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A more streamlined government under new administration – President Ali

Aug 04, 2020 News 0, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ation-president-ali/

Under the leadership of newly elected President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) will have a slimmer government.

This, according to the President will help to minimize spending and maximize the level of performance each Government agency under his command.

President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, yesterday at a meeting with the Heads of Department at the Ministry of the Presidency.

Ali made this disclosure even as he announced yesterday that re-organizing the governance structure is top priority since the objective is to have Cabinet and the various Ministries established before the end of the week.

“Yes, you will see a flatter structure and I would want something more connected to the people and I want to make it clear that it will be results oriented and measured. People will be held accountable to ensure targets are met in a transparent manner. There is no space for laziness in my government. So it will be a bit smaller,” he told a reporter following a briefing with the Heads of Department (HoDs) at the Ministry of the Presidency.

During his address to the employees at the Ministry, President Ali disclosed that he would be meeting with the permanent secretaries later in the day.

He told the HoDs that after the details and responsibilities of the ministries are published in the official gazette, there will be a wider discussion in relation to the priorities and focus of the new government.

Ali told the staff that his government is committed to fostering a stronger, unified relation with the workforce and by extension the citizenry. The President also thanked them for their service and urged them to lead by example – to provide the best possible service to the Guyanese populace.

“This office is the highest in our country,” President Ali said, “therefore the employees and workers here are expected to deliver the highest level of service at the highest standard and to behave in a manner that is befitting the highest office of the country. We have to operate in a manner that will set the standard for the rest of the public service and the rest of the country.”

He emphasised that the ultimate goal is for all the people of Guyana to benefit from the resources of the country.

He added, “I have always been a strong believer in team work and collective thinking. I want to assure you that Guyana requires the skills of all of us to work in a collective and collaborative manner, if we are to build a strong and sustainable country, a country that all of us can be proud of.”

While maintaining that his administration is committed to fostering unity, the President said that under the PPP/C there will be a change of approach, with new and reemerging areas of responsibilities.

“There may be shift in priorities but at the end of it must result in the benefit of the Guyanese people. We cannot operate in a way that fuel insecurities distrust and thinking in society that can cause actions which can lead to disunity,” the President said.

I was not a fan of him in initially but I am beginning to like his style.  A leaner  , flat structure with teamwork and folks being held accountable.  Modern day style of governance.  Keyword - no place for LAZINESS: What a slap in the face of the previous cabal!


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