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A good life for whom?


Saturday, October 17 2015, Source


ONE of the slogans of the APNU+AFC is ‘the good life.’ This slogan is being regularly used by the President himself. As expected, this is also followed up by his ministers.  It is not a bad slogan and most likely many people believed in it. Indeed, in a way, they were not lying about it.

Many people thought they were talking about a good life for the Guyanese people. This is not the case. All the actions of the regime point in one direction – a good life for the regime and the APNU/AFC ranks who now occupy the corridors of power in Guyana.

The massive increase in salaries that they have given themselves is just another ominous sign of things to come. The regime just does not care about what people think. They do whatever they please.

They have even violated their own party’s manifesto, which stated explicitly that they would set up a committee to review salaries for government ministers and constitutional post holders.

However, the regime has shown its old PNC character and its arrogance once again.

They have reneged on the promise made to public service workers to increase salaries by 20%.

They have bluntly told rice farmers that their problems are of no concern to the regime. This was after promising them first $6,000 per bag of paddy and later $9,000 per bag.

They also seem intent on disintegrating the sugar industry, as their leaked information seems to be preparing the ground to close estates. They refuse to implement the well thought out strategic plan initiated by the PPP/C government, which focused on increasing revenue streams, cutting costs and generally modernizing the industry. That plan is working, as can be seen at Guysuco now.

What is also clear is the arrogance of the regime. Joseph Harmon, the most powerful of ministers, angrily blurted out that they have no apologies to make; they deserve this (50% percent or more pay increase). He went further to say that they need bigger salaries to prevent corruption.

Harmon is wrong on all counts. Firstly, what or who evaluated these government officials to judge whether they deserve an increase or not? Who advised Harmon that bigger salaries will stop a thief from the temptation of stealing?

It has not happened anywhere. A thief will remain a thief.

The increase has another effect. It has exposed the false propaganda that the treasury was empty when the regime took office.

Moreover, for those who still believe this falsity, then this is very immoral on their part. How can they take a hefty 50 per cent and more increase from an empty treasury?

What is clear by this action is that the clique in office is only interested in feathering its own nest. They will use the state apparatus to enrich themselves. This is the new class – ‘The Bureaucratic Capitalist Class’.

When they speak about the good life, it is clear they did not mean a good life for the people of Guyana, but a good life for themselves, their families and party hacks.

That is why racial and political discrimination is continuing at a rapid pace. Michael Khan has gone and it appears that Dr Shamdeo Persaud, the Chief Medical Officer, is now on the chopping block.

People, stand up now and let your collective voice be heard before it is too late!

The regime is already running out of control.

What is also clear is the arrogance of the regime. Joseph Harmon, the most powerful of ministers, angrily blurted out that they have no apologies to make; they deserve this (50% percent or more pay increase). He went further to say that they need bigger salaries to prevent corruption.

Harmon is wrong on all counts. Firstly, what or who evaluated these government officials to judge whether they deserve an increase or not? Who advised Harmon that bigger salaries will stop a thief from the temptation of stealing?


A good life for whom?, Saturday, October 17 2015, Source

Perhaps, Harmon is providing an in-depth evaluation of the qualities of the ministers.


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