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A lot of what Prophet Muhammad confronted still exist today
A lot of what Prophet Muhammad confronted still exist today
President Donald Ramotar greets the President of the Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana Fazeel Feroze when he joined the Muslim community in observing Youman Nabi at the Queenstown Masjid, in Georgetown (Cullen-Bess Nelson Photo)

A lot of what Prophet Muhammad confronted still exist today

- President at Youman Nabi celebration

DELIVERING addresses to mark the occasion of Youman Nabi at the Queenstown Masjid and later at the Peter’s Hall Masjid, President Donald Ramotar reminded worshippers that many of the issues that Prophet Muhammad sought to overcome still exist today.

“What he was fighting for was to end poverty to give people dignity. He was fighting for justice and freedom. Today we look around the world, we see some of those same things existing, and therefore we need to continue to work to eradicate them in our society,” he said.
The President urged the gathering at both masjids to take inspiration from the example set by the Holy Prophet. He cited conflicts such as that in Sudan, noting, “What the Holy Prophet was trying to do was show the oneness of humanity, despite the diversity of our culture and our ethnic background, but if you look around the place, you will see many of these wars and struggles that are taking place are covered by differences that are created by people.”

‘What he was fighting for was to end poverty to give people dignity. He was fighting for justice and freedom. Today we look around the world, we see some of those same things existing, and therefore we need to continue to work to eradicate them in our society.’-President Ramotar

He added: “In our country we still have [a] lot to do, still have to fight to get our people out of poverty and the best way to do that is to try to help them to help themselves… we recognise that we have to do two things that are important – we have to create wealth in our country to satisfy the needs of our people, and we have to be able to distribute that wealth so that everyone benefits,” he said.
He noted that government has moved thus far in this direction, pointing out that Guyana is the only Caribbean nation where 30 percent of the national budget goes to the social sectors. “In that way, we believe we can distribute the wealth of society to the broadest amount of people we can find. Most of the 30 percent goes to education, because we see education as the hook that can help people come out of poverty,” he said.
The President also pointed out that a significant amount also goes toward improving health and providing affordable housing. “Health is important for persons to really enjoy life and all that life has to offer. We must be

Persons yesterday at the Queenstown Masjid in Georgetown in prayer in observance of Youman Nabi [Cullen-Bess Nelson Photo)

Persons yesterday at the Queenstown Masjid in Georgetown in prayer in observance of Youman Nabi (Cullen-Bess Nelson Photo)

healthy persons, and that is why we have been working very hard to expand health facilities and want to build a new specialty hospital so that those who cannot afford it can gain many services right here that only the rich now can go abroad and get,” he said.
The Head of State explained that government, however, has to create more wealth in order to satisfy all the demands of its people. He said that this is one of the reasons Government is seeking to invest in a hydropower station in Guyana and urged the worshippers to work hand in hand with government in order to achieve this goal of having more wealth.
The Guyanese leader also noted that it is fitting that the Prophet’s birthday be celebrated since he brought forward one of the foremost religions,today, into the world.
He was joined by Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali at the Youman Nabi celebration at the Queenstown Masjid, and later by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Member of Parliament Manzoor Nadir at the Peter’s Hall Masjid.
Mr. Hinds noted that the Prophet Muhammad’s message of peace and brotherhood is a message that is very relevant to Guyana.
“We had significant improvement in our country over the last three decades, but I think that even with what we have today, which is not very much compared with other places, if we could be like the Holy Prophet demonstrated, we can be concerned, sympathetic and compassionate. If we can be respectful of all the creations of God, I think we can make a much better life, a much more enjoyable life for all here in Guyana,” Hinds said.
He also challenged the worshippers to improve their situation. “It is a challenge put here by who created us, and the best way that we can show our appreciation for his creation is to improve on our circumstances,” he said.
Youman Nabi is the observance of the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who is believed by Muslims to be a messenger and prophet of God. Muhammad is almost considered by Muslims as the last prophet sent by God for mankind and to have been the founder of Islam.


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The politics of Guyanese Muslims

January 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 



The role of religion in the cause of human rights is a well recorded one. It goes back to the Catholic Church in the fifties and its fight against the zealous communist aspirations of Cheddi Jagan. Those who live in the present will never capture the essence of a past zeitgeist because psychologically it is impossible to do. The researcher can try as hard as he/she can to project his/her mind into the action of the main players of that era but the essential nuances will never be fully captured, thus misunderstanding is inevitable. Historians after the fifties, sympathetic to Jagan’s anti-American radicalism, were hardly enamoured of the role of the Catholic Church. But can we today understand what was going through the mind of the Catholic Church at that time? Mohan Ragbeer in his voluminous work, “the Indelible Red Stain,” reproduced an interview Cheddi Jagan gave to the Queen’s College magazine in the fifties in which he showered praise on one of the cruelest leaders in world history, Joseph Stalin. Why would business and church welcome such a person at the head of government? Christianity as one of the main vehicles against the Jagan Government in the fifties became one of the chief bandwagon against the Burnham Government from the seventies onwards. This time the Catholic Church found an ally in the Anglican denomination. By this time, the Burnham Government had a formidable adversary in religion in general not only Christianity. The Hindu and Muslim churches were essentially supporters of the PPP especially given the historical connections Jagan had with Yacoob Ally of the United Sadr Anjuman and Reepu Daman Persaud of the Maha Sabha. When Burnham engineered coups in both organizations and took them over, this only led to deeper religious involvement of the Hindus and Muslims against Burnham. When a group was formed named the Guyana Anti-Discrimination Movement spearheaded by Indian professionals, both Hindus and Muslim priests were involved. In fact, a Muslim priest became the chairman of the Guyana Human Rights Association during the PNC Government.

The 1992 general elections brought the PPP to power and religious preoccupation with the authoritarian abuse of power took on a completely different shape from the epoch of the seventies and eighties. The Catholic Church withdrew from active involvement with human rights concerns; the Anglican Church under Bishop George developed a close relationship with the PPP Government. Under the PPP leadership, the Hindu and Muslim churches continued their support for the PPP. But it was with the Jagdeo tenure that the Hindu and Muslim churches began to display crass hypocrisy with racially and political support for the Government. Gone were the days when these two denominations were involved in open anti-government behaviour under the Burnham and Hoyte presidencies. The explanation of racial sympathy did not escape the pen of analysts. President Jagdeo paid special attention to winning the support of the Muslim churches. By the time his tenure was up, the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG), the main umbrella body of Muslims became shameless supporters of Mr. Jagdeo’s tyrannical regime, participating not only in state activities but also party functions. The CIOG featured prominently in Jagdeo’s circus at the National Stadium in September 2011 titled Day of Appreciation, a programme designed for election purposes. Under Mr. Jagdeo’s reign, prominent members of the CIOG were given sensitive state jobs. The love relation has continued under President Ramotar. A few months ago, the youth arm of the CIOG, the Muslim Youth Organization shamelessly went into race baiting overdrive when they accused the PNC of being involved in criminal robberies against East Indian. As with Diwali and Hindus, today the Muslim constituencies will take to their churches to pray to God. What will be missing are the memories of the seventies and eighties when Muslims felt it was a religious obligation to oppose bad government, the abuse of power and racial discrimination. The only conclusion one can come to is that the Muslims felt that in those days it was right for Indians to oppose the government of the day because they were East Indians and the Government consisted of Africans. Today, Muslim priests and their constituencies no longer want to remember that age because Indians are now in charge of the government. In other words, it was never about religion but race. Once the African PNC was out, power abuse no longer became an obligation to fight against. One wonders what Allah and God would make of this hypocrisy among both Hindus and Muslims. As the worst forms of power abuse continue in this religious land, maybe hope lies in the resurrection of Christian obligation to fight wrongdoing.



3 hours ago

The politics of Guyanese Muslims

January 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie



Quote Freddy....

The Hindu and Muslim churches

were essentially supporters of the PPP

especially given the

historical connections Jagan had with Yacoob Ally

of the United Sadr Anjuman and

Reepu Daman Persaud of the Maha Sabha.

When Burnham engineered coups in both organizations

and took them over,

this only led to deeper religious involvement

of the Hindus and Muslims against Burnham.



When Jagdeo became President

he was able to buy the support of Reep

by giving him top positions in the Govt

and Big Contract & Jobs to his Kids.......(Nepotism)


Yacoob Ally, The Anjuman & the Muslims

refused to support corruption.....

because that is against any Muslim Belief and Practices....



Jagdeo then turned to CIOG

to dance to his music, support his corruption

and promote his Backdoor Poke lifestyle.....


CIOG....... (like Pundit Reep) was bought over

and Jagdeo offered top positions in the Govt

and Big Contract & Jobs to a few CIOG Crab Dogs.......(Nepotism)


You will see the President & Prime minister

pushing themselves to be seen on these Religious Holidays 

Posing in Pictures with Anjuman officials....


But you will never find any Anjuman Member supporting

Buggery, Back Door Poke Business & Corruption.....

Because Jagdeo & Ramotar Business is Haram....


The Anjuman members....

Believes and Practice....

True Muslim Principles......

Enjoin that what is good.....

and forbid what is wrong....


and what Kwame Practicing is Wrong...

No true Muslim will follow Kwame's Nastiness.







          3 hours ago

We all know that Rev and Yugi22 are Kwamee Lovers.



Last edited by Former Member

Da aaa true thing wa mitwa talk


You will see the President & Prime minister

pushing themselves to be seen on these Religious Holidays 

Posing in Pictures with Anjuman officials....

But you will never find any Anjuman Member supporting

Buggery, Back Door Poke Business & Corruption.....

Because Jagdeo & Ramotar Business is Haram....


President Donald Ramotar with Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali and Head of the Central Islamic Organisation Fazeel Ferouz at the Yoman Nabi celebration at the Queenstown Masjid

Anjuman President Badrudeen Hassan reminding Ramotar....

Enjoin what is right ......

forbid what is wrong & Evil...

Ramotar is left with his mouth open....speechless


The Anjuman members....

Believes and Practice....

True Muslim Principles......

Enjoin that what is good.....

and forbid what is wrong....

and what Kwame Practicing is Wrong...

No true Muslim will follow Kwame's Nastiness.


I always enjoy reading Freddie Kisson pieces.


What he failed to point out is that the CIOG always had a working relationship with the Government of the day. They were criticised for being too close to the PNC and Desmond Hoyte back in the early 90's.


One thing you have to give Jagdeo credit for is his ability, just like Burnham, to get close to religious organizations.


Back to Kisson's piece, I agree that muslim organizations like the Anjuman, Trust and  CIOG need to be more vocal on corruption and other social issues that affect  Guyanese. Instaed what we have are  organizations like The  Anjuman, ANNA cATHERINA  and The Trust are jockeying to see who can prove that they are closest with Ramouthar.



Last edited by Chief

Chief you got it wrong....

CIOG was formed by the PNC to destroy the Anjuman's support of Jagan.

Freddy know what he is saying.

CIOG was formed in Georgetown mainly by the Georgetown Businessmen and Professionals who felt that they should be the official voice for the  large numbers of Muslim votes and support nationwide.

This Georgetown PNC Offspring felt the muslims Support was being wasted on Jagan who was not doing anything (as Opposition leader) to help their future......and they need to align with Burnham where the soup is.


Burnham immediately give one of the CIOG's officials a senior position at the Ministry of education......then Burnham die suddenly.


The problem was when Burnham died in 1985.....Hoyte never trusted any of Burnham friends including the CIOG or Hoyte got rid of them control the PNC.


Hoyte made a deal with Haji Rahaman who was the head of the Anjuman and the teamed up and CIOG was left standing in the cold.


Now with nowhere to go CIOG joined Jagan and the PPP....the rest is history......Freddy know the what he said.....

Quote Freddy :The Hindu and Muslim churches were essentially supporters of the PPP especially given the historical connections Jagan had with Yacoob Ally of the United Sadr Anjuman and Reepu Daman Persaud of the Maha Sabha.....

When a group was formed named the Guyana Anti-Discrimination Movement spearheaded by Indian professionals, both Hindus and Muslim priests were involved.

In fact, a Muslim priest became the chairman of the Guyana Human Rights Association during the PNC Government.




I do not wish to get into a public argument on this however you are wrong. THE CIOG was formed because the two anjumans were linked to the two main political parties.


The rest is history. CIOG was like  a  breath of fresh  air to the entire muslim community nationwide. In 1979 when CIOG was established, there were 102 Masjids in Guyana and 98 of them had representaives at the opening session.


CIOG came a long way and has done very well. They were never affiliated to any political party, however they do work with the Government of the day. Having said that, I also make note that they are silent on some of the nonsense that this present Gov't is doing. 

Last edited by Chief

JB I agree with you to a point the old guard of the GIT never got involved in the politics or aligned them self with any party. Some of the present day leaders are aligned to the PPP.

Chief Jalil is correct the CIOG was and is Always political. and those 98 masjid that was represented they were bused there. Free FOOD and FREE Transpee to the free food every one going.


Every guyanese knew that Rahaman was aligned to the PNC



Last edited by Pointblank
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

JB I agree with you to a point the old guard of the GIT never got involved in the politics or aligned them self with any party. Some of the present day leaders are aligned to the PPP.

Chief Jalil is correct the CIOG was and is Always political. and those 98 masjid that was represented they were bused there. Free FOOD and FREE Transpee to the free food every one going.

(Yes who would refuse free food-all you can eat and Drink and Circus Ride to Georgetown on a  Blue Tata Bus.....all compliments of Odo and De PNC in 1979)


Every guyanese knew that Rahaman was aligned to the PNC



They were all Bused in on PNC Blue Tata Bus free from all over Guyana.


And if it is true the had the support and represent 98 of the 102 masjids in Guyana....they start off short of PNC expectation....because PNC had and still have supporters in every masjid in Guyana.


If you put the PNC aside for a second .....and try to inference that the CIOG represent over 90% of the Masjids or the Mosque in Guyana.....again you are wrong.


It seems the CIOG has shrunk in Support on the Ground from the 95% since they were formed and Supported by the Govt of the Day in 1979.


What caused them to drop support so badly since the death of Burnham....

Please do not tell us because they switch from Supporting Supporting Jagan.

Could it be the incident at the school(lets not mention it) where Top officials had to slip their Top PNC Education official out of Guyana under the cover of the cops were moving in.


Anyone who tell you at anytime of CIOG history they got more than 30% Muslim support at anytime during their history....."Dem do not know wha dem talking".


CIOG can Jump high or Low.....with PNC or PPP....and that is their right.....but three things the cannot boast about.

(1) During their entire History regardless if they were worshiping the PNC or PPP.....the never had a majority of Muslim support in Guyana.

(2) The Constitution of Guyana does not recognize them as the official Representative of the Muslims of Guyana.....Regardless who their masters are.....PPP or PNC.....they do not Represent the Muslims.

(3) The Govt of the Day have to humble them selves and run to the Anjuman....even if it is for Photo show everyone they respect the Official representatives and choice of the Muslims in Guyana as it is written in the Constitution and Laws of Guyana.

President Donald Ramotar with Minister of Housing and Water Irfaan Ali and Head of the Central Islamic Organisation Fazeel Ferouz at the Yoman Nabi celebration at the Queenstown Masjid

Anjuman President Badrudeen Hassan

reminding Ramotar....

As Muslims we must

Enjoin what is right ......

forbid what is wrong & Evil...

Ramotar is left with his mouth open....



Having said that I will agree

The Anjuman, THE Islamic Trust & CIOG

have their support in Guyana....

and I will not Doubt they each have around 30% Support.....


So do not remind us about the 95% Circus

the PNC put on in 1979

with those now famous Blue Tata Buses...


Using that line

please explain how they are only 30% now

where did the Extra 65% evaporate.....

from the 95% - 1979 Disney Circus.


Free Ride on De Blue Bus

Free Food

Free Drinks


Everyone came....

Sure the Buses were Packed by the PNC...

Jagan could not provide that

Originally Posted by Pointblank:

JB I agree with you to a point the old guard of the GIT never got involved in the politics or aligned them self with any party. Some of the present day leaders are aligned to the PPP.

Chief Jalil is correct the CIOG was and is Always political. and those 98 masjid that was represented they were bused there. Free FOOD and FREE Transpee to the free food every one going.


Every guyanese knew that Rahaman was aligned to the PNC



Rahaman was never with the CIOG he was the Anjuman.

No one was bused to the CIOG first meeting. We travelled from the CVorentyne on our own.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Pointblank:

JB I agree with you to a point the old guard of the GIT never got involved in the politics or aligned them self with any party. Some of the present day leaders are aligned to the PPP.

Chief Jalil is correct the CIOG was and is Always political. and those 98 masjid that was represented they were bused there. Free FOOD and FREE Transpee to the free food every one going.


Every guyanese knew that Rahaman was aligned to the PNC



Rahaman was never with the CIOG he was the Anjuman.

No one was bused to the CIOG first meeting. We travelled from the CVorentyne on our own.

Chief hash it out with Point Blank....but if you'll want I can get the pictures with all dem Tata Bus arriving and being greeted by De Circus Organizers themselves.


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