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Those are PPP protestors paid by the PPP for a days work. That is not reflective of what is actually happening at the meetings the AFC is having on the ground in the key villages etc.


Many of these same people go to the opposition and explain how they are getting paid to do that so they can earn a living to feed their families. We encourage them to do what they have to do to earn a living once they recognize what the PPP is doing to them.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition's "no confidence" vote is a blessing in disguise for the P.P.P. the joint opposition especially the A.F.C,  super ego-centrism got the better of them, as such they will lose the balance of power that they are barely clinging onto.

The PPP are cringing in their boots. The best out come for them is the loss of five years in a 10 year tenure. They would rather languish as a minority than be cut off completely from the soup line even if at half spigot flow.



The AFC is damaged also beyond repair and was doubtful of remaining relevant until 2016, so their "Moses" rise the no-confidence vote to attract a ray of needed limelight on that political gathering, as we drift further and further away from the 2011 results, the P.P.P realize their mistakes and put corrective measures in place. Bring it on!!!!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is damaged also beyond repair and was doubtful of remaining relevant until 2016, so their "Moses" rise the no-confidence vote to attract a ray of needed limelight on that political gathering, as we drift further and further away from the 2011 results, the P.P.P realize their mistakes and put corrective measures in place. Bring it on!!!!

Talk is cheap, wait for October 5th.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The P.P.P has already made it very clear, they are ready to contest any snap elections, their election machinery is fully greased and ready to be activated....

Made what clear?


The only thing the PPP has done since Moses the Great introduced this no confidence motion was to howl and cry, fuss PSC stooges seh dem doan want new elections. That didnt wuk. Now Manzeer hollering that its not constitutional. Rohee crying and complaining about PPP ill preparedness at GECOM.


PPP running scareeeeeeed!!!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is damaged also beyond repair and was doubtful of remaining relevant until 2016, so their "Moses" rise the no-confidence vote to attract a ray of needed limelight on that political gathering, as we drift further and further away from the 2011 results, the P.P.P realize their mistakes and put corrective measures in place. Bring it on!!!!

Imagine the AFC Is damaged and the crooks in office who cannot explain their obscene wealth, their give away of our natural patrimony and their contempt for the common man are the perfect apples! I think you and the PPP have been drinking too much of the states bounties you are deluded others think it is a normal thing.

1345 respondents were polled.  
Question 1:
In your opinion, which political parties would you vote for in the next election?
PPP 35.1%;   APNU 29.4%;  AFC 24.3%;
yujiyama will get diarhrea when he see these JULY results.
Originally Posted by Conscience:


The joint opposition's "no confidence" vote is a blessing in disguise for the P.P.P. the joint opposition especially the A.F.C,  super ego-centrism got the better of them, as such they will lose the balance of power that they are barely clinging onto.

Moderator Ray, what is the source or use of stupid threads like this one or the nonsense that the Revolting one and his sidekick opens with the first two words being "ok folks".
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The AFC is damaged also beyond repair

It will be good if the PPP actually believes that. As far as Guyanese are concerned the AFC is no worse than is the PPP, and it at least serves as a vehicle to register their discontent.


It is no longer about Moses.  Its about the increasingly arrogant and corrupt behavior of the PPP, and their disrespect even for THEIR OWN grass roots supporters.


Please note that the AFC in the eyes of many Guyanese is emerging as an alternate Indian party, with only Nigel Hughes visible among the non Indians.  So playing the race card isnt going to work. Given that all the PPP knows how to do is to play the race card, their prospects of being anything other than a minority gov't are actually quite bleak.


The chickens have come home to roost and the disrespect and bigotry that people like you have directed against blacks (and by extension mixed people as most are part black, and are integrated with blacks) will guarantee that as the Indian base shrinks (through migration or disgust) there isnt any where for the PPP to offset those lost votes.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition's "no confidence" vote is a blessing in disguise for the P.P.P. the joint opposition especially the A.F.C,  super ego-centrism got the better of them, as such they will lose the balance of power that they are barely clinging onto.

If the PPP was so sure of a majority, a snap election would have come and gone.


Desperate Conscience, how will the PPP manage with 35% support?


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