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Former Member
A challenge to Robert Persaud

November 18, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Agriculture Minister, MP, PPP‘s Central Committee member and Donald Ramotar‘s campaign manager, Mr. Robert Persaud, is reported as issuing a statement denouncing what he says was the ongoing campaign of the opposition parties heading into this month‘s General Elections to pin the PPP/C to corruption.
He goes on to say that APNU and the AFC have been “creating the impression that we are, as a government and as a party, tolerating corruption at various levels.”
The society has seen for itself the rampant corruption and wanton plundering of state resources by this administration and the electorate will soon pronounce a verdict on Mr Persaud and his candidate.
If Mr Persaud and the candidate he is promoting wants to be taken seriously on this disclaimer then I urge him to “facilitate” and make public the information on CLICO investors who were paid-off with money realised from the New Building Society`s acquisition of CLICO`s shares in the Berbice Bridge Coy.
I need not point to the fact that the NBS chairman, Dr N. K. Gopaul is the Permanent Secretary in the Office of the President and of CLICO‘s Chief Executive Officer, Ms Geeta Singh-Knight being a colleague of Mr Ramotar as Directors of GUYSUCO, but do so to demonstrate the common links. While he is at it there is one other question I wish to put to Mr Robert Persaud, and it is that he is widely suspected to be dishonestly claiming to possess academic qualifications, namely being the holder of a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree.
I will reserve my comments and opinion of Mr Persaud until I receive his answers. I urge him though not to beat around the bush but to provide straight answers.
George Bulkan
While he is at it there is one other question I wish to put to Mr Robert Persaud, and it is that he is widely suspected to be dishonestly claiming to possess academic qualifications, namely being the holder of a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree.

This nonsense people write in letters?
Allyu want a transript now? Yu know it aint free!Big Grin

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