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In response to some of his supporters on Facebook who criticized him for staying away from the rally, the AFC Leader explained that his attendance at the rally would have been β€œspun and twisted by the propagandists in the PPP,” and that he did not want to be on the platform of an opposing Party.

This this end, Granger said he is personally not offended by Ramjattan’s statements.


excerpts from Inews 

Last edited by Former Member

AFC never get called by anyone in the papers as ideological racists.


Jagdeo has been clearly identified as an ideological racist and that is why that case still cannot get resolved up to now.


what is the hold up, why is king kong restricting the courts from ruling on this case? What is the hold up? what is the PPP and Kong afraid of?

Last edited by Former Member

You are desperately trying to draw attention away from the racist A.F.C, purposely absenting themselves to appear on a public platform with Granger for their constituents to see, yet behind close doors in the Parliament chambers they are making deals with A.P.N.U, to cut the budget,block motions and attempted to along with A.P.N.U tabled a no confidence motion...smh


kwame mccoy grandmother $700,000 wake paid for by guyana tax payers

3 Votes



Georgetown, Guyana – April 4, 2014: Sources close to Presidential Advisor Kwame McCoy revealed that he has been boasting that he was reimbursed $700,000 GY for expenses associated with the wake he hosted for his grandmother’s passing.

Independent investigations by BrutalFactsGy confirmed that indeed the accounting office in OP was instructed to make the reimbursement. Although we sympathize with McCoy over the death of his grandmother, this revelation begs the question why the people of Guyana were forced to pay for this personal and extravagant event which included dozens of McCoy’s personal friends who were guzzling bottles of Johnny Walker Black whisky like water.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

When one listens to the  lame argument why Ramjattan and Nagamootoo did not turn out at the A.P.N.U invited rally, it begs the question.......Is the A.F.C racist?.

No need to ask....It was founded by a black person and an indian person only a few years ago and has a nice spread among its leaders. The PPP on the other hand, they exist only on the back of the supposed boogieman in the form of the black dominated PNC!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Why would a party who claims to be representing all Guyana, refusing to share a platform with the leader of the main opposition because he is of a different ethnic group. The A.F.C should be ashamed of themselves, but them again they don't have any...

Damn if the do damn if the done. But they can make their own decision as an independent party can they not? Half the time you are crying that the are in league with the APNU now you on a begging spree for some political coin is questioning why they are not in league with the APNU!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Why would a party who claims to be representing all Guyana, refusing to share a platform with the leader of the main opposition because he is of a different ethnic group. The A.F.C should be ashamed of themselves, but them again they don't have any...

Damn if the do damn if the done. But they can make their own decision as an independent party can they not? Half the time you are crying that the are in league with the APNU now you on a begging spree for some political coin is questioning why they are not in league with the APNU!

Storm why you think I am ignoring this low breed dummy? He is so transparent its not funny.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

When one listens to the  lame argument why Ramjattan and Nagamootoo did not turn out at the A.P.N.U invited rally, it begs the question.......Is the A.F.C racist?.

The AFC isn't racist.  They merely have to use tactics because of the racial paranoia that the PPP will whip up in the PPP strongholds.  Being a small party they are forced to operate WITHIN the context of Guyana's race based politics and aren't strong enough to rise above it.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

don't try to derail the thread HM-Redux, Nagamootoo and Ramjattan chose to sit in-front of a computer screen to chat on Facebook instead of standing on the platform alongside Afro-Guyanese political figures.

HM-Redux is speaking the TRUTH to you.


The PPP is racist and thrives on racism.  It brutalizes blacks and terrifies Indians.


The Indian vote is shrinking.  The black less so as many mixed Guyanese are more apt to vote like blacks than like Indians.  And so here is the PPP dilemma.  Hit by a declining Indian vote and by an increasing trend for Indians to feel insulted by how the PPP behaves, they can think of nothing other than terrifying Indians back to the slave camp.


The PPP is like those old slave owners in the South who told their slaves that they were loved in the South, and hated in the North, so that running away was silly.


Well the slaves still ran away as soon as they could, and so will many Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Why would a party who claims to be representing all Guyana, refusing to share a platform with the leader of the main opposition because he is of a different ethnic group. The A.F.C should be ashamed of themselves, but them again they don't have any...

The PPP claims to be representing all of Guyana.  I don't recall seeing Ramotar on the stage. 


You know that he had his stooges at this meeting reporting who was there and what was said.  Likely that a dossier of black civil servants to be fired, because they attended the protest is being prepared.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
they don't have any...

Damn if the do damn if the done. But they can make their own decision as an independent party can they not? Half the time you are crying that the are in league with the APNU now you on a begging spree for some political coin is questioning why they are not in league with the APNU!



The PPP is trapped in their own swamp.  They damn the protest as a morass of rabid anti Indian racists, then scream that the AFC Indian leadership are racist for not addressing this group.


Nagamootoo's main focus is to get more Indian votes (as much as some might wish to deny this).  Given the racial paranoia which still dominates Guyanese politics he can only do so if he makes the AFC "more Indian friendly" (Indo party II).  BY doing so he reduces the likelihood of getting more black votes, but then that is what APNU is supposed to do.



The constitution bars a post elections alliance and a pre election alliance will be suicidal for the AFC.  So a semi coordinated strategy is one way around that.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The A.F.C claimed to be free from racialism, yet the Indian faction of the A.F.C refuse an offer to share the platform with Granger. How ironic?

So are you going to take back all the things you said about them joining APNU at linden and Agricola as traitor to their race? You malicious people cannot get your arguments strait. What is certain is the lot of you need to race bait because that is all the traction you have given you exist on the back of racially goading Indians to fear black people.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

That's wishful thinking...smh

That is cleaning up all de Councie ....

Look at Guyana Today....

Flood, Corruption, Dictatorship,


The Majority who the people vote for

Have no Voice...





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.

The AFC is young,

but it represents some of the best minds Guyana has produced.

They are true patriots, lets give them a chance.

Lets give CHANGE a chance,

Lets give the AFC a chance to CHANGE GUYANA.

The AFC needs to WORK to get votes, and not just engage in inspirational speeches to get it.  They need to remember 2011 when they anticipated 30% but got a mere 10%.


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