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750 more beneficiaries receive laptops -as OLPF distribution continues in Region 4


Over 750 individuals on Wednesday and Thursday, benefited from three, One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) distribution exercises taking them one step closer to becoming Information Communication Technology (ICT) literate.


Malachai Khan, a happy three- year old proudly showing off his mother’s laptop

Malachai Khan, a happy three- year old proudly showing off his mother’s laptop


The first exercise that was held at the Concerned Residents’ Action Group, Golden Grove saw the distribution of 354 laptops to residents of Nabaclis, Haslington, Cove and John, Golden Grove and North Enmore.


A section of the gathering at the distribution exercise in Golden Grove, ECD

A section of the gathering at the distribution exercise

in Golden Grove, ECD


A similar exercise was carried out at the School of the Nations, New Market Street and targeted 253 residents of Lacytown, North Cummingsburg, Robbstown and Albertown.


A trainer assisting one of the recipients in turning on her laptop

A trainer assisting one of the recipients in turning

on her laptop


Beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the Government for this initiative. Fabina Bacchus, a teacher at the Sophia Special School id the laptop would not only benefit her, but the students under her charge as well. Trishan Macgregor, also a teacher was extremely grateful for his laptop.


Staff of the One Laptop Per Family [OLPF) team verifying applications

Staff of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) team

verifying applications


On Thursday, over 150 individuals benefited from a distribution exercise that was held at the Heavenly Light Church, Norton Street.


All the recipients will benefit from a five-day training session.


A trainer explaining the basic use of the laptop in the introduction session of the five- day training

A trainer explaining the basic use of the laptop in

the introduction session of the five- day training


The OLPF programme is an initiative that was launched and pioneered by former President Bharrat Jagdeo in 2011. The vision of this programme is to equip 90,000 families with laptops and to expand the use of ICT countrywide.

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