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TODAY, October 5, marks one of the most significant and historic dates in our history as it was on this date twenty-two years ago when we finally emerged out of a political and economic morass after almost three decades.

During those three decades, except for a few years, this country was plunged into dictatorship through rigged elections, squandermania, corruption, political victimisation, harassment and assassinations and denial of press freedom which eventually led to economic collapse.
Consequently, Guyana sunk to unbelievable levels of poverty, dilapidated infrastructure, acute shortages of all kinds including food, medical drugs, building materials and fuel. Blackouts and black market became the norm and even bread was unavailable as a result of the infamous food bans.
Guyana became the laughing stock of the Caribbean as the suitcase trading developed. As a result Guyanese travelling to neighbouring countries were treated with scorn and were severely harassed by immigration officials.
The situation became so terrible and desperate that a joke emerged, that is, once you are Guyanese you will go to heaven, because you cannot go to hell twice!
However, on a more serious note one of the major reasons why this country was kept in the political and economic doldrums was because of the then Cold War.
The U.S. and its allies actually propped up the dictatorial and repressive PNC regime because the alternative was the socialist-oriented PPP led by the indomitable and indefatigable Dr Cheddi Jagan. In fact, he and his PPP Government were toppled by the U.S. and its allies in the 1960s for the very reason under the doctrine of no more Cubas in this hemisphere.
Despite their claim to be champions of democracy, human rights and freedom which were being blatantly rasped in our country, the U.S. and its allies turned a blind eye.
Eventually, the struggle for free and fair elections which was led by the PPP and later joined by other forces reached its peak and with the imminent end of the Cold War the U.S. and its allies had no choice but to support the struggle for free and fair elections and the restoration of democracy.
So on October 5, 1992 the historic free and fair election was held which saw the PPP returning to Government after an epic 28 years in Opposition.
And despite the many continuous attempts by the destructive forces to destabilise and sabotage this Government, undoubtedly we can proudly say our country has made significant strides on all fronts, and the strides would have been even greater had it not been for the sustained efforts by the traditional destructive forces who have now been joined by others.
Of course, it would be foolish to say that since October 5, 1992 all our problems have disappeared, but it would be equally or even more foolish to deny that we have made impressive and significant soci-economic strides. And perhaps our achievements would have been more impressive if there were not consistent efforts by certain political forces to stall progress in pursuit of their narrow and selfish political agenda.
In more recent times, this has become increasingly evident with the attempts to block major projects and the passage of the crucial ant-money laundering legislation.
But the decisive factor in our continued political and economic progress is the people of this country.
They will have to assess and evaluate who are on the side of development and progress and who are opposed to it.
Our people have endured much at the hands of certain political forces and therefore it should not be a difficult decision to make.
History is on the side of the PPP because since its inception several political forces came on the scene with the sole purpose of destroying it, but they have all ended up being themselves destroyed. And this is not so because of any miracle or mystery. It is simply because the PPP is genuinely and sincerely committed to the development of the people of this country and therefore it is rooted in the people. The others have all been pretenders and masqueraders whose selfish interests take precedence over national development.


Source: Guyana Kranakle

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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's nonsensical to brag about the restoration of democracy 22 years ago when the same "restorers" have consistently removed elected bodies at local government level and foisted Soobas in their place, PPP lackeys and yesmen. Not to forget the refusal to hold LGE the past 17 years.

Gilly, I don't recall PNC holding LGE and no one dared to voice any bruhaha about. Do you? Do you know why it was not an issue during the Burnham and Mo Fiah Slow Fiah years?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

It's nonsensical to brag about the restoration of democracy 22 years ago when the same "restorers" have consistently removed elected bodies at local government level and foisted Soobas in their place, PPP lackeys and yesmen. Not to forget the refusal to hold LGE the past 17 years.

Gilly, I don't recall PNC holding LGE and no one dared to voice any bruhaha about. Do you? Do you know why it was not an issue during the Burnham and Mo Fiah Slow Fiah years?

Burnham held local government elections in 1970. True, none was held for the remaining 22 years of the PNC regime. The PPP was not silent. It consistently called for LGE while in opposition.

Exactly 22 years ago PPP promised greater democracy. Wheh it deh?


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