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A great country will be made by its young people

September 4, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under AFC Column, Features / Columnists

(An Address to the AFC Youths on 30th August at the party’s Head Office)

By Anita Jaikaran

New York/New Jersey Chapter

Our realities, our future, our tomorrow, will depend on how much effort we put into changing our circumstances today. A majority of the Guyanese with whom I communicate on a daily basis on the internet, on the phone, and even those I directly meet here in Guyana, are all of the impression that contentment in life means residing outside of Guyana. Their desire is to migrate to elsewhere, to greener pastures.

I want to tell you, let me clarify, that it is not always greener on the other side. I as a young person in New York can verify this truth. Believe me when I say, just like here in Guyana, jobs are hard to get, an education is very expensive, and the nicer things we desire don’t come by easily at all. You really have to dedicate yourself to studying and working hard.

I am not going to say that means that I will pack up and leave for Guyana tomorrow. No! The U.S. is a magnificent country, a land of wonderful opportunities, where with hard work and sacrifice your dreams can be realized, where there is freedom to choose and have your voice heard.

Keep in mind, however, all of these things that make America great, did not just happen overnight. It happened because throughout her years as a nation – since having fought Britain for her independence in 1776, just like Guyana did in 1966 – the people (especially the young people) over centuries have ensured that the right decisions have been made, decisions based on reason. This is why it has progressed and advanced. Young people in the USA ensured that they empowered themselves through common sense approaches to the big issues of the day and on several occasions even demanding justice and liberties for all her people and struggling for the realization of these ideals.

The young people of Guyana, to realize a great country, must do likewise. They must recognize the problems of this country and educate themselves so as to find the solutions, and also struggle in unity to rid it of the wrongs. Nobody will ever do that for you, but only Diaspora, but the attempt must be local.

Ladies and Gentlemen, our youths need to see the potential of Guyana. And unfortunately, most of them do not. For instance, I had a conversation with two youths last night. They are so discouraged by the politics in Guyana, they said they did not care to vote in the upcoming elections. Although they agree that we need a change in the way how things are run (and that also Mr. Ramjattan is by far the best candidate to run the country out of the three), these youths feel that if they vote for any party and put them in government, that the government will still let them down anyway.

Even though I don’t blame them for thinking in this manner, given the way in which the PNC and the PPP have run the country for so long, I have to say that this is the exact mentality we must liberate ourselves from.

If you see a need for change in your beloved country, why not exercise your right to vote? Every vote counts and this is why I am encouraging you to vote come Election Day. However, remember to make your decision based on reason and not race.

Young people, I urge that you find the time to pay attention to your current affairs, to understand why a young man can be tortured in a Police Station and the policeman can get off so easily, why jobs are non-existent even for those UG graduates and those having 10 or more CXCs, why corruption in high places is so rampant, why salaries are so poor, why so many things are wrong, why, especially, young people seem not to be favoured with any opportunities.

It is my view that all these things have to do with bad leadership which we see expressed in the present PPP Government. This then must be changed. An Election is around the corner, and a new party called the AFC is also around the corner – the new guys on the block. Give it a chance this coming Elections!

To youths, I want to say this. I have seen the AFC’s Action Plan, I have heard its leaders Mr. Ramjattan, Mr. Trotman and Ms. Holder and a number of others. Mr. Ramjattan, an individual with whom I am very much acquainted with from early childhood, is one of the most intellectual, humble, not to mention inspiring persons I admire.

All of the party leaders are good people, honest, competent and with integrity. They speak the language of today’s generation, OUR generation, one which seeks to expel racism and arrogance, and one which includes harmony and reconciliation with equality and opportunity for all. The politics of Guyana has been its curse for decades. The entrepreneurs of that politics, which can only be described as a race-based politics, have been the PPP and PNC. Let us forget them for awhile and give the AFC an opportunity. It at least cannot do worse than what they have done; and, at best, Guyana definitely will do very well to make overseas Guyanese like myself want to come back.

Finally, Guyanese youths must start to deal with issues and not race. For older Guyanese this may be a challenge. But the new demographic – the young people – you know what it means to be united. You are the best agents for this change. Come on board with the AFC and let us once and for all put a halt to this race-based politics, and commence a new era in Guyana. Again it is a pleasure to be here amongst so many representatives of change. Let us unite to bring a change to Guyana, one people, one nation, one destiny!

Thank you.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyanese youths must start to deal with issues and not race. For older Guyanese this may be a challenge. But the new demographic – the young people – you know what it means to be united. You are the best agents for this change.

Nehru posted:

Is dat why they have 2 old House Slaves serving the PNC???????

The young people in Guyana, to realize a great country, must liberate themselves from this type of mentality.  They must recognize the problems of their country; educate themselves so as to find the solutions. Free themselves from the bondage of racism and in their struggles, they must unite to rid it of the wrongs. No one will ever do that for them; the Diaspora may be resourceful, but the attempt must be local.

There are too many senior citizens in the parties, the government and the opposition.


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