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Former Member

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afros only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afors only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afors only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.



The New PPP must focus on Nationla Unity after the Election victory on May 12th.


It is very disturbing to see 99.99 Percent Blacks voting PNC. WE need to end PNC racism.


Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state   sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances on the rise;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afros only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Which douglas not voting your kids?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afors only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.



The New PPP must focus on Nationla Unity after the Election victory on May 12th.


It is very disturbing to see 99.99 Percent Blacks voting PNC. WE need to end PNC racism.

The Indians and Blacks don't vote party, they both vote fear, ethnic insecurity.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afros only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration. are such a dummy. Why would the age of mixed group deviate from the standard curve?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afors only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.



Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.



The New PPP must focus on Nationla Unity after the Election victory on May 12th.


It is very disturbing to see 99.99 Percent Blacks voting PNC. WE need to end PNC racism.

The Indians and Blacks don't vote party, they both vote fear, ethnic insecurity.

This statement by Granger is very disturbing:


Granger calls for bloodshed:


“Keep your eyes on these people; they don’t dead easy you know, y’all start with funeral announcement, death announcement, they don’t dead easy,” he added."


Here is the PPP record after 23 years:

  •   Failed education system with illiteracy on the rise;
  •   Broken health care system;
  •   Highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region;
  •   Poorest country in the hemisphere;
  •   Most corrupt country in the region;
  •   Increased racial divisiveness within the last 23 years - state   sponsored;
  •   Broken transportation system;
  •   Broken electricity system - random and prolonged black outs;
  •   Broken road works & bridges - crippling the movement of goods and people;
  •   Broken water and sewage system - no and sometimes unsafe piped water;
  •   Country in state of dictatorship with the closure of parliament;
  •   Rolling back of press freedoms with media being threatened;
  •   Extra judicial killings and disappearances on the rise;
  •   State sponsored demoralizing of armed services;
Originally Posted by baseman:

Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.

And what is the PPP doing to ensure that this day comes?  After all they have been screaming apan jhat and have done nothing to shut up the Indo racists who tell Indians that race should be the only criteria in determining their vote.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


They will be by 2020 so this is the last election that you can scream race.  By 2020 the Indian vote will not win elections, and so galvanizing Indians to support the PPP will be hard.  They will know that their vote will make no difference.


So what plans do you have for that election, whether or not the PPP wins this one?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn: are such a dummy. Why would the age of mixed group deviate from the standard curve?

The mixed population increased by 70% since 1991.  The overall population increased by only 3% in that period.


So what theories do you have to explain this massive increase of the mixed population?  Mine is that there has been a significant increase in miscegenation, accounting for the bulk of this increase.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Maybe true.  However, the best tassa party will be the day when we don't count the ethnic make up to feel assured or fear the outcome of elections.  That will be the day when we shift focus on the issues plaguing the people of Guyana, Indian, Black or otherwise.

And what is the PPP doing to ensure that this day comes?  After all they have been screaming apan jhat and have done nothing to shut up the Indo racists who tell Indians that race should be the only criteria in determining their vote.

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


Neither the PPP nor PNC have demonstrated the type of leadership in addressing this.  Nations like South Africa and Rwanda and come have gone and left Guyana still twiddling our thumbs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

It is very disturbing to see 99.99 Percent Blacks voting PNC. WE need to end PNC racism.

This is why there will be never any national unity.


The PNC concedes that it cannot on its own get the Indian vote, because of how the Indian vote perceives the PNC.  So the form a coalition with a party which can and will get some Indian support.  Not only do they do this, but they make major concession to that party.  Basically if the AFC feels that the PNC is excluding them, then they AFC will have the ability to destroy an APNU led government



The PPP in victory will be led by Jagdeo, who will mount an aggressive campaign of revenge and even more heightened ethnic exclusion.


After every election the PPP promises to be more ethnically inclusive.  After every election the PPP becomes more racist.  The net result is that the PPP has made NO inroads into the black vote. More disturbingly for the longevity of the PPP is that the vast majority (80%) of mixed Guyanese also reject them.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We hear a lot of noise was made by the PNC about the douglas, the fact is that a majority of douglas are not of voting age.


This is a major miscalculation by the PNC. Moses is also a major failure in bringing over Indos to the PPP and denying that he is not Indian.


The PPP focused on the Douglas of voting age and the Natives who are 95 Percent behind the PPP.


Afros only make up 30 Percent of the population and the PNC peaks at 40 percent. It is time to warm up the tassa for a PPP victory celebration.







Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

You react one way to anything.  I know your are smarter than that.  Stop being intellectually lazy.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

You react one way to anything.  I know your are smarter than that.  Stop being intellectually lazy.

Here is how you want me to react.


"beat me Indian massa, beat me.  I am a good black slave.  Do anything that you want to me massa".


Baseman.  NOt happening.  The PPP is guilty of ethnic exclusion, and as much as you do not want discussion of that fact it is the TRUTH!


Now outline how the PPP will react to the fact that a growing mixed population, combined with the black population remain hostile to them.  By 2020 these groups will be over 50% of the voters.


Little gimmicks like Dizzy Lizzy who will have no input into anything meaningful fail to impress.  As you can see she brings no votes and plays no role.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

You react one way to anything.  I know your are smarter than that.  Stop being intellectually lazy.

Here is how you want me to react.


"beat me Indian massa, beat me.  I am a good black slave.  Do anything that you want to me massa".


Baseman.  NOt happening.  The PPP is guilty of ethnic exclusion, and as much as you do not want discussion of that fact it is the TRUTH!


Now outline how the PPP will react to the fact that a growing mixed population, combined with the black population remain hostile to them.  By 2020 these groups will be over 50% of the voters.


Little gimmicks like Dizzy Lizzy who will have no input into anything meaningful fail to impress.  As you can see she brings no votes and plays no role.

Banna, time seem to have debased your intellect.  You were better then at responding in such a simplistic manner.


You understand one thing, it all starts with the ethnic insecurity issues.  This allows systematic abuse which both are guilty of.  The day ethnic insecurity is relegated to the back-burner, the rest will fall into place.  Nothing beats when a politician knows he/she will be judged by the electorate on the issues and performance.  Guyana is not there, thus all the ills and grievances to which you refer.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

You react one way to anything.  I know your are smarter than that.  Stop being intellectually lazy.

Here is how you want me to react.


"beat me Indian massa, beat me.  I am a good black slave.  Do anything that you want to me massa".


Baseman.  NOt happening.  The PPP is guilty of ethnic exclusion, and as much as you do not want discussion of that fact it is the TRUTH!


Now outline how the PPP will react to the fact that a growing mixed population, combined with the black population remain hostile to them.  By 2020 these groups will be over 50% of the voters.


Little gimmicks like Dizzy Lizzy who will have no input into anything meaningful fail to impress.  As you can see she brings no votes and plays no role.

Banna, time seem to have debased your intellect.  You were better then at responding in such a simplistic manner.


You understand one thing, it all starts with the ethnic insecurity issues.  This allows systematic abuse which both are guilty of.  The day ethnic insecurity is relegated to the back-burner,

The PPP does NOT acknowledge that there is any African ethnic insecurity issue.  They have been in power for 22 years and have confirmed all the fears that Africans have had about what PPP rule will do to them.  This is reflected in the fact that the PPP has made NO inroads into this bloc, or into the mixed bloc.


The PPP has NO intention of dealing with the African insecurity issue. 


So there is no hope for national unity under a PPP regime.  It is not guaranteed under an APNU AFC govt either, but the fact is that APNU has given Nagamootoo the power to ensure the fair distribution of decision making and assets and if he fails to do so it is his problem.


Now what arrangements has the PPP made to assure Africans that there will be people who have a vested interested in ensuring that there will be fairness?  Didn't happen under Sam Hinds, and Harper is even weaker and more mercenary.  She presided at the Ministry of FA at a time when there are almost no blacks appointed as heads of mission.  Thanks to Kissoon and Hughes this issue has been addressed, but no thanks to her.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, when we take off our jaded lenses, what's revealed is both Indians and Blacks are fighting against a common enemy, fear and ethnic insecurity.


So when Indians scream that Indians must vote PPP only because of race.  When Indians tell a one sided story of Guyana, casting blacks as savage brutes.  When all sorts of lies are told about blacks, and the PPP refuses to think that blacks will trust a PPP regime, especially when they note that they are excluded from leadership therefore having NO input into the directions that Guyana takes, how resources are allocated, are who gets contracts.


Blacks have been reduced to charity cases under the PPP.  Even though they are also tax payers (and being disproportionately wage earners, maybe paying more than their share of income taxes) if a school is built in a black village, using an Indian contractor and Indian labor, blacks must be "grateful".  All decisions concerning the school of course made by Indians!


This cannot continue!  Ethnic exclusion under the PNC was wrong and it remains wrong when the PPP behaves the SAME WAY!

You react one way to anything.  I know your are smarter than that.  Stop being intellectually lazy.

Here is how you want me to react.


"beat me Indian massa, beat me.  I am a good black slave.  Do anything that you want to me massa".


Baseman.  NOt happening.  The PPP is guilty of ethnic exclusion, and as much as you do not want discussion of that fact it is the TRUTH!


Now outline how the PPP will react to the fact that a growing mixed population, combined with the black population remain hostile to them.  By 2020 these groups will be over 50% of the voters.


Little gimmicks like Dizzy Lizzy who will have no input into anything meaningful fail to impress.  As you can see she brings no votes and plays no role.

Banna, time seem to have debased your intellect.  You were better then at responding in such a simplistic manner.


You understand one thing, it all starts with the ethnic insecurity issues.  This allows systematic abuse which both are guilty of.  The day ethnic insecurity is relegated to the back-burner,

The PPP does NOT acknowledge that there is any African ethnic insecurity issue.  They have been in power for 22 years and have confirmed all the fears that Africans have had about what PPP rule will do to them....

I think they do and so do many Indians however, just as with the PNC, the ethnic insecurity serves their interest.  This allows for mediocrity and lack of accountability.  I believe the leadership elites in both camps study the pros and con and concluded that holding the masses hostage to their own fears is the best way to preserve power for themselves regardless of performance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

I think they do and so do many Indians however, just as with the PNC, the ethnic insecurity serves their interest.  This allows for mediocrity and lack of accountability.  I believe the leadership elites in both camps study the pros and con and concluded that holding the masses hostage to their own fears is the best way to preserve power for themselves regardless of performance.

If the PPP acknowledged the African insecurity issue, and that the mixed and black populations share very similar perspectives, they would know that this wasn't the election to scream apaan jhat.  They would know that this was the election to set the stage for the next one.


It is NOT in the long term interests of the PPP to be viewed as an "Indian" party, any more than it is in the interest of the PNC to be viewed only as an "African" party.  APNU has being trying to build up multi ethnic alliances.  The PPP has refused to.


In fact to show good faith APNU gave away so much to the AFC that even the PPP was shocked and couldn't believe that it would last until the elections. Well it did and if APNU AFC wins, Granger will have to deliver.


In 2020 the gap between the non Indian and Indian voting age population will be too large to fill by scaring the Indian vote to them, and topping off with a few non Indians whose vote they can buy.


They would know that they have to do what they have failed to do and that is make inroads into black and mixed voting bases.  They would have learned that waving a black face in front of blacks doesn't work because blacks have a culture, based on slavery, where they don't trust sell outs.  If they view the PPP as being hostile to them as blacks then they would transform how the PPP functions and not project a few black tokens.


But they don't.   The PPP views Guyana as an Indian country with a few blacks who they must figure out how to placate.  This is done through tokenism and through charity.  But ensuring that blacks who have a black following are kept far away from the corridors or power.


The PPP has made no concessions to the fact that the continued distrust that the mixed (combined with the black) population have towards them will HURT them in the long run!


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