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Former Member
I believe the coalition is set up to serve one term in office by the Americans. The Americans always have a plan and a counter plan in place. The oil exploration will be a major factor in this roll play, to see how the coalition will lead and to get a foot hold in Guyana to get closer to Venezuela.

I believe they gave the PPP a rest to break the cycle of their continuous leadership to formulate their long term strategic plan for the region by installing the coalition and using them for the same purpose.

The oil production is expected to pump in five years when general election is due. The Americans is very supportive of Venezuela opposition party. It is easier to support them from the borders to get Maduro out from the picture.

The Americans will not engaged in fighting Venezuela for Guyana. They will try to overthrow Maduro and make a deal with the opposition.

In all of this, the PPP may regain what was  taken away from them at the next election in 2020.

Remember, it wouldn't be an easy task to pump oil from disputed waters while Maduro in power. Five years is good for the Americans to do clean job. The Americans will kill two birds with one stone.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by caribny:

The US hates the PPP a smuch as they hate Maduro.  The PPP cussed them out, and Jagdeo visited Iran, and allowed himself to be used for anti US propaganda.

Obama loves Cuba a communist country. Obama is a muslim and hates Hindus who make up the bulk of the PPP. it is not the US who hates the PPP, it is that black guy named OBAMA.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The US hates the PPP a smuch as they hate Maduro.  The PPP cussed them out, and Jagdeo visited Iran, and allowed himself to be used for anti US propaganda.

Obama loves Cuba a communist country. Obama is a muslim and hates Hindus who make up the bulk of the PPP. it is not the US who hates the PPP, it is that black guy named OBAMA.

Fool, where you getting your facts?. Obama is Muslim? And he hates Hindus? Next you will tell us he was born in Kenya, and Jagan was born in Russia.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The US hates the PPP a smuch as they hate Maduro.  The PPP cussed them out, and Jagdeo visited Iran, and allowed himself to be used for anti US propaganda.

Obama loves Cuba a communist country. Obama is a muslim and hates Hindus who make up the bulk of the PPP. it is not the US who hates the PPP, it is that black guy named OBAMA.

You does think before you type,since when the current

US President is a Hindu hater.



Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The US hates the PPP a smuch as they hate Maduro.  The PPP cussed them out, and Jagdeo visited Iran, and allowed himself to be used for anti US propaganda.

Obama loves Cuba a communist country. Obama is a muslim and hates Hindus who make up the bulk of the PPP. it is not the US who hates the PPP, it is that black guy named OBAMA.

You does think before you type,since when the current

US President is a Hindu hater.



Why y'all beating down poor Rama? Y'all must accept that Rama has a unique mind as evidenced by most of his posts. Let's make way for his peculiar views, as cyberspace is wide enough to hold an infinite variety of opinions.

I am sure that will cost money, but who will responsible for the cost and maintenance? The Guyana government or ExxonMobil?

My point is a stationed oil rig will be visible  and with Maduro in power, that will be a direct threat. Therefore, the Americans will have to get rid of him. I believe the five year plan has a regime change in the works.
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The US hates the PPP a smuch as they hate Maduro.  The PPP cussed them out, and Jagdeo visited Iran, and allowed himself to be used for anti US propaganda.

Obama loves Cuba a communist country. Obama is a muslim and hates Hindus who make up the bulk of the PPP. it is not the US who hates the PPP, it is that black guy named OBAMA.

You does think before you type,since when the current

US President is a Hindu hater.




Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Before the production of oil in Guyana, a stationed oil rig will have to be erected?

Comment please.

An oil platform, offshore platform, or (colloquially) oil rig is a large structure with facilities to drill wells, to extract and process oil and natural gas, or to temporarily store product until it can be brought to shore for refining and marketing. In many cases, the platform contains facilities to house the workforce as well.

Depending on the circumstances, the platform may be fixed to the ocean floor, may consist of an artificial island, or may float. [Wikipedia]$File/rig-250x259.jpg?OpenElement


[2] Deepwater Horizon being towed on a ship. Note the two pontoons which float the thing.

Last edited by Former Member

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