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Did the PPP bribe Volda to abstain? Something sound fishy here.

APNU to investigate Volda Lawrence’s abstaining vote – Granger


Some members of the Opposition are not only disappointed but almost furious that the government triumphed on Thursday during a vote for the approval of provisions for works on the controversial Specialty Hospital.

David Granger

David Granger

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Leader, David Granger, has announced that he will launch an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the absence of Volda Lawrence during the vote.
Thursday’s sitting was unique. Thirty-two members sat on both sides of the House. The Opposition’s one seat majority had disappeared because Deputy Speaker, Deborah Backer, was absent.
The Opposition was having its way on each call of division until the House voted on Provisions for the hospital. It was here that the government had the majority since Lawrence was absent at the time.
As the rules mandate, the bell rang to alert all members outside that voting was about to take place, but Lawrence did not return to her seat.
While members on the government’s side rejoiced, APNU’s Amna Ali bowed her head and left the chambers in search of Lawrence.
Lawrence returned to her seat about 15 minutes after the vote but remained silent on two other votes.
At a press conference, yesterday, at the Office of the APNU leader on Hadfield Street, Granger disclosed that he would not be pronouncing on the implications with regard to her silence as the investigation would have to clearly determine the reasons for her absence in the first place.
Granger also deemed the fact that Lawrence did not inform the other members of her party about why she was leaving, as a “mere breakdown in communication.”
The Brigadier said, “My information was that in the first instance Ms. Lawrence left the chambers because she was not well. And as you would know, two other Members of Parliament went to assist her. One actually came back and asked for some medication which she had in her bag and took it over to her.
“I was told last night that she was not well and I inquired about her condition and when she came back and she sat in her chair she was obviously distraught. I heard no sound from her and while I wouldn’t use the word abstain; I heard no sound from her when other votes were taken.”

Volda Lawrence

Volda Lawrence

“This matter has to be investigated. I haven’t been able to meet with her or speak with her as yet, (but) at present, we feel there might be a case for her.”
The politician also informed members of the media corps that the Shadow Cabinet had met earlier on Thursday and took decisions on the vote affecting the Specialty Hospital.  “Our positions were clear and it was quite evident that we voted together.”
However, when asked why Ms. Lawrence returned to the Assembly if she claimed that she was truly unwell, Granger said, “I don’t have all the answers.”

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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Did the PPP bribe Volda to abstain? Something sound fishy here.


* Volda Lawrence is a woman of integrity and character.


* Hopefully the PPP will reward her with the CCH(cacique crown of honor) and a house in pardoville 2.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Did the PPP bribe Volda to abstain? Something sound fishy here.


* Volda Lawrence is a woman of integrity and character.


* Hopefully the PPP will reward her with the CCH(cacique crown of honor) and a house in pardoville 2.



She was sick. She needs the special tea hospital.



The Rev won't be surprised to see David Granger and the other nasty, stinking dogs expel the honorable Ms Lawrence from the PNC----the PPP ought to welcome her with open arms.



Originally Posted by Rev:


The Rev won't be surprised to see David Granger and the other nasty, stinking dogs expel the honorable Ms Lawrence from the PNC----the PPP ought to welcome her with open arms.



I hope they promptly put her to pasture if she is a PPP plant. The PPP are users...she will get her 30 pieces of silver but nothing else,

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope they promptly put her to pasture if she is a PPP plant. The PPP are users...she will get her 30 pieces of silver but nothing else,



* Ms Lawrence is a decent woman---a woman of character and integrity.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope they promptly put her to pasture if she is a PPP plant. The PPP are users...she will get her 30 pieces of silver but nothing else,



* Ms Lawrence is a decent woman---a woman of character and integrity.



D2 has a history of slandering women's names.  He started with Manickchand, then Vanessa Narine, Dr Chehil and now Volda Lawerence.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
The Brigadier said, “My information was that in the first instance Ms. Lawrence left the chambers because she was not well. And as you would know, two other Members of Parliament went to assist her. One actually came back and asked for some medication which she had in her bag and took it over to her.


Volda Lawrence

Volda Lawrence


“I was told last night that she was not well and I inquired about her condition and when she came back and she sat in her chair she was obviously distraught. I heard no sound from her and while I wouldn’t use the word abstain; I heard no sound from her when other votes were taken.”


David Granger

David Granger

Do your usual job, David Granger. Replace her immediately with another person, as you did on the previous occasion for an MP.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2 has a history of slandering women's names.  He started with Manickchand, then Vanessa Narine, Dr Chehil and now Volda Lawerence.

* I have been reading his posts.


* I rather doubt Danyael has a mother, a wife, sisters or daughters.


* Danyael is very mean and vicious when it comes to attacking and slandering women.


* Misogynist is quite an apt description for Danyael.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2 has a history of slandering women's names.  He started with Manickchand, then Vanessa Narine, Dr Chehil and now Volda Lawerence.

* I have been reading his posts.


* I rather doubt Danyael has a mother, a wife, sisters or daughters.


* Danyael is very mean and vicious when it comes to attacking and slandering women.


* Misogynist is quite an apt description for Danyael.



Dude, you and that idiot are jokes. I do not deny I am mean and viscious. However the slandering part is just the red meat you need to make you appear nice. If that lady did a 180 on her party do you think she should be patted on the head?


Danyael despises honest women.





* Your wife should 'box' you in the head for attacking an honest and dignified black woman like Ms. Volda Lawrence.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Rev, the fact that you are so adamant in the honesty of a PNC official is sufficient evidence of a PPP orchestrated mysterious illness.

* Politics is dirty business my bwoy!


* By the way, if the esteemed Ms. Lawence is expelled from the PNC---she has a promotion awaiting her in her job---and the PPP would be delighted to have her come on board.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:

Danyael despises honest women.





* Your wife should 'box' you in the head for attacking an honest and dignified black woman like Ms. Volda Lawrence.





I have not attacked anyone. I simply said if she did a flip flop in the middle of an important vote she is Judas in the proverbial sense. I would nor worry about bigots like you pretending you have sympathy for this woman now.


Only yesterday she was the "evil pnc"  and an inferior black to you. I need not remind you of the many occasions you made that very point As for the woman bit I wonder who a picture of Ms Obama to imply she was an ugly black woman vs the Pretty white Mrs Romney? No punk, curs like you calling me names for addressing an issue of integrity  bothers me little.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Rev, the fact that you are so adamant in the honesty of a PNC official is sufficient evidence of a PPP orchestrated mysterious illness.

* Politics is dirty business my bwoy!


* By the way, if the esteemed Ms. Lawence is expelled from the PNC---she has a promotion awaiting her in her job---and the PPP would be delighted to have her come on board.



Get it in your noggins. The PPP do not care for black people. This lady does not have a chance being dog catcher for the PPP. I hope she succumbed to some exotic ailment indeed though that is far fetched given we have seen Gabby Gifford recovering from a bullet in the head make it to the floor to cast a vote.


You notice how many afro members in the PPP cabinet, not counting Rhoee who is dougla?   7.

Blacks are encouraged to join the PPP, that is why the PPP court them with milk. But the hold of racism is still too much to overcome by many blacks as they continue to vote PNC which gave them black tea. 


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