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72% voters shun PNC, PPP, and KFC in G/T

Nov 14, 2018 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-ppp-and-kfc-in-g-t/

Monday was elections; by midnight people know de results and if this was de general elections nuff of dem politicians woulda commit suicide.

In Georgetown only 28 per cent people vote. In de whole country it wasn’t much more. Some people estimate it at 32 per cent of de population.

If that was not a message to de politicians change dem boys name.

De news was good fuh some people. Imagine, Jagdeo and Freedom House people was so excited that dem try fuh hold a press conference at two o’clock in de morning. Dem boys want to know which reporter gun come out she bed fuh hear that scamp Jagdeo talk at that hour.

De PPP get two times de number of seats in de G/T City Council because de PNC and de KFC people fed up and didn’t tun up to vote.

Dem boys seh is a big message from de people fuh de PNC and de KFC.

Dem should tek note especially when de PPP could go in Buxton and beat de PNC.

Whole day Soulja Bai calling to find out wha happen but nobody tekking he call. Dem shame fuh tell de man that even Buxton dem get rejected much less fuh give de man de results.

Dem boys didn’t go and vote because dem predict this woulda happen because nutten change. In fact, everything that happening in Guyana today looking like an exchange.

When de PNC put back Patsy on de list was like putting back Jagdeo pun de ballot paper. Dem boys hear some people who go to de polling place watch de ballot paper, suck dem teeth and walk out when dem see Patsy face.

Dem boys hear Moses, de man who part de Red Sea, couldn’t part de people at Whim fuh run away from de licking he get.

Dem boys convince come 2020 you got to tie black cloth round dem neck and bury dem suh Guyana can breathe fresh again. A new dynamic political party is needed and dem boys planning to form it from now.

Talk half and pray fuh a new political culture.

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AFC annihilated in Prime Minister’s hometown Whim/Bloomfield

–poor performances in other areas

Nov 14, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...own-whim-bloomfield/

In a strongly contested Local Authority Area (Whim/Bloomfield) by the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic and the Alliance for Change there was a major upset after votes were tallied up and SOP’s were posted throughout the seven constituencies for this year’s Local Government Elections.

Widely known as the Prime Minister’s hometown which he spoke about on many occasions, saw persons voting in favor of the opposition leading them to a clear win in all seven constituencies they contested.

The AFC who also contested the seven during their campaign exuded confidence in the people of that Local Authority Area and had boasted that it would be a “clear win”.

However, residents did quite the opposite. That area was also at the center of attention recently after the PPP/C filed legal action against GECOM over an alleged fraudulent LGE list. Former AFC A-Lister Veersammy Ramayya was seen busy gathering persons to vote; he campaigned for the PPP/C.

Notably, Mavis Nagamootoo, the PM’s sister-in-law who contested against PPP/C Sursatee Ishmael in Constituency 7 (Whim North East and South) only managed to scrape 31 votes as against Ishmael’s 216. Prime Minister’s representative in Berbice, Gobin Harbhajan, had particularly worked with Mavis in that area to gain grounds among the people but “still came up empty”, he said.

New Areas

Additionally, for the first time in Local Government Elections the Plegt Anker/Kortbraadt (Four constituencies) and Caracas/Wyburg (three constituencies) residents were given an opportunity to exercise their rights to vote. Constituencies in those two local authority areas saw wins for both APNU and PPP/C. The AFC did not contest those areas.

There was a tie with APNU and PPP/C in the Bushlot/Adventure Local Authority Area along with another tie with the two at Macedonia/Joppa local authority area.

There was great success in New Amsterdam for APNU with PPP/C following and the AFC coming in third with very low votes. Reports coming out from Black Bush Polder are also showing wins for the PPP/C along with Corriverton, Crabwood Creek/Moleson Creek and Number 52- Number 74.

Reports also coming out from Rose Hall Town indicates that there was an overall win by the PPP/C. The same result was reported for Kilcoy/Hampshire, Port Mourant/John’s.


A scant 2 years ago just under 50% came out to vote.  Now only  1/3 did nationwide and about a 1/4 in GT.

We will see what APNU does.  If its same old same then it proves my theory that the old guys just wanted to "top up" for their retirement and didn't have a long range plan in mind.

Because they will definitely lose in 2020.  The AFC has been exposed as being an empty shell, so those who voted coalition because the AFC was there will not again.  Can the PNC win on its own because it will have to if it plans to be the gov't after 2020.

Maybe Jagdeo told the guys that he will share 10% of the oil money proceeds while his cronies pocket the other 90%. So they will stand down.

caribny posted:

A scant 2 years ago just under 50% came out to vote.  Now only  1/3 did nationwide and about a 1/4 in GT.

We will see what APNU does.  If its same old same then it proves my theory that the old guys just wanted to "top up" for their retirement and didn't have a long range plan in mind.

Because they will definitely lose in 2020.  The AFC has been exposed as being an empty shell, so those who voted coalition because the AFC was there will not again.  Can the PNC win on its own because it will have to if it plans to be the gov't after 2020.

Maybe Jagdeo told the guys that he will share 10% of the oil money proceeds while his cronies pocket the other 90%. So they will stand down.

LGE and General Elections do attract different percentage of voters...same as the midterms in USA.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

A scant 2 years ago just under 50% came out to vote.  Now only  1/3 did nationwide and about a 1/4 in GT.

We will see what APNU does.  If its same old same then it proves my theory that the old guys just wanted to "top up" for their retirement and didn't have a long range plan in mind.

Because they will definitely lose in 2020.  The AFC has been exposed as being an empty shell, so those who voted coalition because the AFC was there will not again.  Can the PNC win on its own because it will have to if it plans to be the gov't after 2020.

Maybe Jagdeo told the guys that he will share 10% of the oil money proceeds while his cronies pocket the other 90%. So they will stand down.

LGE and General Elections do attract different percentage of voters...same as the midterms in USA.

The big diff, midterm in the USA could impact presidential powers and national policy.  LGE in Guyana just decide who responsible for weeding the parpit and cleaning the guttahs!!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:

A scant 2 years ago just under 50% came out to vote.  Now only  1/3 did nationwide and about a 1/4 in GT.

We will see what APNU does.  If its same old same then it proves my theory that the old guys just wanted to "top up" for their retirement and didn't have a long range plan in mind.

Because they will definitely lose in 2020.  The AFC has been exposed as being an empty shell, so those who voted coalition because the AFC was there will not again.  Can the PNC win on its own because it will have to if it plans to be the gov't after 2020.

Maybe Jagdeo told the guys that he will share 10% of the oil money proceeds while his cronies pocket the other 90%. So they will stand down.

LGE and General Elections do attract different percentage of voters...same as the midterms in USA.

The big diff, midterm in the USA could impact presidential powers and national policy.  LGE in Guyana just decide who responsible for weeding the parpit and cleaning the guttahs!!

Na doh alone. In GY local govt eleckshun determine who control de brive pon de ground. De LABBA see how dem uneducated PPP coolie do dat fram 1993. De LABBA see it with he own eye. One of dem seh he doan employ blackman in he lil company foh dig drain. De LABBA see it how dem rape and tief in EBD and WBD. Now is dem city hall and PNC bais time foh control brive pon de local level. Doan tink dem PPP bais still doan pay dem way to get contract foh dig, bruck and mek back tings. 

skeldon_man posted:

LGE and General Elections do attract different percentage of voters...same as the midterms in USA.

So why then is the PPP screaming "we win, we win" because 64% of the votes were for PPP candidates?

Baseman posted:

The big diff, midterm in the USA could impact presidential powers and national policy.  LGE in Guyana just decide who responsible for weeding the parpit and cleaning the guttahs!!

Please let Jagdeo know.  He is now ready to assume the duties of president on the basis of the LGE.  Who cares that the PPP got 64% of the votes in 52 different and unrelated elections?

Having said that the PNC still has to take note as the AFC can no longer cover their warts.  The AFC has proven to have limited power within the Coalition because its leadership is divided and weak.  So those who supported the Coalition because they thought that the AFC would prevent the excesses of the PNC will no longer do so.

This will be a straight PPP vs. PNC election in 2020.  The winner will be that party which can best motivate its base and attract swing voters.  The youth (who most likely didn't vote in LGE) will be a huge factor.

Labba posted:
 De LABBA see how dem uneducated PPP coolie do dat fram 1993. De LABBA see it with he own eye. One of dem seh he doan employ blackman in he lil company foh dig drain.

This is why the PNC base might stay home.  This happened under the PPP and they don't see Granger doing much to prevent this from happening now. 

Bribing PNC officials and these folks can do as they wish and when the PNC base complains Granger calls them lazy and wanting a handout.  This is why Volda and not Harmon, who is seen as being in bed with the oligarchs.


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