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Former Member

GECOM may be the cause of civil disobedience in Guyana, one of the most important elections in our country's history. Since election day, citizens from both major political parties are standing their ground for fairness in the process. Today, they're protests in many areas with some incidents. If this is allowed to go on, we may see something that Guyana has never seen before. I pray for peace and goodwill to prevail for all Guyanese. 

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Diplomats concerned over “electoral fraud”, call on President Granger not to be sworn in


See full statement:

The Heads of Mission of the Embassy of the United States of America, H.E. Sarah-Ann Lynch, the British High Commission, H.E. Greg Quinn, the Canadian High Commission, H.E. Lilian Chatterjee, and the Delegation of the European Union, H.E Fernando Ponz-Canto, express deep concern over credible allegations of electoral fraud which may influence the results of this election.

We call on all to ensure proper procedures are in place to yield a credible election result. A fair and free process is vital for the maintenance and reinforcement of democracy in Guyana.

We call on President Granger to avoid a transition of government which we believe would be unconstitutional as it would be based on a vote tabulation process that lacked credibility and transparency.


US, UK, EU, Canada reject Region 4 unverified count

APNU/AFC rigging gambit

â€Ķcall for GECOM to re-tabulate from SOPs
â€Ķbusinesses up in arms

After the controversial and unverified declaration of Region Four results without verifying the Statements of Poll on Thursday, the international community has united in rejecting the illegal declaration and urging the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to return to the statutory verification process.

British High Commissioner Gregory Quinn

This was communicated in a joint statement issued by British High Commissioner Gregory Quinn, United States Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch, Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee and European Union Ambassador Fernando Ponz-Canto.
In their statement, the group noted that “based on our observation of today’s GECOM proceedings at their Region Four office and the fact that the full count was not completed, we question the credibility of the Region four results published by GECOM today”.

US Ambassador Sarah-Ann Lynch

“We urge the Guyana Elections Commission and all relevant actors to expeditiously complete the tabulation on the basis of the statement of polls. We call on all Guyanese to remain calm and patient and for all leaders to exercise responsibility and restraint,” the envoys, representing the most powerful countries in the world, said.

The western democracies’ sentiments were in sync with the local business community which insisted that the electoral process that undergirds democratic governance should not be subverted. One of the largest business conglomerate, the Beepat Group, vowed to close the largest mall in Guyana until GECOM resolves the counting issue in Region 4. The owner, Roy Beepat, called upon other businesses to follow his lead.

EU Ambassador Fernando Ponz-Canto

Meanwhile, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) made it clear that they are appalled at GECOM’s attempts to trample on the statutory process. The Commission also noted that GECOM’s actions are occurring under the watch of Chairperson Retired Justice Claudette Singh.
“The PSC is appalled at the blatant and deliberate attempts by GECOM to destroy our democracy by derailing the tabulation process of the 2020 elections results and attempts to subvert the will of the people. It is clear to all that the Chairman of GECOM is allowing without objection the attempts to perpetuate election fraud under her watch.”
“The tabulation process has certainly raised doubts about the integrity of the GECOM Chair, the Chief Elections Officer and some of their staffers. The threats to withdraw accreditation from the International Observers further erodes confidence in the process.”

Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee

The Commission urged GECOM to return to the verification process. It also urged President David Granger to step up and ensure that credible elections are held, lest Guyana falls under the international sanctions that come with being a pariah state.
“The PSC is calling on GECOM to recommence the verification of the remaining Statement of Polls for District 4 that will lead to a credible declaration of the results. The PSC is clear on the implications of not having a democratically-elected government.
“We cannot allow our country at this time to be isolated and sanctioned by the international community. We call upon President Granger to ensure that the electoral process is completed in accordance with the law.”
During an interview with this publication, PSC Chairman, retired Captain Gerry Gouveia, made clear the implications for if President Granger is elected through a rigged process. According to him, the international community could come down on Guyana “like a ton of bricks”.
“We have called on (GECOM) to return to the tabulation process. They must go back in and finish the tabulation process. Without that tabulation process, these elections will be nil, the President would be illegal and the government would not be a democratically elected government.”
“The international community would come down on our country like a ton of bricks. If these elections are not endorsed by the international community, Guyana as a country will face enormous challenges internationally,” Gouveia also said.


@Former Member

How do you negotiate with a man with a known violent thief with Bible in his hand? It is up to the PPP supporters to hold their party leaders feet to the fire and demand equal treatment in every aspect of their lives and communities and country. Everyone, regardless of race should receive equal benefit from their elected government. Political leaders must understand that the people of their country are their employers and they are our employees.


People in Guyana are not sitting down. They spend many hours awake since Monday to see justice and fairness in our election process. To this day, GECOM Chairwoman cannot be seen or heard from. She has no regard for the will of the people or the safety of lives or whatever damage this will send to the rest of the world.   

Last edited by Former Member

Region 4 Commander relieved of duties after refusal to remove PPP Commissioner from GECOM’s Command Centre

Assistant Commissioner of Police, Edgar Thomas was today relieved of his duties as Regional Commander of Georgetown/East Bank Demerara. A source told Guyana Standard that Thomas was instructed by his senior to remove People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC), Commissioner, Sase Gunraj from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) Command Centre at High and Hadfield Street. The office of the Returning Officer for Region Four is also housed there.

Thomas refused to carry out the instructions saying that Gunraj is a legitimate member of the Commission. Sometime after, he received a call from his superior who told him that he was relieved of his duties. Thomas has since been transferred to another police division. Guyana Standard was unable to confirm which division. Superintendent Phillip Azore now replaces him.


Claudette Singh said all of Guyana oil cannot move her from carrying our duty according to the constitution of Guyana. Where is she? Did she see what is happening in the street? 

Na she lack up in one room.  Jagdeo say a room door na gat handle outside.  The champion of SOP sey dem a hold she hastage.  So she mus be lack up in de with the hostage takers. How she a get food an so bai? Guyana story gat melady.

Millionaire Guyanese businessman and People's Progressive Party campaign guru, Peter Ramsaroop is claiming that Leader of the Opposition, BharatJagdeo may have completely misconstrued information passed to him in relation to votes garnered in Region 4. The former US soldier and close friend of Charandass Persaud is setting the record straight in relation to what transpired in Region 4.
Ramsaroop said that the information passed on to Mr Jagdeo was that approximately ten thousand residents in Region 4 were given two hundred dollars (US currency) to vote PPP/C. He further stated that Mr Jagdeo was told that of the approximately ten thousand residents only two hundred may have casted their ballot for his party. He said the former president was also apprised of the situation involving popular street celebrity, Meghan who was given an extra two hundred and voted for Mr Granger.
Mr Ramsaroop who is planning to leave for the USA sometime in the new week, is stating that the PPP/C will have to refund in excess of a hundred million dollars (Guyana currency), to his various bank accounts if his businesses are to survive. He also strongly believes the party's strategy to win the 2020 National and Regional elections had "hit a brick wall" because Mr Jagdeo did not agree to Anil Nandlall being the candidate to lead them into elections instead of Irfaan Ali whose reputation and credibility were in tatters as a result of being before the courts on 19 fraud charges and also the case of his degree mysteriously vanishing in thin air.
The campaign guru said the party told Mr Jagdeo to take a backseat during the campaign but the party General Secretary did not listen. " I and others in the PPP who have invested all of our finances to be victorious at the polls are now penniless because the Leader of the Opposition said it is his way or the highway." Ramsaroop is reported to have said. Ramsaroop, in addition to wanting his money, claims he wants no part in the PPP's strategy of wanting to make Guyana ungovernable.
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 Taken from FaceBook.

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