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Former Member

CHRISTMAS is once again with us. This holiday, which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, is the principal holiday for Christians.Over the years, it has evolved into a holiday for all peoples. It is a time rightly described as the period of good will, a time for renewal of relations and a coming together of families and friends. This time in our country, the need to come together in the interest of our nation is evident.

As is well known, our economy has been growing over the last six years, despite the international crises. We are engaged in building projects that will further transform our country and put us on the road to rapid growth where all our people will enjoy greater prosperity and progress.

Working together is the best way of achieving these lofty goals.

At this time too, the PPP remembers all those who are not enjoying the best of health and those who are experiencing grief, as our compatriots in the Pomeroon, who are still overwhelmed by grief due to the tragic river accident of 18th December, 2012.

The PPP once again extends best wishes to all Guyanese and to the Christian community in particular during this season of peace and good will.

A Merry Christmas to all!

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