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Apparently, the Opposition is more powerful than the ConstitutionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by TED KING   
Friday, 26 April 2013 22:57

AFTER almost a month of arguments the National Assembly on Wednesday evening approved the 2013 national budget, but $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House. If this is correct then the combined Opposition won on every front. They argued that they have the right

and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution. The Court should then be dissolved since House Speaker Mr Raphael Trotman and his comrades have more power than both the President and the Court. If this is true, it means the Speaker of the House has more power than the President. If KN headline is correct then it means Government β€˜caved in’. If the combined Opposition could bully this Government like this then I feel sad for innocent Guyanese on the streets all across Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

No single person in the world has the power to override the decision of parliament.

Ramotar don't have that power

Nandalal don't have that power

Ian Chang don't have that power.


Even if you Bray like a donkey.....the rules don't change.


Parliament government

  Nations with bicameral legislatures.
  Nations with unicameral legislatures.
  No legislature.


Legislatures called parliaments operate under a parliamentary system of government in which the executive is constitutionally answerable to the parliament.

Parliaments usually consist of chambers or houses, and are usually either bicameral or unicameral although more complex models exist, or have existed (see Tricameralism).


A nation's prime minister (PM) is almost always the leader of the majority party in the lower house of parliament, but only holds his or her office as long as the "confidence of the house" is maintained.

If members of the lower house lose faith in the leader for whatever reason, they can call a vote of no confidence and force the PM to resign.


This can be particularly dangerous to a government when the distribution of seats among different parties is relatively even, in which case a new election is often called shortly thereafter.

However, in case of general discontent with the head of government, his replacement can be made very smoothly without all the complications that it represents in the case of a presidential system.


The parliamentary system can be contrasted with a presidential system, on the model of the United States' congressional system, which operate under a stricter separation of powers whereby the executive does not form part of, nor is appointed by, the parliamentary or legislative body.

In such a system, congresses do not select or dismiss heads of governments, and governments cannot request an early dissolution as may be the case for parliaments.


Some states have a semi-presidential system which falls between parliamentary and congressional systems, and combines a powerful head of state (president) with a head of government (PM) responsible to parliament.




So if you are a Jack-ass....

No one can stop u from Braying....

But....No single person or Donkey in the world has the power to override the decision of parliament.


Nehru I don't think your brain is in the Green Bucket....

De_other Guy Maybe 

Making a living

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
They argued that they have the right and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution.

The Court has jurisdiction over the Speaker of the National Assembly.

D-G, what's the purpose of this comment in the context of what you were responding to?

          The Court has jurisdiction over the Speaker of the National Assembly.


Is this a Prem Misir moment?  Or a Storborn/D2 intellectual gem?


You should stick to comments about Pakistan's PPP.......

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
They argued that they have the right and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution.

The Court has jurisdiction over the Speaker of the National Assembly.

D-G, what's the purpose of this comment in the context of what you were responding to?

          The Court has jurisdiction over the Speaker of the National Assembly.


Is this a Prem Misir moment?  Or a Storborn/D2 intellectual gem?


You should stick to comments about Pakistan's PPP.......


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
They argued that they have the right and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution.

The Court has jurisdiction over the Speaker of the National Assembly.

 Shut your stupid mouth. The speaker is like the doorman  to parliament. His is simply to adjudicate who gets to table what and the rules. He is incidental to what happens parliament crafts. The court is limited to rulings  that Parliament contravenes the constitution or not.


In this case it remains to be seen that the court will rule not on procedure but on the de jure right of parliament to cut the budget. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Apparently, the Opposition is more powerful than the ConstitutionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by TED KING   
Friday, 26 April 2013 22:57

AFTER almost a month of arguments the National Assembly on Wednesday evening approved the 2013 national budget, but $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House. If this is correct then the combined Opposition won on every front. They argued that they have the right

and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution. The Court should then be dissolved since House Speaker Mr Raphael Trotman and his comrades have more power than both the President and the Court. If this is true, it means the Speaker of the House has more power than the President. If KN headline is correct then it means Government β€˜caved in’. If the combined Opposition could bully this Government like this then I feel sad for innocent Guyanese on the streets all across Guyana.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Apparently, the Opposition is more powerful than the ConstitutionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by TED KING   
Friday, 26 April 2013 22:57

AFTER almost a month of arguments the National Assembly on Wednesday evening approved the 2013 national budget, but $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House. If this is correct then the combined Opposition won on every front. They argued that they have the right

and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution. The Court should then be dissolved since House Speaker Mr Raphael Trotman and his comrades have more power than both the President and the Court. If this is true, it means the Speaker of the House has more power than the President. If KN headline is correct then it means Government β€˜caved in’. If the combined Opposition could bully this Government like this then I feel sad for innocent Guyanese on the streets all across Guyana.

Nehru this is BURNHAM's constitution.  It was there to protect a dictator.


So why are you defending it?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Apparently, the Opposition is more powerful than the ConstitutionPDFPrintE-mail
Written by TED KING   
Friday, 26 April 2013 22:57

AFTER almost a month of arguments the National Assembly on Wednesday evening approved the 2013 national budget, but $31.35 billion less than what was originally presented to the House. If this is correct then the combined Opposition won on every front. They argued that they have the right

and power to cut the budget estimates and that the Court has no right over Parliament and the Constitution. The Court should then be dissolved since House Speaker Mr Raphael Trotman and his comrades have more power than both the President and the Court. If this is true, it means the Speaker of the House has more power than the President. If KN headline is correct then it means Government β€˜caved in’. If the combined Opposition could bully this Government like this then I feel sad for innocent Guyanese on the streets all across Guyana.

Nehru this is BURNHAM's constitution.  It was there to protect a dictator.


So why are you defending it?

It IS the Constitution AND I have SWORN to uphold and DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. So HELP ME GOD.

Originally Posted by Sparky:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Shut your stupid mouth.

Excellent .. now adhere to your sound advice to yourself.

Are you for real?Take the advice that another poster gave,and stick to commenting about Pakistan's PPP.

LOL, Sparky dish it good and proper in demerara Guy with his stupid Paskistan PPP post.  LOL


Since when does the PPP have such great faith in BURNHAM's constitution?


Also if the PPP allowed post elections alliances we would not have a problem.  The AFC would have picked their partner, and collectively they would have governed Guyana.


This mess is the PPPs own doing.  With a declining Indian population they have become more and more paranoid.


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