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Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was asking for support and meaningful discussion on this specific topic.
It was sliding into a racial and political topic.
It is a civic matter
\GNIersOriginally Posted by Vish M:
Thank you for posting this photo
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj




It is only when we elevate and honour our leaders, who contributed so much to Guyana, that we might go forward as a country.

Other than that we are just spinning our wheels, while we make our selves look good, in disgust to others.

And Guyana continue to go backwards.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was asking for support and meaningful discussion on this specific topic.
It was sliding into a racial and political topic.
It is a civic matter
\GNIersOriginally Posted by Vish M:
Thank you for posting this photo
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj




It is only when we elevate and honour our leaders, who contributed so much to Guyana, that we might go forward as a country.

Other than that we are just spinning our wheels, while we make our selves look good, in disgust to others.

And Guyana continue to go backwards.   

I asked a question which is what did this man do for the 75% of Guyanese who are NOT Hindus.


I am yet to get an answer.


Hindus should feel perfectly free to commemorate the life of this man how ever they wish.  They shouldn't demand that others be forced to participate in it, or pay for it, unless they can show how the 75% non Hindus benefitted.


You know full well that no Christian denomination will dare demand that Hindus and Muslims be forced to participate in, or pay for the burial of their head.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
I was asking for support and meaningful discussion on this specific topic.
It was sliding into a racial and political topic.
It is a civic matter
\GNIersOriginally Posted by Vish M:
Thank you for posting this photo
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Swami Vidyanandaji Maharaj




It is only when we elevate and honour our leaders, who contributed so much to Guyana, that we might go forward as a country.

Other than that we are just spinning our wheels, while we make our selves look good, in disgust to others.

And Guyana continue to go backwards.   

I asked a question which is what did this man do for the 75% of Guyanese who are NOT Hindus.


I am yet to get an answer.


Hindus should feel perfectly free to commemorate the life of this man how ever they wish.  They shouldn't demand that others be forced to participate in it, or pay for it, unless they can show how the 75% non Hindus benefitted.


You know full well that no Christian denomination will dare demand that Hindus and Muslims be forced to participate in, or pay for the burial of their head.

Hey hey hey, nuff good and decent Blacks and other races does attend Hindu puja.  Maybe not Afroist Caribj, but you ain't every Black.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Hey hey hey, nuff good and decent Blacks and other races does attend Hindu puja.  Maybe not Afroist Caribj, but you ain't every Black.

and "nuff good and decent" Indians does attend church too, rite?


maybe not small-penis lout Hindutva like baseman, but then again baseman ain't yuh regula Indo


correct is rite, no?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Hey hey hey, nuff good and decent Blacks and other races does attend Hindu puja.  Maybe not Afroist Caribj, but you ain't every Black.

And what has that to do with the majority of Guyanese (including more Indians than you will want to believe) who don't have the vaguest interest in the Hindu religion.


Still waiting to hear what great things this man has done to help Christians, Muslims, aetheists, and others who aren't Hindus.


Apparently not much.

Originally Posted by Vish M:

, I am convenienced  that many on the forum are most racial

Why?  Because we don't see why non Hindus must be dragged into Hindu business?


I asked a question as to what this man did for non Hindus (75% of the population).


No answers. 


So why the demand for a state funeral, instead of one conducted by Hindus?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Vish M:

I posted this link to so I can measure the level of support.


Reading the following posting, I am convenienced  that many on the forum are most racial

Vish this has nothing to do with race. Pandit Sharma and Kalimai leader Mr Sammy were PNC and Burnhamite to their very core. Yet they were never given state funerals because we are talking about a state funeral here.  I can understand Pandit Reep being given a state funeral because of his many years of political work in the Guyana Parliament but unless your spirital contribution to the world is at the level of a Mother Teresa or Swami Prabhupad or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi or Sathya Sai Baba then it is hard to justify a state funeral for someone who many Guyanese never hear of. 

Last edited by Wally
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

I posted this link to so I can measure the level of support.


Reading the following posting, I am convenienced  that many on the forum are most racial

Vish this has nothing to do with race. Pandit Sharma and Kalimai leader Mr Sammy were PNC and Burnhamite to their very core. Yet they were never given state funerals because we are talking about a state funeral here.  I can understand Pandit Reep being given a state funeral because of his many years of political work in the Guyana Parliment but unless your spirital contribution to the world is at the level of a Mother Teresa or Swami Prabhupad or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi or Sathya Sai Baba then it is hard to justify a state funeral for someone who many Guyanese never hear of. 


I respectfully agree with Wally. Well said.


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