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700 people to benefit from new housing scheme in Lethem

Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal (second right) inspecting the land where the new housing development will take shape. Also in photo is Lethem Mayor John Macedo (second left) and other regional officials (Photo: Ministry of Housing and Water/ May 30, 2022)

Some 700 residential lands at a new housing scheme in Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu- Upper Essequibo), will be available for allocation as soon as year end.

Infrastructure works that cost some $540 million are ongoing at the Lethem Track ‘A’ housing scheme (Poke Bridge), a release from the Ministry of Housing and Water noted.

Those works include access roads, drainage and culverts.

And the Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal reportedly registered his satisfaction with the pace at which works are progressing despite the minor setbacks as a result of the current rainy season.

Already more than 350 persons have been allocated and have begun processing their ownership documents.

The land where the new housing development will take shape (Photo: Ministry of Housing and Water/ May 30, 2022)

“We are proud of this development and it has a lot of potential.

“In addition, this scheme is more than sufficient to meet the housing demand in this region,” Croal stated.

If these works are completed on allottees able to commence construction by the end of this year.

This new housing development comes as Croal, in April, assured citizens that the Hinterland Housing programme would soon resume. Through that programme, a total of 100 houses will be constructed in Region Nine.

This year, 10 communities in Region Nine will be selected as part of the first phase of the programme with 10 houses being constructed in each community. The houses will be allocated free of cost to the most deserving residents following consultations with the communities in the region.

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