 70 homes as yet. It may turn out to be empty promises, especially if warrior is involved, the homes may fall to the ground in the next rainy season. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

What a stupid govt, the message they are sending is that if you squat, govt will give you free house. 

Banna squatting is nothing new,workers from Sugar Estate areas started squatting since 1960's,during PPP tenure 1992-2015 most of areas was regulated,well apparently they didn't pay attention to the Lombard and Broad St squatters,emphasis was placed in their stronghold.

Squatting is illegal, however you seem to be intentionally ignoring the greater danger, rewarding the squatters with free homes. Was that done during the PPP era?

you living on mars



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