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A charmer, empty seats, a wave, and those sleepers
- the opening of Guyana’s tenth Parliament

February 11, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar engages Chinese Ambassador Wu Wenzhe in conversation.

Her staff needs to do some work in guiding her, but Guyana’s First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar, proved a charmer as her husband, President Donald Ramotar, inaugurated the Tenth Parliament.

For a woman who did not show up on the social circuit during her husband’s decades-long political life, Mrs. Ramotar is making her stamp as First Lady – composed of quiet dignity and a genuine smile.

President Ramotar himself may need a few tips on how to operate with his wife in public, like keeping her at his side; or at least making sure he knows where she is!

“Where is my wife?” he asked when he had exited Parliament Buildings and was heading for the car. Sure enough, she was already seated at the backseat of the Presidential Car.

Watch it, Raphael! President Donald Ramotar waves to opposition supporters as he is escorted out of Parliament Buildings by Raphael Trotman, Speaker of the National Assembly.

At the times she was away from the side of her husband, Mrs. Ramotar did not stand in a corner or engage in idle chatter with those whom she may have known from the ruling People’s Progressive Party.

She mixed freely with opposition Parliamentarians, diplomats, and others who were allowed inside the lounge for a reception after the ceremonial opening.

Perhaps she could not, or may not hope to out-dress the ever gorgeous Yvonne, wife of the Prime Minister, but Mrs. Ramotar made her presence felt.

And making a surprise showing was former First Lady, Varshnie Singh, former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s wife, with whom he split in a public scandal about the way she was treated while they were married.

She entered Parliament Chambers to escort her father, Beni Singh, a long-time supporter of the ruling party, to his seat.

That aside, the current First Lady paid careful attention as her husband elaborated his strategy for the next five years. She sat in the seat reserved for her. At her left should have been Mr. Jagdeo, but he did not show up.

Also a no-show was Ralph Ramkarran, who was voted out as Speaker by an opposition majority in the National Assembly.

When anyone speaks in the National Assembly, it is almost a given that some of the people’s representatives would nod off occasionally, but you would think they would at least try to pay attention once the full Parliament is convened with the presence of the President.

But not so, there were some notable ones who went off to dreamland. One could perhaps forgive Sydney Allicock. Perhaps he travelled directly to Parliament after making the long trip from Region Nine.

There are those who could put on a show and none beat Winston Felix, the former Police Commissioner, who is now a Member of Parliament with the opposition alliance A Partnership for National Unity.

He was in the line trying to get snacks. The President and his wife were but an ear-shot away, but when the President called out to him, you would think Felix never saw the President coming! The pretence was clear as day.

Don’t let’s forget the Member of Parliament who was busy tabulating his expenses while the President was speaking!

Mr. Ramotar proved that he could put some spunk in his moves as President. As he exited Parliament Chambers, there were chants of “quack quack Donald” from a crowd of protestors who shouted the name of the Opposition Leader, David Granger, when he, Mr. Ramotar, arrived.

But as he left, he showed his humorous side.

“You want see them make some more noise?” he whispered to Speaker Raphael Trotman, who was escorting him out.

He then gestured a massive wave to the crowd, and sure enough, as the Presidential Car left Parliament buildings, he waved as he passed the crowd, and of course, the desired effect, “more noise” was achieved.

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President Ramotar himself may need a few tips on how to operate with his wife in public, like keeping her at his side; or at least making sure he knows where she is!

“Where is my wife?” he asked when he had exited Parliament Buildings and was heading for the car.

Sure enough, she was already seated at the backseat of the Presidential Car.

lol panman panman lol
He still gat 5 more years to screw it up. And trust me he will.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Dis man is gon be wan good prezzy. Yuh wach nex elecshun, Ramo gon tek 20% Afro PNC votes.
How can Vasti be former First Lady when she went around the Marrow 7 times and was told after by the Pandit Repu that the Marriage is not registered due to Bharrat instructions.Trotman came from a Great blood line and he is working his way to a better position come next election.Ramoitar never had any position in Parliament, he was dumped in Freedom House and destroyed the sugar industry,how would his wife know any better,than to be a Domestic Engineer.

First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar engages Chinese Ambassador Wu Wenzhe in conversation.

Her staff needs to do some work in guiding her, but Guyana’s First Lady, Deolatchmee Ramotar, proved a charmer as her husband, President Donald Ramotar, inaugurated the Tenth Parliament.

For a woman who did not show up on the social circuit during her husband’s decades-long political life, Mrs. Ramotar is making her stamp as First Lady – composed of quiet dignity and a genuine smile.

Indeed. Smile
Mr. Ramotar proved that he could put some spunk in his moves as President. As he exited Parliament Chambers, there were chants of “quack quack Donald” from a crowd of protestors who shouted the name of the Opposition Leader, David Granger, when he, Mr. Ramotar, arrived.

What did the protestors achieve?

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