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A Nation besieged and held hostage by a dictatorial regime

November 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Not since colonialism ended in May 1966, has any action made by any of Guyana’s President had such a profound and destructive impact upon the psyche of the citizenry. We refer, of course, to the dramatic but regrettable act by President Ramotar to prorogue Parliament thus preventing the people’s representatives to use the only institution allowed by the constitution to act as a check and balance against this reckless, excessive and dictatorial government. It was just over 34 months ago when the people elected the majority opposition to represent their interest in Parliament, against the most corrupt, uncaring and anti-working class government in all of the English-speaking Caribbean. But they should know by now that the patience of the people has dried up and they should take warning that no security force is greater or more powerful that the people’s power. The Arab Spring revolutions are cases in point. Independence or self-rule as some may call it, was the most intellectually and politically powerful edict which stands supreme among the formidable and indelible legacies bequeathed to Guyanese by Great Britain to its first and most illustrious Prime Minister, the late Linden Forbes Samson Burnham. Today, the proroguing of Parliament has destroyed the happiness independence has brought to the nation. It has also tarnished the reputation of the PPP, which for years had claimed that it believed in democracy, justice and freedom. That claim is totally false. Not only has the President produced the most undignified reason for his insane action, but he has also insulted the leader of APNU Mr. David Granger in a letter by dictating to him the terms and conditions he wanted before he reverses his decision. This is the most unintelligent letter written by a Head of State. It proves what the people had always known that Mr. Ramotar is a de facto president who is told by his predecessor what to do or not do. Mr. Ramotar has lost the trust and confidence placed in him by supporters of the PPP. His action has reverberated throughout the Caribbean and the international community which called for the immediate restoration of Parliament. The fact that the PPP regime intends to rule by decree does not sit well with the opposition and the masses who have vowed to not allow the PPP domination over them and the opposition. Contrary to the claims by the PPP cabal that they believe in democracy and fairness, the proroguing of Parliament is a dictatorial act and the rule by decree is symbolic of an era reminiscent of the typical slave masters wallowing in a disgraceful governance system mired with injustices and unfair practices against the poor and the working class. Mr. Ramotar’s provocative actions have created such a stir that the pages of the press, especially the only two prominent newspapers, Kaieteur News and Stabrook News were ablaze with criticism and resentment against the uncaring, high-handed and dictatorial PPP cabal, who saw their lofty and superior status over the people being threatened. The president’s traditional un-statesmanlike conduct and ineloquent and indecisive action have delivered one of the most devastating blows not only to the country but also to the PPP. We are confident that it would forever destroy his legacy and cost the PPP to lose the next election. The people, including supporters of the PPP had thought that Guyana was heading towards a level playing field and the abolishment of the colonial hangovers which had enslaved them, but they were wrong. The PPP has and continues to stand in the way of progress, unity and equality among the races and has heightened the fear of East Indians against their fellow Afro-Guyanese brethren, which dates back to APHAN JHAAT political era. Instead of bridging the gap in the social divide, the PPP cabal has widened it to the extent where the poor and the working class are poorer today than they were ten years ago when the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal assumed power. Guyana’s worst and most corrupt president was that little boy from Unity village who had no ability as a leader, no experience in governance, no interest in the masses and is childless. No president has ever treated his wife with such disrespect. In fact, the former First Lady was treated worst than an animal. The President’s indiscriminate use of his powers has resonated throughout the society with lightning dispatch. For one thing, the timing was wrong and the people are charged in the wake of such indiscretions. For another, the President’s ignominious actions have created trauma and tremor within the already troubled soul of the nation so much so that anything is likely to happen. Here is the PPP and its cohorts who had called the PNC regime under Burnham dictatorial but today, it is the same PPP that has imposed a rule by decree and is using the same constitution they have criticized. What hypocrites? In essence, the PPP has become a dictatorship never before openly and boldly practiced by the PNC. The intent was clear and adulterated. They could no longer mask their dictatorial tendencies which they have used for decades to bamboozle the people and hide their incompetency. The truth has now been revealed that the PPP is not the bastion of the protection and defense of democracy as they hypocritically claimed; they are the modern-day dictators in Guyana and the Caribbean. Guyana has been a nation besieged and held hostage by a dictatorial regime.

Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

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