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A gargantuan fraud by the PPP that failed: Really?

As of Sunday, when this column is being typed, less than a quarter of 2,339 ballot boxes have been touched. At the time of typing (Sunday), 528 ballot boxes have been cleaned.
On Thursday, before the recount reached even 500 boxes, the APNU+AFC leaders declared that massive fraud has characterised the 2020 poll.
Many of these leaders are leaning to the position that a recount finalising a winner will not be accepted as a legal declaration.
The extrapolation from this statement by the APNU+AFC simply means that the 2020 election has been vitiated by humongous fraud because there are still 1,500 boxes to be looked at meaning, the fraud will spread faster than the coronavirus.
Unless you are a complete idiot unfit to be part of society, then you have to admit that this explanation by APNU+AFC is so psychotic that the people who invented it should never be involved in politics again much less rule a country in the 21st century.
If dead people and immigrants in foreign lands have voted and we are yet to count 1,500 boxes, then how is it scientifically possible to rig an election on such a large scale and yet lose? The APNU+AFC has exclaimed since March 4 that it won the election. On Saturday, March 14, the groundwork was laid for David Granger to be sworn in.
So, this gigantic fraud was perpetuated by the PPP and yet the APNU+AFC claimed victory.
It means that if the PPP’s evil was so extensive then the over 2,000 party agents of the APNU+AFC, hundreds of GECOM officials, Roxanne Myers, Keith Lowenfield, Claudette Singh, three APNU+AFC GECOM commissioners and scores of international observers are either inherently unintelligent or deliberately turned their eyes to the PPP’s conspiracy.
At this time, we must bear in mind that we may be witnessing the most evil-laden election in the history of the entire western hemisphere because, with the ugly discoveries made so far, think of the prodigious numbers of criminal acts that will be seen when those remaining 1,500 boxes are looked at.
There are compelling questions to ask. If the PPP had this fantastic ability to clean the cemeteries of Guyana and get those large number of ‘jumbies’ to vote and bring back so many thousands from abroad to vote that had long gone, then why did it not pull off this magic in 2011 and 2015 thus staying in power forever?
Let’s look at some more compelling questions. Henry Jeffrey in his columns keeps carping on the bloated list. But he is yet to describe for us how you can use those excessive numbers on the register to rig. First, those numbers can be massive duplicates.
John Jones is listed three times. But John Jones cannot vote three times unless the finger ink is a waste of time bought from some shop in Timbuktu.
Secondly, a huge list of electors does not mean that they are all going to vote. Thirdly, how many ‘jumbies’ and immigrants you are going to put inside the polling stations to tilt an election in your favour without being detected because to tilt it the fake votes have to be very large.
Fourthly, how many frauds in the 10 Regions the PPP is going to perpetuate this? The task becomes nightmarish because you cannot do it satisfactorily in all the 10 Regions for in several of those 10 Regions, the PNC has a dominant presence; for example Region 10.
Fifthly, all the GECOM polling officials had to be hypnotised by the PPP. A simple demonstration can prove this. John goes into the station to vote for Oscar who is on the list but has migrated. But John has voted for himself already. How can he do that without any detection that on his ID card he does look like Oscar? How can the ink on his finger not be detected?
Well, alright there is an explanation. The GECOM officials slipped. But remember there are 2,339 boxes and you have to perpetuate the fraud several times in those buildings for those fake votes to be counted.
Do you mean to tell me that these massive frauds were committed in 2,339 boxes and GECOM merrily accepted the votes in nine Regions and began to count hundreds of boxes for Region 4? Is there no way, a APNU+AFC candidate couldn’t detect this in at least one of the 10 Regions and ask GECOM to investigate on March 3, the day after the poll closed?
Does any person in this world accept this asininity of ‘jumbie’ voting that APNU+AFC has resorted to? Well there is, and that is why people love their pets more than humans.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

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If the PPP had this fantastic ability to clean the cemeteries of Guyana and get those large number of ‘jumbies’ to vote and bring back so many thousands from abroad to vote that had long gone, then why did it not pull off this magic in 2011 and 2015 thus staying in power forever?

how many ‘jumbies’ and immigrants you are going to put inside the polling stations to tilt an election in your favour without being detected because to tilt it the fake votes have to be very large.
Does any person in this world accept this asininity of ‘jumbie’ voting that APNU+AFC has resorted to? Well there is, and that is why people love their pets more than humans.


Looks like more jumbies and migrants voted than we can point a stick at.

Last edited by Former Member

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