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1. Adopting this flag sends a clear message to ABC countries that we are not into China Chinaman Han Chinese trickery or Russian Ultra Euro conservative socialist/communist trickery.

2. The ship symbolizes where we came from.

3. The water symbolizes the journey of our people for a better life away from racism and towards respect for our human rights.

4. The mountains symbolizes the aims of our people to reach the heights of a prosperous nation.

5. The flag itself symbolizes the democratic aims of our people.


Let us turn this Colonial flag into a flag that represents the Democratic aims and respect for human rights of our people.

Last edited by Prashad

Stop talking crap Prashad. On what authority should Indians or Africans appropriate lands not theirs but as carpetbaggers access it by the largess of colonial powers and with mutual understanding it is a shared space? If you want India, be my guest and go back. Same for africans who sell the idea that as children of former slaves the owned the place. 


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