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Some loved him and he was a thorn to the west. He started out as young,smart and charimatic leader. He and his Gov't assisted many third world countries with their wealth. Some where along the road he lost it, today his life came to an end.


Ina ilahi wa ina elahee rajeeoun.

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Originally posted by Mr.T:
Muhamar brought wealth to the country, which resulted in the highest number of middle class people in the whole of Africa with also the highest average income. It will be hard for Libyans to enjoy that same level of life style or improve on it.

It tell a good story, sometimes change for the sake of chage is healty. Let the people see what you brought them by giving them a chance to compare you to another. Gadhafi could have exited gracefully, he did bring certain prosperity to Libya, just let someone else, other ideas come into play. No leader, regardless of how good he thinks he is, have all the answers for their people. Had Gadhafi exited gracefully, you can bet, his sons would have had a great political future. Now he is dead, Mutassim in dead and they say Saif is dead. What did they achieve.

Next stop...........Damascus.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Muhamar brought wealth to the country, which resulted in the highest number of middle class people in the whole of Africa with also the highest average income. It will be hard for Libyans to enjoy that same level of life style or improve on it.

Also Lybia had no external debt which will change as the WB and IMF will certainly force NATO's puppet govt to borrow money to rebuild what they (NATO) destroyed
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Chief:
There was one quote that I always remember, it was reported in Time Magazine back in 1980 " American can keep their technology and their evil and we will keep our oil".

Those were the days when The Colonel was The Colonel.

He forgot the technology will take the oil from him.

It was never about oil but the plan that Ghadafi had to improve the lives of ALL of Africa and to have Africa move from trading with paper currencies to gold and silver.

That would have taken away money from the vampires that have strangled Africa fo ages.

And if Africa system become successful then it would have spread around the world and that would mean the death of the WB and the IMF
Originally posted by Pointblank:
It was never about oil but the plan that Ghadafi had to improve the lives of ALL of Africa

yes by building huge monuments and stadiums while people literally die from starvation. Do you know that in Niger or Mali (or both) Libya took land in exchnage for some $$$ paid to the local dictators to grow food, NONE of which wa sgoing to be made available to locals. And locasl were in some case evicted by local soldiers.

But President local dictator has some statue built to honor his glory, paid for by another African dictator, Gaddafy.
Originally posted by Pointblank:
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Chief:
There was one quote that I always remember, it was reported in Time Magazine back in 1980 " American can keep their technology and their evil and we will keep our oil".

Those were the days when The Colonel was The Colonel.

He forgot the technology will take the oil from him.

It was never about oil but the plan that Ghadafi had to improve the lives of ALL of Africa and to have Africa move from trading with paper currencies to gold and silver.

That would have taken away money from the vampires that have strangled Africa fo ages.

And if Africa system become successful then it would have spread around the world and that would mean the death of the WB and the IMF

Yea, and maybe Gadhafi was a 2nd Ghandi. dunno
Originally posted by baseman:

Yea, and maybe Gadhafi was a 2nd Ghandi. dunno

When can query the motives of the UK and France. Indeed oil is part of it a sthey have done nothing in Syria.

What one cannot query is the fact that large numbers of ordinary Libyans are glad that Gaddafy is gone. They know what he was about. All of these arm chair lovers of dictators dont. I often wonder why these guys think Burnham was evil when he was no where near as bad as many who they worship like Gadaffy, Castro, Mugabe.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Muhamar brought wealth to the country, which resulted in the highest number of middle class people in the whole of Africa with also the highest average income. It will be hard for Libyans to enjoy that same level of life style or improve on it.

It tell a good story, sometimes change for the sake of chage is healty. Let the people see what you brought them by giving them a chance to compare you to another. Gadhafi could have exited gracefully, he did bring certain prosperity to Libya, just let someone else, other ideas come into play. No leader, regardless of how good he thinks he is, have all the answers for their people. Had Gadhafi exited gracefully, you can bet, his sons would have had a great political future. Now he is dead, Mutassim in dead and they say Saif is dead. What did they achieve.


Power make some people mad.
Guyana's ruling party, the People Progressive Party headed by presidential candidate Donald Ramotar and reigning president Bharrat Jagdeo took a minute's silence earlier today, from their battle torn elections campaign, to mourn the death of Libyan tyrant Moammar Gadhafi who was killed by rebels after being captured. The flag was flying at half mast at Freedom House. According to President Jagdeo, in a rare one-on-one interview," Gadhafi was a gifted moron who was also my hero and mentor. He showed us how to hold on to power ruthlessly and demonstrated the ultimate methods of despotism. Gadhafi will be missed by all of us who are power hungry maniacs; he was selfless to the cause of the international brotherhood of Jerks. In fact, my cuss down repertoire was patterned after observing him in his public addresses. Gadhafi is an inspiration to all of us who are ambitious to be mad men " Ramotar spoke gracefully of the history of autocrats with great references to the Soviet Union and the likes of Stalin and other Eastern European dictators.

The meeting was also attended by party stalwarts, known for their hard lines and their die hard dedication to madness in an age of radical, democratic and liberal openings in the world. Seniors of the party have called on the president to declare a national day of mourning. The Office of the President was a scene of severe bereavement and the chanting of totalitarian slogans. Insiders at Freedom House have begun mulling about newer enticements of fertilizers and T shirts to farmers in order to attract a larger crowd to mourn the Libyan monster in the anticipated day of mourning. NCN also announced that they will carry a full day of recorded broadcast of public speeches by the Libyan strongman in its original Arabic language so that Guyanese can fully comprehend and appreciate "stupidness" in any language.
Originally posted by marlon:
Originally posted by Chief:
President Obama will be addressing the nation at 2pm

Obama has Kaddafi's blood on his hands

Gadhafi has about 50k blood on his hands just over the last 6 mths, now a few of that 50k has his blood on their hands. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
The man was an animal and a disgrace to the Muslim faith. Good riddance to this scum.

Many mosques in both the United States and Canada were built by Gaddafi.

Maybe this is why they keep finding homegrown terrorists. He building mosques on one hand and murdering people on the other hand.
Originally posted by Mad Max:
Originally posted by Wally:
Originally posted by Mad Max:
The man was an animal and a disgrace to the Muslim faith. Good riddance to this scum.

Many mosques in both the United States and Canada were built by Gaddafi.

Maybe this is why they keep finding homegrown terrorists. He building mosques on one hand and murdering people on the other hand.

"A person who build a house for Allah is given a place in Paradise"
Holy Quran

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