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Originally posted by Cobra:
Cain is acting like a pampered step child and Tola is behind him hoping to put a negative spin on a successful event. Are you guys are ashamed to witness the pride and joy in Guyanese? You can't argue with success.

When a large number of Guyanese continue to struggle to find food for their family daily, there will always be opposition to these lavish spending by those who feel that they are above the law.

Cobra,our offer still stand, if you think this is all BS, come to Berbice and let us show you around what the PPP dont want others to see.
Families destroyed by suicide, poverty, bandits at sea, families losing rice lands due to poor crops, sexual attacks by officials,Orella seniors spending days at PM hospital sleeping on the ground, to see the eye doctor for 15 minutes, etc, etc.

Like Nehru, quit being a high god from afar, come see for yourself or friggin shut up.
You people are like empty drums, too chicken
sh!t to dirty your hands.
You hanging out with the wrong crowd or maybe Ignaramuses hanging together.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Cain is acting like a pampered step child and Tola is behind him hoping to put a negative spin on a successful event. Are you guys are ashamed to witness the pride and joy in Guyanese? You can't argue with success.

When a large number of Guyanese continue to struggle to find food for their family daily, there will always be opposition to these lavish spending by those who feel that they are above the law.

Cobra,our offer still stand, if you think this is all BS, come to Berbice and let us show you around what the PPP dont want others to see.
Families destroyed by suicide, poverty, bandits at sea, families losing rice lands due to poor crops, sexual attacks by officials,Orella seniors spending days at PM hospital sleeping on the ground, to see the eye doctor for 15 minutes, etc, etc.

Like Nehru, quit being a high god from afar, come see for yourself or friggin shut up.
You people are like empty drums, too chichen sh!t to dirty your hands.
Originally posted by Nehru:
You hanging out with the wrong crowd or maybe Ignaramuses hanging together.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Cain is acting like a pampered step child and Tola is behind him hoping to put a negative spin on a successful event. Are you guys are ashamed to witness the pride and joy in Guyanese? You can't argue with success.

When a large number of Guyanese continue to struggle to find food for their family daily, there will always be opposition to these lavish spending by those who feel that they are above the law.

Cobra,our offer still stand, if you think this is all BS, come to Berbice and let us show you around what the PPP dont want others to see.
Families destroyed by suicide, poverty, bandits at sea, families losing rice lands due to poor crops, sexual attacks by officials,Orella seniors spending days at PM hospital sleeping on the ground, to see the eye doctor for 15 minutes, etc, etc.

Like Nehru, quit being a high god from afar, come see for yourself or friggin shut up.
You people are like empty drums, too chichen sh!t to dirty your hands.
nehru if they get you vex tell them about the bhagwat geeta
A Stadium Bharat owns from the start to when it was sold to a partial STRAW buyer,with Bharat still collecting $$$$$$.Majority of those who attend went for FREENESS and curiousity.One One dutty a build dam,so the small and motivated crowd that attend the AFC meetings are the real CONCERNED people who want Changes.VOTE AFC.
Originally posted by Nehru:
So nwhat is your bloody point?? Hot Air???

Originally posted by cain:

So is a big taranted fete.


Banna, Alex said and I quote, "The event was a great success. People from all walks of life went. What this shows is that Jagdeo is very popular."

I replied with, "So is a big taranted fete" ( meaning) big fetes are also popular.

Did you ketch what I meant or you want me to post it again for you?

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