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A downright insult to the people of Kumaka and Mabaruma

November 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, Your Friday Edition carried a story about the President of Guyana handing over keys to houses to residents in White Water Village in Region One. Commendable, but I have a few questions: 1. What is the size of the house lots on which these buildings rest? 2. What is the size of each house? Now for another issue which I think the reporter missed. The President visited that area, landed on the airstrip at Mabaruma, and did not even turn into Kumaka, neither on the way to Wauna nor on the way back. This is a downright insult to the people of Kumaka and the people of the Mabaruma Sub District as a whole. Those people have to trudge through the slush and their President did not even care enough to go and say hello to them. The Contractor for Life keeps pouring truck load after truck load of mud at the waterfront. His Excellency passed the Power House from where no electricity emits, even from the brand new second hand generator which was passed off on the Region. As a matter, the roads were being bathed with tar the night before the President visited.  Check the undercarriages of the vehicles up there. The report said that people shed tears upon receiving the keys to their new houses. They are probably crying because they know that repayment in cash or votes will be exacted.  There are no free lunches with this Government. Concerned Resident

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