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The Guyanese populace are experiencing a taste of the APNU/AFC venom, through the budget cuts and the stalling of the many development projects around the country, not the mention the modernization of the international airport, at the next elections the electorate would ensure the joint opposition return to where they rightfully the the political wilderness. The PPP/C would be once again entrusted by the Guyanese populace with a majority in the National Assembly, thus ensuring progress continues...

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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are experiencing a taste of the APNU/AFC venom, through the budget cuts and the stalling of the many development projects around the country, not the mention the modernization of the international airport, at the next elections the electorate would ensure the joint opposition return to where they rightfully the the political wilderness. The PPP/C would be once again entrusted by the Guyanese populace with a majority in the National Assembly, thus ensuring progress continues...


 Not because you say so it will be so. You will lose the election. APNU is gaining momentum and will most likely see Mr Moses or Mr Ralph teaming with Mr Granger.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue and is fully charged to contest and be victories at the next election......


"JB" it seems you are among the latest defection of the AFC....


As of now my family will vote AFC. However we are almost ready to convert to APNU and Pro-Guyana. My family is waiting to see how Pro-Guyana develops. We're not voting PPP period!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace are experiencing a taste of the APNU/AFC venom, through the budget cuts and the stalling of the many development projects around the country, not the mention the modernization of the international airport, at the next elections the electorate would ensure the joint opposition return to where they rightfully the the political wilderness. The PPP/C would be once again entrusted by the Guyanese populace with a majority in the National Assembly, thus ensuring progress continues...

The most efficient nations and the places where the people are most content are all minority coalitions. I guess the PPP cannot function there. They that autocratic power because only in God mode can they steal unmolested by gadflys in the AFC!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many of the AFC members seems upset with the party executive retaining Nigel Hughes as Chairman with such damning revelations of his conflict of interest with the Hydro project, there are other serious allegations of corruption against leading members of the party.

Dude, the Amalia Falls project was a PPP project. Hughes associating with it was not prohibited anywhere by law. Ramotar did  even better. He was on the board of OMAI and under his watch they dug a hole a quarter of a mile deep and a mile wide, polluted the streams with some of the most toxic of chemicals on the planet and left a scar in our verdant green that will last another million years. And they never made a profit!!!!. Meanwhile Ramotar earned his Jabba the Hutt title, got fat and rich.





This is Jabba the Hutt's doing!

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C has fully recovered from incumbency fatigue and is fully charged to contest and be victories at the next election......


"JB" it seems you are among the latest defection of the AFC....


As of now my family will vote AFC. However we are almost ready to convert to APNU and Pro-Guyana. My family is waiting to see how Pro-Guyana develops. We're not voting PPP period!

You're confused if you asked me. You're voting AFC, hoping to join APNU, but waiting to see how the Pro-Guyana development turns out? Don't lead your family into your disarranged logic. I feel sorry for them if they're as confused as you.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

"Danyael" stop fighting the truth, you know to your gut the AFC is finished, and the PPP/C will regain the majority in the National Assembly...

The truth? I doubt you know what that is. The AFC is not a mere consortium of people. It is an opportunity gap to stop the PPP thieving. That will always exist since all of t he people are not sheep. A great many can see who are the crooks and understand the nature of interwoven corruption as control strategy in the society. The PPP are never going to win a majority again. They will find it difficult to maintain the 8 points necessary to maintain a strangle hold on the society and practice their thievery unchecked.  Between now and election the sugar industry will not turn around, crime will not be abated and kith and kin nepotism as policy will not be eased. The PPP cannot help themselves. They now have to exist with the curse of being crooks. They will lose.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

A majority awaits the PPP/C in 2016

.. or earlier.

It can snow in the can happen.

What confidence do you hold for two half-ass party? AFC is crippled, and APNU is struggling to play catch up as per Carl Greenidge. Carl said that APNU didn't need academics and newspaper writers because they have enough propaganda writers in their camp already.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

A majority awaits the PPP/C in 2016

.. or earlier.

It can snow in the can happen.

What confidence do you hold for two half-ass party? AFC is crippled, and APNU is struggling to play catch up as per Carl Greenidge. Carl said that APNU didn't need academics and newspaper writers because they have enough propaganda writers in their camp already.

Unlike you I do not deal with zero sum games. I said, the PPP will be below 40 percent since the numbers do not support a mass defection. At below 40 percent and still in office they will be eaten alive. Half of the lot from Brazzington on will see a nice cosy jail cell with roached for companions.


You are up to your gizzards in propaganda and dont know it. As I often say, it is the dilemma of the fish and its inability to discover water.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I said, the PPP will be below 40 percent since the numbers do not support a mass defection.

And I say that at the next election, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.

I know...even you are giving them less this time...I wonder why...remember your predictions from the last time? You will be reliable this time as you were then. If  you are anything you are consistent....a consistent twit.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I said, the PPP will be below 40 percent since the numbers do not support a mass defection.

And I say that at the next election, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.

I know...even you are giving them less this time...I wonder why...remember your predictions from the last time? You will be reliable this time as you were then. If  you are anything you are consistent....a consistent twit.


 Mr Demerara_Guy said they will get 60% last time. Even Mr DG is saying 51% these days. Even that rotten racist who hates black people but sells them houses Mr Rev is saying 51%. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I said, the PPP will be below 40 percent since the numbers do not support a mass defection.

And I say that at the next election, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.

I know...even you are giving them less this time...I wonder why...remember your predictions from the last time? You will be reliable this time as you were then.

What does more that 51% mean? 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
I said, the PPP will be below 40 percent since the numbers do not support a mass defection.

And I say that at the next election, the PPP/C will gain more than 51% of the votes.

If  you are anything you are consistent....a consistent twit.

Be nice and refrain from making such statements about yourself while looking in the mirror. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

, the PPP/C has shown signs of complete recovery form incumbency fatigue and are poised to secure a majority in 2016....if not before

This is just as how before the 2011 elections they were showing signs of gaining significant support among African/Mixed voters?


Screaming something very often doesnt make it true.




The opposition has to prepare itself for licks like peas whenever local government elections are held. The opposition will hold key municipalities but they will lose as they did in 1994 when the PPP swept 60% of the polls. The PPP knows how to win elections. It has been doing it for a long time and it will do it again.


The mistakes that were made in 2011 will not be repeated. The ruling party’s activists have been highly visible in their constituencies and what happened in 2011 when due to complacency their supporters stayed away will not recur.


While the opposition has been making waves in the National Assembly, chopping this and chopping that, shutting down this project and stifling others, the PPP has been making hay.


The supporters of the PPP have witnessed over the past two years just how brutal the opposition can be and the extent to which the opposition is prepared to jeopardize the future of this country. They have seen the opposition in action and this has galvanized them.


But the PPP is still taking no chances. It has begun to oil its campaign machinery and with the resources at its disposal, it will win again and win big, especially since the opposition seems to be sleeping.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If the joint opposition taught they could have won a snap elections, theyt would have already passed a vote of no confidence against the PPP/C Government in Parliament already, the PPP/C has recovered from incumbency fatigue and is fully charged to contest the 2016 elections and win  a majority.....

Go lick butta from Kwamee BT. You do that best.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

If the joint opposition taught they could have won a snap elections, theyt would have already passed a vote of no confidence against the PPP/C Government in Parliament already, the PPP/C has recovered from incumbency fatigue and is fully charged to contest the 2016 elections and win  a majority.....

Maybe the opposition are patriots who think that wasting money on national elections when Guyana hasnt had local elections for almost 20 years would be a huge scandal.


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