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Over the pass 4 months there seems to be the start of a build up of Venezuelan forces at some Guyana border areas.  The government and opposition must send a clear message to Venezuela by putting mechanisms in place to ensure that if any of Guyana's terrority is invaded by Venezuela then Guyana should be able to ask the United States of America to become a union terrority or state. 

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Originally Posted by Wally:

Over the pass 4 months there seems to be the start of a build up of Venezuelan forces at some Guyana border areas.  The government and opposition must send a clear message to Venezuela by putting mechanisms in place to ensure that if any of Guyana's terrority is invaded by Venezuela then Guyana should be able to ask the United States of America to become a union terrority or state. 

It was the Americans who informed the Venezuelans about the crooked deal between the Russian and British diplomats at the border tribunal. Strange, the yanks told the venez inorder to curbs the ambitions of the Jagan to create soviet sattelite in Guyana. Now, a leftist venezuelan intends made good on the american offer for the invasion of Guyana.


Perhaps, it is not a bad thing. Anyone, who have any idea on how a progressive nation conducts its business must know that the present crop of Guyanese politicians are lacking.


At the Governmental level nothing works. There is a lack of communication with departments of ministries. The urgency to deal with serious matters are just treated as non-important.  

Originally Posted by Wally:

Baseman the Venezuelan army has deployed multiple rocket launchers.  Are they that scared of a coup and by whom?

They also were scheduled to received this month (December) a shipment of 
BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launchers from Russia.  Why would that country want that equipment when it has no enemies in the region that want to invade it.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Baseman the Venezuelan army has deployed multiple rocket launchers.  Are they that scared of a coup and by whom?

They also were scheduled to received this month (December) a shipment of 
BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launchers from Russia.  Why would that country want that equipment when it has no enemies in the region that want to invade it.

With Russia and Cuba in the loop, they will not threaten Guyana.  His build-up is in response to that in Columbia, a US ally who has accused Chavez of supporting/arming FARC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Baseman the Venezuelan army has deployed multiple rocket launchers.  Are they that scared of a coup and by whom?

They also were scheduled to received this month (December) a shipment of 
BM-30 Smerch multiple rocket launchers from Russia.  Why would that country want that equipment when it has no enemies in the region that want to invade it.

With Russia and Cuba in the loop, they will not threaten Guyana.  His build-up is in response to that in Columbia, a US ally who has accused Chavez of supporting/arming FARC.

I hope you are right

Originally Posted by TK:

Guyana had its foreign messed up in the past 13 years. This will be sad. I am sure all parties will unite in this case. 

Who have they had major conflict with?  I don't agree with all the PPP's positions however, I think they are charting carefully with Venez on the border dispute.  They understand Chavez's internal challenges on the matter and are doing nothing to endanger his slow shift to relinquish the claim altogether.


Guyana/PPP are correct not to allow Guyana to be used in any US anti-Chavez plans.


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