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Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by kp:

explain why each and ever one of you left the shores of Guyana.I left for peace and quiet, I left because my house got robbed while I was asleep, I was drugged, all this happened during the PNC era.

it is too bad you could not  leave your brain and your racist instincts in guyana




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC . . .

ahmmm, OK, i seeee . . .


PPP antimanism can force one to wander into some strange parts of ignar illogicland


somewhere . . . a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating this moron calling himself skeldon_man

Trust me this is one of Skeldonman's most foolish post.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Skeldonman is stuck in time. Every ill is because of the PNC who are out of office some 22 years.


Since the beginning of this year there are so many  Guyanese who were murdered that people are lining up at every port of exit..


Chief, there are more crimes in Guyana now because people are doing a lot better than th PNC days. During PNC days, there were more beggars(remember the long lines for food) than average and well to do folks. Only the people who were kissing the PNC ass holes or looking for an ako(ass kissing opportunity) were able to accumulate any wealth. We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC. As a result, more businesses have opened up.
You put 2 and 2 together and realise why we have more crimes. Remember now, people can get killed for a cell phone, ahead phone or even a cd or a dvd. With progress, crime will follow. 


businesses HAS QUADRUPLED IN NYC and murders went down by nearly 300%/

All over America businesses booomed from since the 80's and major crimes went down tremendously.

skeldon_man blaming PNC because cell phones, microwave ovens and personal computers were either not yet invented or available to average Guyanese in the 1960's, 1970's and 1980's


a tour de force of ignar . . . awesome and scary

Originally Posted by kp:

warrior, you still did not explain why you left Guyana for Canada, don't tell me you love the SNOW. Yes, I left the land of promises for the promised land!

i was hoping to go to the olympics in MOSCOW,and when the government did  not had money to send me,i choose to come to canada to go pro, i fight at cabbage town boxing gym for a blackman did not run me out of guyana.i was a PYO MEMBER under JAGAN and when rodney come on the  scene i join up with him   


It's not rocket science.


Serious modern-day migration away from the shores of Guyana began when Guyana was granted internal rule and shortly thereafter independence.


The people who started? The Middle Class and Entrepreneurial class - rich Portuguese, Indians and professional Africans.


Why?  The fear of a socialist government where private property and disincentives to business would follow.


The second serious wave of migration started in the 70s when the old social order broke down - social institutions and civility were torn asunder under the Burnham regime.


The third wave came in the new millennium, aided by those already in North America where family unity was an advantage. Violence and drugs were the drivers.


In all three instances economic advancement would have been part of the migration driver, but it's obvious that the numbers meant that the factors mentioned above were dominant - (1) private property, (2) breakdown of civility, and (3) violence and drugs.


Anybadeee gats a prablem wid dat?

Originally Posted by Kari:

It's not rocket science.


Serious modern-day migration away from the shores of Guyana began when Guyana was granted internal rule and shortly thereafter independence.


The people who started? The Middle Class and Entrepreneurial class - rich Portuguese, Indians and professional Africans.


Why?  The fear of a socialist government where private property and disincentives to business would follow.


The second serious wave of migration started in the 70s when the old social order broke down - social institutions and civility were torn asunder under the Burnham regime.


The third wave came in the new millennium, aided by those already in North America where family unity was an advantage. Violence and drugs were the drivers.


In all three instances economic advancement would have been part of the migration driver, but it's obvious that the numbers meant that the factors mentioned above were dominant - (1) private property, (2) breakdown of civility, and (3) violence and drugs.


Anybadeee gats a prablem wid dat?

i do


you anchor (correctly) the 2nd wave of migration to the socialist incompetence and depravities of the Burnham regime, but fail to acknowledge the leading role of the Governing PPP [why!?] in your 3rd wave by its facilitating the descent to narco-statedom and its institutionalizion of a tiefman governmental culture resembling the worst of African kleptocracies like Nigeria in the 1980's, the Congo today, Equatorial Guinea, etc., etc.


hmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's not rocket science.


Serious modern-day migration away from the shores of Guyana began when Guyana was granted internal rule and shortly thereafter independence.


The people who started? The Middle Class and Entrepreneurial class - rich Portuguese, Indians and professional Africans.


Why?  The fear of a socialist government where private property and disincentives to business would follow.


The second serious wave of migration started in the 70s when the old social order broke down - social institutions and civility were torn asunder under the Burnham regime.


The third wave came in the new millennium, aided by those already in North America where family unity was an advantage. Violence and drugs were the drivers.


In all three instances economic advancement would have been part of the migration driver, but it's obvious that the numbers meant that the factors mentioned above were dominant - (1) private property, (2) breakdown of civility, and (3) violence and drugs.


Anybadeee gats a prablem wid dat?

i do


you anchor (correctly) the 2nd wave of migration to the socialist incompetence and depravities of the Burnham regime, but fail to acknowledge the leading role of the Governing PPP [why!?] in your 3rd wave by its facilitating the descent to narco-statedom and its institutionalizion of a tiefman governmental culture resembling the worst of African kleptocracies like Nigeria in the 1980's, the Congo today, Equatorial Guinea, etc., etc.


hmmm . . .?







1st wave - no comment


2nd wave  - you agree but emphasize PNC in Vegas-like lights (no problem here as I mentioned Burnham regime)


3rd wave - I mentioned violence and drugs and the millennium. Drugs = narcotics; violence means killing; millennium = the 2000s and we know that the PPP/C holds the Presidency and until last elections the majority in Parliament. So what is your tirade about? The fact that I did not mention PPP/C in Vegas-like lights?




Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

It's not rocket science.


Serious modern-day migration away from the shores of Guyana began when Guyana was granted internal rule and shortly thereafter independence.


The people who started? The Middle Class and Entrepreneurial class - rich Portuguese, Indians and professional Africans.


Why?  The fear of a socialist government where private property and disincentives to business would follow.


The second serious wave of migration started in the 70s when the old social order broke down - social institutions and civility were torn asunder under the Burnham regime.


The third wave came in the new millennium, aided by those already in North America where family unity was an advantage. Violence and drugs were the drivers.


In all three instances economic advancement would have been part of the migration driver, but it's obvious that the numbers meant that the factors mentioned above were dominant - (1) private property, (2) breakdown of civility, and (3) violence and drugs.


Anybadeee gats a prablem wid dat?

i do


you anchor (correctly) the 2nd wave of migration to the socialist incompetence and depravities of the Burnham regime, but fail to acknowledge the leading role of the Governing PPP [why!?] in your 3rd wave by its facilitating the descent to narco-statedom and its institutionalizion of a tiefman governmental culture resembling the worst of African kleptocracies like Nigeria in the 1980's, the Congo today, Equatorial Guinea, etc., etc.


hmmm . . .?



1st wave - no comment


2nd wave  - you agree but emphasize PNC in Vegas-like lights (no problem here as I mentioned Burnham regime)


3rd wave - I mentioned violence and drugs and the millennium. Drugs = narcotics; violence means killing; millennium = the 2000s and we know that the PPP/C holds the Presidency and until last elections the majority in Parliament. So what is your tirade about? The fact that I did not mention PPP/C in Vegas-like lights?



first, my initial response is a "tirade" only in your 'i just get exposed' silly mind


second, i doan know what "Vegas-like lights" have to do with my observation that you oh-so-carefully managed to not mention the Jagdeo/PPP party's leading role in the narco/political evil that stalked the land in the 2000's, and the (continuing) monstrous government corruption that is causing flight of  legitimate private enterprise and the talent pool necessary to save Guyana


after specifically making the point that "social institutions and civility were torn asunder under the Burnham regime" u want us to do complicated maths to figure out what cocaine, fineman, raja, Sash Sawh, death squad(s) sponsored by PPP minista, and associated looting of the country by de rat and friends have to do with Freedom House these past dozen+ years . . . really now?


bai, u playing politricks as usual . . . but not as craftily as you mite think


btw, and for your edification, THIS response is a "tirade" . . . kapeesh?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:

I was one of the first GNIer to tackle Skeldonman for his racist rants then he went on a tirade labelling me PNC.

It's not that you were and is a PNC supporter; that was and is your choice. It's what you and your PNC thugs did to the non PNC Indians during your time in Guyana. Your sins will follow you. No matter how much zakat you contribute, it's not going to make a difference. It will not wipe away the blood tears shed by the poor and hungry. It's better to be labelled a racist(I can live with that) than to inflict suffering on your fellow human beings(I could not live with that). Your day of reckoning is coming.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

We know now more people have computers, cell phones, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other luxurious items than the days of the PNC . . .

ahmmm, OK, i seeee . . .


PPP antimanism can force one to wander into some strange parts of ignar illogicland


somewhere . . . a bunch of "negra" Howard University graduates are laughing their freakin heads off contemplating this moron calling himself skeldon_man

Trust me this is one of Skeldonman's most foolish post.

You cannot face the truth. Your support for the PNC has blinded you.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Immigration opportunities always existed freely prior to independence and indeed was used by Guyanese to settle in the UK.


The Bajans, St Lucians, Vincentians, and Grenadian, primarily settled at MacKenzie, Wismar and Christianburg much earlier than the 1930's. Most retain their linkage to their countries, visiting constantly and even returning after retirement.

I will suggest to you that 1 in every 3 black Guyanese have a Bajan ancestor.  I cant recall any G/twn black people who don't have a Bajan ancestor.


Bajans settled all over Demerara.  They didn't do the interior.  Anyone with a name like Braithwaite, Sealey, Cummings, Agard, Alleyne, Bryan, Callender, Cadogan, Trotman, most likely has Bajan ancestors.  And those are the names that I can come up with quickly.


To find black Guyanese with no Bajan ancestry you would have to go to Berbice or Essequibo.


Guyanese migration to the UK was mainly in the late 50s and early 60s.  And even then it wasn't that much.  Go to England and the West Indians are mainly Jamaicans, small islanders and Bajans.


Unlike the Caribbean islands massive migration from Guyana and Trinidad is largely a post independence phenomenon.  Guyanese were a minimal presence in the earliest migration  of Caribbean people to the USA, and we went into the interior looking for gold, diamonds, or balata that seeking to cut cane in Cuba, DR, bananas in Costa Rica, or digging the Panama Canal, or working in the Venezuela oilfields or oil refineries in the Dutch Antilles.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I was one of the first GNIer to tackle Skeldonman for his racist rants then he went on a tirade labelling me PNC.

It's not that you were and is a PNC supporter; that was and is your choice. It's what you and your PNC thugs did to the non PNC Indians during your time in Guyana. Your sins will follow you. No matter how much zakat you contribute, it's not going to make a difference. It will not wipe away the blood tears shed by the poor and hungry. It's better to be labelled a racist(I can live with that) than to inflict suffering on your fellow human beings(I could not live with that). Your day of reckoning is coming.

Stop rubbing your shit on others.


It has been proven here on GNI that you have no creditability so keep farting out your mouth as to who is PNC.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Carib j
This is not necessary a  correct statement. In Berbice we had the Harewoods,Wardes, Clarkes and others who hailed from Barbados. Minister Yvone Harewood-bENN FATHER WAS PURE bAJAN.

To find black Guyanese with no Bajan ancestry you would have to go to Berbice or Essequibo.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Carib j
This is not necessary a  correct statement. In Berbice we had the Harewoods,Wardes, Clarkes and others who hailed from Barbados. Minister Yvone Harewood-bENN FATHER WAS PURE bAJAN.

To find black Guyanese with no Bajan ancestry you would have to go to Berbice or Essequibo.


So you make my point even more than I thought.  Learned something.


You also added to my list of Bajan names.   Guyana was a DESTINATION until the late 50s and early 60s.  We only became a huge source of migration after independence, and those who pretend otherwise fool themselves. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

I was one of the first GNIer to tackle Skeldonman for his racist rants then he went on a tirade labelling me PNC.

It's not that you were and is a PNC supporter; that was and is your choice. It's what you and your PNC thugs did to the non PNC Indians during your time in Guyana. Your sins will follow you. No matter how much zakat you contribute, it's not going to make a difference. It will not wipe away the blood tears shed by the poor and hungry. It's better to be labelled a racist(I can live with that) than to inflict suffering on your fellow human beings(I could not live with that). Your day of reckoning is coming.

Stop rubbing your shit on others.


It has been proven here on GNI that you have no creditability so keep farting out your mouth as to who is PNC.


The truth hurts. It hits a nerve. I don't need credit...chutya.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Carib j
This is not necessary a  correct statement. In Berbice we had the Harewoods,Wardes, Clarkes and others who hailed from Barbados. Minister Yvone Harewood-bENN FATHER WAS PURE bAJAN.

To find black Guyanese with no Bajan ancestry you would have to go to Berbice or Essequibo.


So you make my point even more than I thought.  Learned something.


You also added to my list of Bajan names.   Guyana was a DESTINATION until the late 50s and early 60s.  We only became a huge source of migration after independence, and those who pretend otherwise fool themselves. 

CaribJ what I can say is a blessings is disguise is the fact that Barbados was  able to grant citizenship to many Guyanese with Bajan ancestry although they were born in Guyana.


I have a few friends  who made use of that and today they are doing pretty well for themselves, I visited them like 2 years ago and they expressed how much better thEY are than living in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Chief:

CaribJ what I can say is a blessings is disguise is the fact that Barbados was  able to grant citizenship to many Guyanese with Bajan ancestry although they were born in Guyana.


I have a few friends  who made use of that and today they are doing pretty well for themselves, I visited them like 2 years ago and they expressed how much better thEY are than living in Guyana.

Yes. The Guyanese migration to Barbados occurred in two waves. The first in the 80s was triggered by citizen by descent laws which allowed people with Bajan parents and grand parents to obtain residency and citizenship.  This has also occurred for the descendants of Grenadian, Vincentian and St Lucians.  In fact there is a "GuyLU" community is St Lucia.


Bajans have a conflicted attitude towards black Guyanese.  They don't like people from poorer Caribbean countries in general and Jamaicans and Guyanese in particular.  However they feel a level of affinity to black Guyanese because they regard them as having family ties to Barbados, and Bajans are very clannish, so that carries some weight. Indeed Bajans seem less resistant to visiting Guyana than are most other Caribbean people who look at you in horror if you suggest that.


A couple of years back I was on a cruise ship and it was a 7 Island trip picking up passengers at every port. On the day of docking in Barbados as the Bajan s were getting off one of them said to me that she is thankful for living in Barbados after visiting poor Islands like Dominica. She further stated that the smaller poorer Islans has no comparison to her Barbados.

Originally Posted by Chief:

. She further stated that the smaller poorer Islans has no comparison to her Barbados.



Yes they are very proud of themselves.  Its not only Guyanese/Jamaicans who they despise.  All those from the "low" islands (Dominica, St Lucia, Grenada and ESPECIALLY St Vincent).  They mean low class.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by kp:

In that   research also stated that seventy percent of the migration took place during the PNC era and that the last 18 years had increasing remigration.

What bull crap.


Some 4,400 Guyanese migrate to the US annually

Posted By Staff Writer On July 20, 2010 @ 5:20 am In Archives | 94 Comments


An average of 4,400 Guyanese are granted immigrant visas on a yearly basis by the US Embassy, according to figures provided by the embassy.

According to the figures, in 2006 the embassy issued some 5,135 immigrant visas.

In 2007, 3,059 immigrant visas were granted. This was followed by 4,836 in 2008 and 4,586 in 2009. So far for this year some 2,624 immigrant visas have been granted.

The figures were provided after a request was made during a roundtable discussion outgoing Charge d’Affaires Karen Williams had with members of the media yesterday.


Source:  US embassy and this was during the PPP days.


Some 100,000 left for the USA during the PPP reign.


I do not know the Canadian figures as yet.




In addition the recent drop in migration to the USA is due to


1.  tightened categorization of people who are allowed to sponsor potential immigrants.  It is much harder for certain categories like married children to be sponsored than before.


2.  Costs to acquire a visa have sharply increased.


3.  With a tightened job market in the USA many are reluctant to sponsor as they will be responsible for remimbursing any costs should their relative have to get unemployment insurance, or other forms of gov't support within a certain time frame.


Rest assured that if rumors went out that the US Embassy was handing out any form of visas that would allow entry into the USA, even temporary visas, there would be a made stampede and it might be shocking how many PPP folks will be involved!


What is note worthy is that most of the Guyanese who migrated to the Caribbean refuse to return, even as life has gotten tougher in those places.


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