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I take it, you have it from good sources that Trump will loose.

Just suppose he loses, he is still a winner.

He would have millions of followers, about half of the country(his portion plus the independent parties) and affect the election process for years to come. Maybe, that is what his game plan was all along. Making America Great Again #MAGA is a very very long term process. It doan happen overnight. First step was to destroy Republican Establishment.

Business People are always long term planners. All of America's Business People Think along those lines. 

A Line from "El Cid", doan matter how many people are against him, he is on the side of RIGHT. 

That is my opinion. I am not selling it neither do I looking for a cuss down. Alot of people have Trump qualities-vile, vulgar and vindictive.

Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Trump must quote MLK. To the Blacks, their freedom is here at last.

Do you think black people are such dupes that they will take the knee for that arrogant, narcissistic windbag who has a legacy of racism just because he quote MLK? You are simpleminded.

Speeches does change people perspective. I take it u r like the stick in mud. Never swayed. America is not Guyana u know. Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

seignet posted:
Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

The average white American is descended from people who arrived in this country around 175 years ago.

The average black American is descended from people who arrived 275 years ago.  Unlike the whites, who know the lands of their ancestors, almost no black Americans do.

Yet you think that they should meekly accept being treated as second class citizens in the only land that they know, being bossed around by a bunch of Irish, Germans, and Italians!

Keep your inferiority immigrant complex to yourself.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

Awaiting Trump's message to Black Americans. It must come.

That Nigerian juju which you tried to use last year to curse blacks attacked your brain?

U know, only a little while ago I was wondering what become of u. Wondering whether u were on holidays or suspended.

As usual, u r one of those predictable people.  

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

The average white American is descended from people who arrived in this country around 175 years ago.

The average black American is descended from people who arrived 275 years ago.  Unlike the whites, who know the lands of their ancestors, almost no black Americans do.

Yet you think that they should meekly accept being treated as second class citizens in the only land that they know, being bossed around by a bunch of Irish, Germans, and Italians!

Keep your inferiority immigrant complex to yourself.

I have no clue what ur rants about.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

The average white American is descended from people who arrived in this country around 175 years ago.

The average black American is descended from people who arrived 275 years ago.  Unlike the whites, who know the lands of their ancestors, almost no black Americans do.

Yet you think that they should meekly accept being treated as second class citizens in the only land that they know, being bossed around by a bunch of Irish, Germans, and Italians!

Keep your inferiority immigrant complex to yourself.

I have no clue what ur rants about.

Of course you wouldn't. Too much a self hating racist to know how insulting it is to call the USA a "white man's country".  A nation which is 40% non white, and where millions of non whites have fought and died to build and protect.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

U know, only a little while ago I was wondering what become of u. Wondering whether u were on holidays or suspended.

As usual, u r one of those predictable people.  

I needed a break to remove the toxins that hanging out with racists like you create.

U tek all of this serious? Life is more than getting very personal. On here, it is ur opinion, my opinion and the others opinions. What we say on here makes no difference in the world.

It is a place to hang out, it helps me keep spelling words, express thoughts and share my experiences of Guyana, racial and otherwise. Some ribbing also included.

I just check in here once in awhile. 

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

The average white American is descended from people who arrived in this country around 175 years ago.

The average black American is descended from people who arrived 275 years ago.  Unlike the whites, who know the lands of their ancestors, almost no black Americans do.

Yet you think that they should meekly accept being treated as second class citizens in the only land that they know, being bossed around by a bunch of Irish, Germans, and Italians!

Keep your inferiority immigrant complex to yourself.

I have no clue what ur rants about.

Of course you wouldn't. Too much a self hating racist to know how insulting it is to call the USA a "white man's country".  A nation which is 40% non white, and where millions of non whites have fought and died to build and protect.

It is the initiators that counts. I think that is what Eric Philips beef is all about. Blacks were in Guyana first, so everybody else is of very little consequence.

Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Trump must quote MLK. To the Blacks, their freedom is here at last.

Do you think black people are such dupes that they will take the knee for that arrogant, narcissistic windbag who has a legacy of racism just because he quote MLK? You are simpleminded.

Relatively speaking, Blacks are no better off today than in 2008.  Unlike Guyana where Blacks were way better off in 2015 than they were anytime prior to 1992.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Despite the immigrant way of thinking, white people have a democratic country. 

The average white American is descended from people who arrived in this country around 175 years ago.

The average black American is descended from people who arrived 275 years ago.  Unlike the whites, who know the lands of their ancestors, almost no black Americans do.

Yet you think that they should meekly accept being treated as second class citizens in the only land that they know, being bossed around by a bunch of Irish, Germans, and Italians!

Keep your inferiority immigrant complex to yourself.

I have no clue what ur rants about.

Of course you wouldn't. Too much a self hating racist to know how insulting it is to call the USA a "white man's country".  A nation which is 40% non white, and where millions of non whites have fought and died to build and protect.

If it's not a White power, why you calling for Affirmative Action?

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Trump must quote MLK. To the Blacks, their freedom is here at last.

Do you think black people are such dupes that they will take the knee for that arrogant, narcissistic windbag who has a legacy of racism just because he quote MLK? You are simpleminded.

Relatively speaking, Blacks are no better off today than in 2008.  Unlike Guyana where Blacks were way better off in 2015 than they were anytime prior to 1992.

Relatively, Blacks are better than in 2008. At that time the housing collapse transferred one third of black wealth into the hands of the crooks on wall street. Today, there is a rebounding and an actual blossoming of black entrepreneurship. The shift in Georgia is because many southerner's went home. The same is happening in North Carolina. You live in your head according to your racist expectations but the reality is different.

Trump may have destroyed the GOP for decades and the strength if the Dems is mainly in the minority vote. Mrs C is coming into office on the backs of black people and she is bringing a new Senate with her. I see great transformations in the rust belt helping poor people black and white.

Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Trump must quote MLK. To the Blacks, their freedom is here at last.

Do you think black people are such dupes that they will take the knee for that arrogant, narcissistic windbag who has a legacy of racism just because he quote MLK? You are simpleminded.

Relatively speaking, Blacks are no better off today than in 2008.  Unlike Guyana where Blacks were way better off in 2015 than they were anytime prior to 1992.

Relatively, Blacks are better than in 2008. At that time the housing collapse transferred one third of black wealth into the hands of the crooks on wall street. Today, there is a rebounding and an actual blossoming of black entrepreneurship. The shift in Georgia is because many southerner's went home. The same is happening in North Carolina. You live in your head according to your racist expectations but the reality is different.

Trump may have destroyed the GOP for decades and the strength if the Dems is mainly in the minority vote. Mrs C is coming into office on the backs of black people and she is bringing a new Senate with her. I see great transformations in the rust belt helping poor people black and white.

u c or yuh anticipating?

seignet posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
seignet posted:

Trump must quote MLK. To the Blacks, their freedom is here at last.

Do you think black people are such dupes that they will take the knee for that arrogant, narcissistic windbag who has a legacy of racism just because he quote MLK? You are simpleminded.

Relatively speaking, Blacks are no better off today than in 2008.  Unlike Guyana where Blacks were way better off in 2015 than they were anytime prior to 1992.

Relatively, Blacks are better than in 2008. At that time the housing collapse transferred one third of black wealth into the hands of the crooks on wall street. Today, there is a rebounding and an actual blossoming of black entrepreneurship. The shift in Georgia is because many southerner's went home. The same is happening in North Carolina. You live in your head according to your racist expectations but the reality is different.

Trump may have destroyed the GOP for decades and the strength if the Dems is mainly in the minority vote. Mrs C is coming into office on the backs of black people and she is bringing a new Senate with her. I see great transformations in the rust belt helping poor people black and white.

u c or yuh anticipating?

I travel this country. You do not. Blacks in South Carolina and Mississippi are like their white country folks similarly destitute, similarly religious and vote often for the GOP. Blacks are not homogeneously liberal but actually are very conservative.

I am not anticipating anything. I know that the GOP would be more friendly to a white woman than they have been to a black man. Mrs C will get things done. She is hard nosed, and designed for this job. It is the one for which she has practiced all here life. She is better prepared and knows the Americana people more than they know themselves. She will be a great president.

Trump advisors are people people who are all Alt not mainstream Republicans and do not share a kinship with them. Most of them have a deep seated hate for Mrs C and that is what drives them not love for country. Kellyanne Conway, David Bossie, Laura Ingram, Ales Jones etc,  in the Trump camp are not mainstream republicans or conservatives and they have no desire to win but to destroy. Republicans recognize this and so are trying to save their party.

When this election is over the Trump brand would have been ruined. People who now crowd his campaign stops will disappear as they know he will have no power to do anything for them and they will look to the power sources from within the traditional Republican sphere. He cannot capitalize on this to build anything. People do not like losers.

Some say he aims at a Media empire and has his son in law organizing to that end but he is attempting to try to build the only thing that fails a hundred times more than opening a restaurant. He tried to break the only woman against whom so many have tried and are broken as though hitting a rock. She is what he will never be. She will be President...the most powerful person on planer earth for 8 years!


Last edited by Former Member

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