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Home > TOP STORY > Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack checking out an area of the school under construction

Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  


IF good weather allows, the physical structure of the Kato Secondary school, Region 8 should be completed by the end of January 2015, according to Regional Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack. The REO recently accompanied, President Donald Ramotar, Ministers, Priya Manickchand and Juan Edghill and others on a tour of the facility which is currently under construction.

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

According to Harsawack, on completion, the Kato Secondary school can be considered the single largest investment in the education sector.
The main structure carries a cost of $780M, but on completion, can rack up a total of as much as $1B, as the cost of furnishing; lighting, fencing, and security have still to be added.
The school will be able to accommodate close to 400 students with a dormitory built to house more than 250. This school will serve children from communities including, Kato, Kurukubaru, Monkey Mountain, and other surrounding Amerindian communities.
The PPP/C Government has always prioritised education, placing it at the top of the agenda; and under successive PPP/C Governments, more than 1000 schools have been built or rehabilitated.
From 1994, 14 nursery schools in the hinterland increased to 116 in 2014, primary schools moved from 111 to 139 and secondary from 5 to 12.
A number of dorm facilities have also been constructed and renovated in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 to accommodate the growing number of students.
According to Harsawack, due to improved access to education and other investments made, more parents are sending their children to school and putting pressure on the existing infrastructure at Paramakatoi.

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

Further, he explained that this will reduce some cost to the administration as in the past children from some surrounding communities had to be shuttled on aircraft to Region 9 to attend secondary school.

“This would be the most modern school upon completion, Information Technology lab, Technical Drawing, Wood Working lab etc…”
In addition, there will also be accommodation for teachers if the region is unable to source teachers from within.
The provision of universal access to secondary education is among the new wave of commitment that Government is determined to achieve; and more so, to cater for the influx of children completing primary school education.(GINA)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Last edited by Former Member

This is another scam, the PPP is spending a ton of money in KATO flying in all the materials they are using there and also flying in labor to build this school.


The local population is not participating in any of the economics for the school, this is important to note.


They are doing this to try and win in region 8 but the AFC has that region on  a lock the PPP is going to find it extremely difficult to dislodge the AFC from region 8.



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is another scam, the PPP is spending a ton of money in KATO flying in all the materials they are using there and also flying in labor to build this school.


The local population is not participating in any of the economics for the school, this is important to note.


They are doing this to try and win in region 8 but the AFC has that region on  a lock the PPP is going to find it extremely difficult to dislodge the AFC from region 8.



How do you know this to write this type of hogwash?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Guyana has the MOST CARING and COMPASSIONATE Govt in the WORLD.

11 AM and drunk already.....smfh...

I rather be drunk that meh Batty overheating looking fuh get laid.  Not that I am condemning your life style.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Bai Riff, did you have the same feeling when your beloved PNC stole EVERYTHING Guyana had?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Bai Riff, did you have the same feeling when your beloved PNC stole EVERYTHING Guyana had?

PNC thiefin is like pick pockets compared to the PPP train robbers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Bai Riff, did you have the same feeling when your beloved PNC stole EVERYTHING Guyana had?


Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Bai Riff, did you have the same feeling when your beloved PNC stole EVERYTHING Guyana had?


So you agreed the PNC stole everything? Did you participate in the loot like by getting free food etc.? At least de PPP ah give back some to de peeple.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Well...they have to do something to show that they are using some money for the people...after all, there is only so much some ah dem can thief

Bai Riff, did you have the same feeling when your beloved PNC stole EVERYTHING Guyana had?


So you agreed the PNC stole everything? Did you participate in the loot like by getting free food etc.? At least de PPP ah give back some to de peeple.

free food?

bannas, I stand in line in GT unlike you fellas who got contraband from Suriname


Corentyne people never lack for anything under Burnham...yall was triving

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

well...I glad i younger than you


Yes free education from Kindergarten to University a PPP Legacy. DO NOT FORGET THE PNC called the University Jagan Night School. the Dictator Burnham and his Goons dismantle the East Coast and West Coast Railway Train System and send it to the Copper mines in Africa. Let us all use this discussion site to educate ourselves on Guyana history, Slavery, Indentureship, sufferings, Force National Service, banned basic food items, PNC Murders Walter Rodney, Vincent TEEKAH, Father Drake, Berbice and Wismar Rape/murders. the list goes on. Unite together to ensure with God's permission that no repeat under any Government. Sheik A.


Enough with your propaganda bullshit. Parents now have to buy bench and desk for their children to go to school. Refute that.


In school children are getting photocopied black and white text book compliments of the PPP.


PPP has destroyed the public education system, QC students have to do car wash to raise money for the school itself not for the student body or extra curricular activities.


Children cannot afford to go to UG anymore. PPP record on education is disgraceful. Students graduate from high school and cannot create basic sentences or do basic math.


At least with the PNC we had Burnham picture on the book which we could have defaced and cover up. With PPP we have no books.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack checking out an area of the school under construction

Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  


IF good weather allows, the physical structure of the Kato Secondary school, Region 8 should be completed by the end of January 2015, according to Regional Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack. The REO recently accompanied, President Donald Ramotar, Ministers, Priya Manickchand and Juan Edghill and others on a tour of the facility which is currently under construction.

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

According to Harsawack, on completion, the Kato Secondary school can be considered the single largest investment in the education sector.
The main structure carries a cost of $780M, but on completion, can rack up a total of as much as $1B, as the cost of furnishing; lighting, fencing, and security have still to be added.
The school will be able to accommodate close to 400 students with a dormitory built to house more than 250. This school will serve children from communities including, Kato, Kurukubaru, Monkey Mountain, and other surrounding Amerindian communities.
The PPP/C Government has always prioritised education, placing it at the top of the agenda; and under successive PPP/C Governments, more than 1000 schools have been built or rehabilitated.
From 1994, 14 nursery schools in the hinterland increased to 116 in 2014, primary schools moved from 111 to 139 and secondary from 5 to 12.
A number of dorm facilities have also been constructed and renovated in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 to accommodate the growing number of students.
According to Harsawack, due to improved access to education and other investments made, more parents are sending their children to school and putting pressure on the existing infrastructure at Paramakatoi.

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

Further, he explained that this will reduce some cost to the administration as in the past children from some surrounding communities had to be shuttled on aircraft to Region 9 to attend secondary school.

“This would be the most modern school upon completion, Information Technology lab, Technical Drawing, Wood Working lab etc…”
In addition, there will also be accommodation for teachers if the region is unable to source teachers from within.
The provision of universal access to secondary education is among the new wave of commitment that Government is determined to achieve; and more so, to cater for the influx of children completing primary school education.(GINA)

Any government can build schools.


A caring government improved the economic and social well being of its people with real human development.


The PPP continue to fail in this area.  BIG TIME.


i fail to see the reasons some idiots here feel it necessary to shade and outright lie about things easily checked


Free Education from Primary through University did not exist before, and was implemented under Burnham's rule


Cheddi Jagan would probably have done no differently had he been in power at the time these things were done



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Quite a few rural schools were built by the PNC which also built the MMA, and improved the supply of rural water, electricity and roads.  True much of what was done by them in the 60s was destroyed by the 80s but then the PPP seems headed in the same direction.


Skeldon.  A failure.  House lots.  Massive corruption and kleptocracy.  Roads poorly built and are rebuilt with PPP friend lining their pockets.  Marriott, Princess, Berbice Bridge, more kleptocracy.


The PNC engages in a socialist mistake when the Third World knew no better.  But what is the excuse for the current PPP disgrace.  But for high prices for gold and rice, a massive drug trade, and tremendous remittances Guyana would currently be in the same place that it was in the 80s.  NONE of all of that has ANYTHING to do with the PPP, except drug trading and money laundering of course.

Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Yes free education from Kindergarten to University a PPP Legacy. DO NOT FORGET THE PNC called the University Jagan Night School. 

Who built the Turkeyen campus?

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

A caring government improved the economic and social well being of its people with real human development.


The PPP continue to fail in this area.  BIG TIME.

Guyana continues to trail the rest of the Anglophone Caribbean using any metric one choses.


I challenge the PPP to produce one iota of evidence indicating that Guyanese are better off than Barbadians.  Even in the midst of their worst recession they remain BETTER off.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Carib weh you been today, yuh PNC katahars here pun de page seh dat how Ramotar and the PPP bring free education from Nursery to University to Guyana for de fuss time ever.

I know that you spend all day in your under wear as you are unemployed. Some of us do work and so cannot spend our entire day on GNI during the week.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Carib weh you been today, yuh PNC katahars here pun de page seh dat how Ramotar and the PPP bring free education from Nursery to University to Guyana for de fuss time ever.

I know that you spend all day in your under wear as you are unemployed. Some of us do work and so cannot spend our entire day on GNI during the week.


So the haas man might be on unemployment or public assistance. Thanks for the info.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Carib weh you been today, yuh PNC katahars here pun de page seh dat how Ramotar and the PPP bring free education from Nursery to University to Guyana for de fuss time ever.

I know that you spend all day in your under wear as you are unemployed. Some of us do work and so cannot spend our entire day on GNI during the week.


So the haas man might be on unemployment or public assistance. Thanks for the info.


Looks like he is on public assistance. He spends 24/7 on GNI.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack checking out an area of the school under construction

Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  


IF good weather allows, the physical structure of the Kato Secondary school, Region 8 should be completed by the end of January 2015, according to Regional Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack. The REO recently accompanied, President Donald Ramotar, Ministers, Priya Manickchand and Juan Edghill and others on a tour of the facility which is currently under construction.

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

According to Harsawack, on completion, the Kato Secondary school can be considered the single largest investment in the education sector.
The main structure carries a cost of $780M, but on completion, can rack up a total of as much as $1B, as the cost of furnishing; lighting, fencing, and security have still to be added.
The school will be able to accommodate close to 400 students with a dormitory built to house more than 250. This school will serve children from communities including, Kato, Kurukubaru, Monkey Mountain, and other surrounding Amerindian communities.
The PPP/C Government has always prioritised education, placing it at the top of the agenda; and under successive PPP/C Governments, more than 1000 schools have been built or rehabilitated.
From 1994, 14 nursery schools in the hinterland increased to 116 in 2014, primary schools moved from 111 to 139 and secondary from 5 to 12.
A number of dorm facilities have also been constructed and renovated in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 to accommodate the growing number of students.
According to Harsawack, due to improved access to education and other investments made, more parents are sending their children to school and putting pressure on the existing infrastructure at Paramakatoi.

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

Further, he explained that this will reduce some cost to the administration as in the past children from some surrounding communities had to be shuttled on aircraft to Region 9 to attend secondary school.

“This would be the most modern school upon completion, Information Technology lab, Technical Drawing, Wood Working lab etc…”
In addition, there will also be accommodation for teachers if the region is unable to source teachers from within.
The provision of universal access to secondary education is among the new wave of commitment that Government is determined to achieve; and more so, to cater for the influx of children completing primary school education.(GINA)

Good article.  Seems that Priya Manikchand and Frank Anthony are always working tirelessly in most of the articles I read.  Where are the rest of slackers? 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Home > TOP STORY > Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  
President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack checking out an area of the school under construction

Construction of $780M Kato secondary progressing – likely to be completed early next year  


IF good weather allows, the physical structure of the Kato Secondary school, Region 8 should be completed by the end of January 2015, according to Regional Executive Officer, Ronald Harsawack. The REO recently accompanied, President Donald Ramotar, Ministers, Priya Manickchand and Juan Edghill and others on a tour of the facility which is currently under construction.

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

President Donald Ramotar, Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Juan Edghill, and Regional Executive Officer, Region Eight, Ronald Harsawack looking on as workers mix cement at the construction site of the Kato Secondary School 

According to Harsawack, on completion, the Kato Secondary school can be considered the single largest investment in the education sector.
The main structure carries a cost of $780M, but on completion, can rack up a total of as much as $1B, as the cost of furnishing; lighting, fencing, and security have still to be added.
The school will be able to accommodate close to 400 students with a dormitory built to house more than 250. This school will serve children from communities including, Kato, Kurukubaru, Monkey Mountain, and other surrounding Amerindian communities.
The PPP/C Government has always prioritised education, placing it at the top of the agenda; and under successive PPP/C Governments, more than 1000 schools have been built or rehabilitated.
From 1994, 14 nursery schools in the hinterland increased to 116 in 2014, primary schools moved from 111 to 139 and secondary from 5 to 12.
A number of dorm facilities have also been constructed and renovated in Regions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 to accommodate the growing number of students.
According to Harsawack, due to improved access to education and other investments made, more parents are sending their children to school and putting pressure on the existing infrastructure at Paramakatoi.

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

A section of the Kato Secondary School which is under construction in Region Eight

Further, he explained that this will reduce some cost to the administration as in the past children from some surrounding communities had to be shuttled on aircraft to Region 9 to attend secondary school.

“This would be the most modern school upon completion, Information Technology lab, Technical Drawing, Wood Working lab etc…”
In addition, there will also be accommodation for teachers if the region is unable to source teachers from within.
The provision of universal access to secondary education is among the new wave of commitment that Government is determined to achieve; and more so, to cater for the influx of children completing primary school education.(GINA)

Good article.  Seems that Priya Manikchand and Frank Anthony are always working tirelessly in most of the articles I read.  Where are the rest of slackers? 


Rammo needs to shovel them out.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Not entirely accurate, Skelly. I attended Central High School 1962-1964 and my parents paid $36 per term school fees. During the 1964 riots I got beaten up on Durban Street, GT and my parents got a transfer for me from the new school year starting September 1964.

PPP was in government and my new school was Zeeburg Government Secondary School. For that first term my parents were required to pay $10 school fees.

In December 1964 PPP was removed from office. A PNC-UF coalition government took over. From January 1965 Zeeburg Government Secondary didn't charge school fees.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Sheik Ally:

Yes free education from Kindergarten to University a PPP Legacy. DO NOT FORGET THE PNC called the University Jagan Night School. 

U.G. is not free. 

Mars, let us recall that from the time the PPP government established UG in 1963, students had to pay tuition fees until 1976 when Burnham abolished them. I know for sure that for the 1969-1970 academic year the tuition fee was $106.


Guyana should continue to have free education from primary to University for all Guyanese.  Having a good education is one of the few ways where poor people can break the cycle of poverty that they are trapped in.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Not entirely accurate, Skelly. I attended Central High School 1962-1964 and my parents paid $36 per term school fees. During the 1964 riots I got beaten up on Durban Street, GT and my parents got a transfer for me from the new school year starting September 1964.

PPP was in government and my new school was Zeeburg Government Secondary School. For that first term my parents were required to pay $10 school fees.

In December 1964 PPP was removed from office. A PNC-UF coalition government took over. From January 1965 Zeeburg Government Secondary didn't charge school fees.

Gilly, not all high schools were free. There were still private high schools. Skeldon Lutheran High and Tagore Memorial were not free. Line path Secondary was one among the first free secondary school that was built in 1962 and opened in 1963. I know PPP built one also at #68 village and more in Corentyne. So it was the PPP who started free secondary education. My parents did not have to pay  even "wan lil jill" for me to attend. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Not entirely accurate, Skelly. I attended Central High School 1962-1964 and my parents paid $36 per term school fees. During the 1964 riots I got beaten up on Durban Street, GT and my parents got a transfer for me from the new school year starting September 1964.

PPP was in government and my new school was Zeeburg Government Secondary School. For that first term my parents were required to pay $10 school fees.

In December 1964 PPP was removed from office. A PNC-UF coalition government took over. From January 1965 Zeeburg Government Secondary didn't charge school fees.

Gilly, not all high schools were free. There were still private high schools. Skeldon Lutheran High and Tagore Memorial were not free. Line path Secondary was one among the first free secondary high school that was built in 1962 and opened in 1963. I know PPP built one also at #68 village and more in Corentyne. So it was the PPP who started free secondary education. My parents did not have to pay  even "wan lil jill" for me to attend. 



Since Gil turned PNC de man trying to distort acts.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Not entirely accurate, Skelly. I attended Central High School 1962-1964 and my parents paid $36 per term school fees. During the 1964 riots I got beaten up on Durban Street, GT and my parents got a transfer for me from the new school year starting September 1964.

PPP was in government and my new school was Zeeburg Government Secondary School. For that first term my parents were required to pay $10 school fees.

In December 1964 PPP was removed from office. A PNC-UF coalition government took over. From January 1965 Zeeburg Government Secondary didn't charge school fees.

Gilly, not all high schools were free. There were still private high schools. Skeldon Lutheran High and Tagore Memorial were not free. Line path Secondary was one among the first free secondary high school that was built in 1962 and opened in 1963. I know PPP built one also at #68 village and more in Corentyne. So it was the PPP who started free secondary education. My parents did not have to pay  even "wan lil jill" for me to attend. 



Since Gil turned PNC de man trying to distort acts.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PNC gave the people the Demerara River bridge, Linden Highway, free education...

PNC did not give free education. It was the PPP who built secondary schools in the early 60s(b4 pnc) and gave free secondary education. You might be too young to know this.

Not entirely accurate, Skelly. I attended Central High School 1962-1964 and my parents paid $36 per term school fees. During the 1964 riots I got beaten up on Durban Street, GT and my parents got a transfer for me from the new school year starting September 1964.

PPP was in government and my new school was Zeeburg Government Secondary School. For that first term my parents were required to pay $10 school fees.

In December 1964 PPP was removed from office. A PNC-UF coalition government took over. From January 1965 Zeeburg Government Secondary didn't charge school fees.

Gilly, not all high schools were free. There were still private high schools. Skeldon Lutheran High and Tagore Memorial were not free. Line path Secondary was one among the first free secondary high school that was built in 1962 and opened in 1963. I know PPP built one also at #68 village and more in Corentyne. So it was the PPP who started free secondary education. My parents did not have to pay  even "wan lil jill" for me to attend. 



Since Gil turned PNC de man trying to distort acts.

Bhai Yuji,  PPP give me free secondary education(Line Path Secondary 1963-1966).


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