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President says… Opposition hell-bent on blocking development –reminds of the criminalisation of basic food items


PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar has said that the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the political coalition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have no ground calling for the jailing of Government Ministers. Nevertheless, the ministers are ready at any time to face the consequences of improving the lives of the citizenry and country as a whole.

At the recent commissioning of the Vreed-en-Hoop Power Station, the President told the gathering, which included residents, that there are many who do nothing but criticise.

He reminded that it was under the People’s National Congress (PNC) Government that it became a criminal act to be in possession of a loaf of bread. The PNC, which has since changed its name to the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), is now the de facto controller of the APNU coalition.

The penalty of having the ancient means of survival back in the ‘dark days’ of the PNC, the President said, was “jail”.

Some concerns were recently raised over Government’s spending under a prorogued Parliament, but those were answered with an emphatic one-line defence by Public Works Minister Robeson Benn.

Addressing the fifth annual Engineering Conference held recently, Benn, under whose purview investments into several major infrastructural undertakings were made, said: “I am prepared to go to jail for any reason related to Guyana’s proper development; for any reason.” He declared emphatically that he stands with his colleague, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh.

“I stand in support of Minister Ashni Singh, who has found the way to allow the expenditure to be made, so that our country’s development does not falter, and so that our economy does not go into recession,” Benn had said.

The Public Works Minister reasoned that Government spending constitutes the largest sum of expenditure into the national economy.

“The payment of wages and salaries, the purchase of fuel and other things in relation to our development efforts has a lot to do with the work of the Government,” he said.

Government has since disclosed that it will be dissolving Parliament within the three-month constitutional timeframe before the holding of Regional and General Elections on May 11.

President Ramotar, taking a jab at the Opposition, said: “There are some who do nothing but criticize. There is a lot of criticism about jailing Ministers. Minister Benn has responded to them… These were the same people (PNCR, now APNU) who were criminalising our whole country, when you could have gone to jail for having a loaf of bread in your possession.”

He added: “So if they want to criminalise us for generating power for our people, we are ready to face that as well. We will continue to work in the interest of the people.”


extracted from the Guyana Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Once the marriage is official between A.P.N.U/A.F.C, the latter would become a dead meat party.


Nah worry bai, abbe guh still keep back plenty plenty meat fuh yuh

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Progress in Guyana will continue, one year earlier than predicted, a majority obtained by the P.P.P would most definitely ensure....progress continues


Yes Mathura


I did not know APNU and AFC wasted


1. US$ 200 mill on a flawed sugar factory.


2. US$ 57 mill on a hotel that will displace the privately owned ones.


3. US$ 15 mill on a flawed sugar packing plant.


4. US% 56 mill on the failed fiber optic cable.


There are many more...


The P.P.P Never

1. Devalued the Guyana dollar

2. Plunge Guyana in a H.I.P.C (highly indebted poor country)

3. Emptied the public treasury

4. Laid off public servants

5. Bought a barge to generate electricity that never worked


There are many more...


One moment Donald Ramotar says the PPP will campaign on its track record.

Another moment Donald Ramotar is harking back to the Burnham years.

Donald Ramotar is the ruling PPP's presidential candidate on May 11.

Donald Ramotar is on trial on May 11.

Burnham is not on trial.

The majority of the electorate will pronounce a GUILTY verdict on the corrupt arrogant and devious PPP on May 11.

In 1992 the majority of the electorate pronounced a GUILTY verdict on the PNC.

The PNC served its time; it cannot be guilty twice for the same offence.



Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat it, the electorate would not allow themselves and off springs to re-live the days days of P.N.C rule.

Don't hold your breath "Gilbakka".

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P Never

1. Devalued the Guyana dollar

2. Plunge Guyana in a H.I.P.C (highly indebted poor country)

3. Emptied the public treasury

4. Laid off public servants

5. Bought a barge to generate electricity that never worked


There are many more...


Shows you know neither history nor economics. Hoyte had to devalue because there was a large street rate brought about by years of exchange control. I ask you before what would have Cheddi Jagan done differently had election been held in 1990? The election was put off for two years to 92 and in that time Hoyte took the blows. Second Hoyte had in place major deals for debt relief. Private investors from the diaspora were already going back. Lie? Third the economy turned the corner by 1991-92 and started growing at 8% real rate.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P Never

1. Devalued the Guyana dollar

2. Plunge Guyana in a H.I.P.C (highly indebted poor country)

3. Emptied the public treasury

4. Laid off public servants

5. Bought a barge to generate electricity that never worked


There are many more...


Oh furthermore exchange rate in 1992 = 120. Today = 210. That's a 75% devaluation under PPP. Take your lies and spread it amongst your dishonest type at Chronicle, OP and Freedom House.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat it, the electorate would not allow themselves and off springs to re-live the days days of P.N.C rule.

Don't hold your breath "Gilbakka".

The past can be repeated only if the same subjective and objective conditions exist in the present or future. Those conditions are absent presently and there are no socio-economic indications that they will exist in the next five years.

Anyway, if a coalition government screws up, the voters are free to kick them out in 2020.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat it, the electorate would not allow themselves and off springs to re-live the days days of P.N.C rule.

Don't hold your breath "Gilbakka".

Start looking for a job your time is up,PPP have not

not done anything for the poor,only enrich themselves

stealing tax payers money,the electorate will certainly

kick the PPP to the curb.


Can the PPP refute this???


27 minutes ago

I did not know APNU and AFC wasted


1. US$ 200 mill on a flawed sugar factory.


2. US$ 57 mill on a hotel that will displace the privately owned ones.


3. US$ 15 mill on a flawed sugar packing plant.


4. US% 56 mill on the failed fiber optic cable.


There are many more...

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Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.


A coolie man is a coolie man. Nagamootoo to my knowledge is a coolie man and openly so.


He is therefore sufficiently qualified under the prevailing Theory of Apaan Jhaat

Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.


That is a particularly vile remark!


If I was ever even 1% unsure that to destroy the PPP/C is God's Will, then I thank you for this remark.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.


That's right.


A party that votes 90 percent blacks is extremely racist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.


That's right.


A party that votes 90 percent blacks is extremely racist.

All Riff needs to do is to take a look at the PNC protesters and see what race they are.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.


That's right.


A party that votes 90 percent blacks is extremely racist.

Yugi,what kind of statement is this????

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

AFC hopes elections don’t descend into “gutter kind of vendetta”

February 13, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

While the Alliance for Change (AFC) is hoping that in the period leading up to the May 11 General and Regional Elections, a respectful environment among the contesting parties exists, it is still preparing for the “worst case scenario”.

AFC executive member, Cathy Hughes

AFC executive member, Cathy Hughes

Political parties are normally requested to sign a Code of Conduct by the Guyana Elections Commission. The document serves as guiding principles for the behaviour expected from politicians during their rallies and up to Election Day. However, AFC Executive member, Cathy Hughes disclosed yesterday that she has witnessed in the past, some of the most vile, personal attacks on members of political parties, even though a Code of Conduct was signed by parties. It is for this reason, Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo asserts, that the AFC will be in touch with international bodies to ensure that election campaigns do not descend into “verbal abuse, personal attacks, and a gutter kind of vendetta.” The AFC executive members were asked by Kaieteur News to state whether it believes the Code of Conduct was effective in regulating the behaviour of political parties in the last election and if the AFC is worried at all about the likelihood of personal attacks on its members during the upcoming election campaign period. Hughes said that there has been a Code of Conduct for most of the elections since 1997 and it therefore endorses such a pledge for a high standard of behaviour by the political parties and the media. The politician says that she believes that there is no harm in it. She noted however, that there is no legislative background to the document. The AFC member acknowledged that it can be enforced but in the spirit of creating a safe environment where citizens can go and exercise their vote, the Party supports both initiatives, that is, Codes of Conduct for politicians as well as journalists. Nagamootoo in giving his take on the matter reminded that when the Constitution was reformed in 2001, certain changes were presented to Parliament. “I recall vividly that for the first time we constitutionalised a requirement that no one should use racism and racist advocacy in an election or outside of the elections period…so if the supreme law of your land recognizes that the elections could be devastated by race hate, race mongering , advocacy of racism, using race in speech or in language that offends , hurts, divides and destroys, then the Constitution must have thought seriously about the issue of conduct in an election period…so we could have recourse to the Constitution,” the lawyer asserted. He said, too, that the Code of Conduct is a voluntary subscription to modes of behaviour and those modes of behaviour must comply with the best international standards. Nagamootoo informed the media that there are institutions that monitor the election campaign period such as the Commonwealth and the Organization of American States. “They monitor and we are going to be in touch with them so that we could have a monitoring of these standards,” He added. As for personal attacks, Nagamootoo sought to set the record straight that elections are not going to be the end of life, at least not political life and all the parties, are going to remain as such. It is upon this background he added that in the upcoming election there should only be disputations and contests of ideas as against the benefit of one platform as against another. He said that there should be contests in relation to the content of manifestos and programmes. Nagamootoo is hopeful that the elections would not be converted into an occasion for a gutter kind of vendetta. He asserted that it should be an occasion for reconciliation. The politician then extended an invitation to all political parties to raise the level of language and the level of the discourse during the election period. He urged the contesting parties to refrain from descending into attacks on people’s families and have political debates that would take the country forward. The AFC Vice Chairman said that he believes all three parties have good intentions, apart from areas for criticisms. Hughes however noted that there is no guarantee that the existence of the codes will shape people’s behaviour. She said that “at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal ethics and the standard one would hold themself accountable to”. “We have had the most vile, personal attacks on members of political parties and the AFC has gotten more than its fair share of it… and that has happened at times when both Codes of Conduct have been in existence. I would be hopeful but I am prepared for the worst case scenario,” she concluded.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.


That's right.


A party that votes 90 percent blacks is extremely racist.

All Riff needs to do is to take a look at the PNC protesters and see what race they are.

Skelly,me nah understand what kind a statement

yugi mek hey.


Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by kp:

A vote for Nigamootoo is a vote for APNU. Moses sold out his supporters.

typical PPP old time racist

So all dem coolie who vote for the PPP are racists? Very interesting thought.


Very good pint.


How about the 90 Percent Afros voting PNC ? They are equally racists.

Only coolie people vote race. You have to look at Riff's view also who is a die hard PNC. He has every right to make these irrational statements.


That's right.


A party that votes 90 percent blacks is extremely racist.

All Riff needs to do is to take a look at the PNC protesters and see what race they are.

Skelly,me nah understand what kind a statement

yugi mek hey.


I see your point. The party doesn't vote; the people do. The party is not racist; the people who vote for the party because the leader is of their race. Point taken.


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