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A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dear Editor,
Like Bharat Jagdeo’s address to Parliament in 2006, President Donald Ramotar address to Parliament in 2013 spouted the same type of propaganda aimed at bamboozling the people. He stated that he would do “all that is possible to enhance the skills and capacity of working people so that they will be able to enhance their earning power.” He further stated that he “intends to ensure that the workers in Guyana are not left on the sidelines of development.”
This statement has become the biggest joke of the decade? The refusal by the Chinese to hire Guyanese workers is repulsive to say the least. Mr. Ramotar is yet to prove to the people that he has the ability and requisite skills to lead this nation. As we all know, he is still governing in the shadow of his predecessor.
Let us pause for a moment and think of their physical and mental abuse of the working class on the Marriott Project and then focus on another known project – the GPL Electrification Modernization project being managed by of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Here we have a G$10 billion project to construct seven new sub-stations and upgrade the transmission and distribution electrical system. Is any of this G$10 billion being shared with the workers of Guyana?
All of this work is being executed by Chinese contractors who have refused to hire Guyanese workers even though their children will be called upon to pay back this G$10 billion in the future. To compound matters, we were advised by senior engineering personnel at GPL that the quality of work being done by this contractor is far from acceptable and will result in another white elephant like the Skeldon Sugar Factory. Such shoddy work will result in the taxpayers being saddled with billions of dollars in debt for poor work and the administration does not care.
Yet, being aware of this information, the lethargic majority opposition has done little or nothing to examine these white collar financial scams. Why is the majority opposition not advocating on behalf of Guyanese workers to secure jobs on this project?  Who will manage these facilities when the Chinese are finished?
Please Mr. Granger; it is time for you and the others leaders of APNU to stand-up and defend the rights of the workers and do not allow this ruthless, uncaring and brutal PPP regime to trample on their rights.
To Gail Teixeira, this is not about your ridiculous claim of racism, it is about our compatriots’ national sovereignty being trampled upon at the altar of a scheme to defraud this nation and devour the Treasury. We plead with the majority opposition to take action now to ensure that the Treasury is not consumed by those who hold the reins of power.
How many more Pradovilles do they have to build to make them happy?  How many more multi-million dollar swimming pools do they have to build from the sweat of the poor and the working class? How many more billions do they plan to take to make themselves happy? We charge the opposition to stop this cabal from raping the country. This cannot continue indefinitely.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

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Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dear Editor,
Like Bharat Jagdeo’s address to Parliament in 2006, President Donald Ramotar address to Parliament in 2013 spouted the same type of propaganda aimed at bamboozling the people. He stated that he would do “all that is possible to enhance the skills and capacity of working people so that they will be able to enhance their earning power.” He further stated that he “intends to ensure that the workers in Guyana are not left on the sidelines of development.”
This statement has become the biggest joke of the decade? The refusal by the Chinese to hire Guyanese workers is repulsive to say the least. Mr. Ramotar is yet to prove to the people that he has the ability and requisite skills to lead this nation. As we all know, he is still governing in the shadow of his predecessor.
Let us pause for a moment and think of their physical and mental abuse of the working class on the Marriott Project and then focus on another known project – the GPL Electrification Modernization project being managed by of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Here we have a G$10 billion project to construct seven new sub-stations and upgrade the transmission and distribution electrical system. Is any of this G$10 billion being shared with the workers of Guyana?
All of this work is being executed by Chinese contractors who have refused to hire Guyanese workers even though their children will be called upon to pay back this G$10 billion in the future. To compound matters, we were advised by senior engineering personnel at GPL that the quality of work being done by this contractor is far from acceptable and will result in another white elephant like the Skeldon Sugar Factory. Such shoddy work will result in the taxpayers being saddled with billions of dollars in debt for poor work and the administration does not care.
Yet, being aware of this information, the lethargic majority opposition has done little or nothing to examine these white collar financial scams. Why is the majority opposition not advocating on behalf of Guyanese workers to secure jobs on this project?  Who will manage these facilities when the Chinese are finished?
Please Mr. Granger; it is time for you and the others leaders of APNU to stand-up and defend the rights of the workers and do not allow this ruthless, uncaring and brutal PPP regime to trample on their rights.
To Gail Teixeira, this is not about your ridiculous claim of racism, it is about our compatriots’ national sovereignty being trampled upon at the altar of a scheme to defraud this nation and devour the Treasury. We plead with the majority opposition to take action now to ensure that the Treasury is not consumed by those who hold the reins of power.
How many more Pradovilles do they have to build to make them happy?  How many more multi-million dollar swimming pools do they have to build from the sweat of the poor and the working class? How many more billions do they plan to take to make themselves happy? We charge the opposition to stop this cabal from raping the country. This cannot continue indefinitely.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

What does that have to do with  Ramotar's lack of ability and requisite skills to lead the nation?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

 Explain the significance of this to the rape of the treasury.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Rape of the treasury!!  Stormy, your pals in the AFC were challenged to debate the issue on national television but disappeared when the moment arrived.

Let us pause for a moment and think of their physical and mental abuse of the working class on the Marriott Project and then focus on another known project – the GPL Electrification Modernization project being managed by of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Here we have a G$10 billion project to construct seven new sub-stations and upgrade the transmission and distribution electrical system. Is any of this G$10 billion being shared with the workers of Guyana?
All of this work is being executed by Chinese contractors who have refused to hire Guyanese workers even though their children will be called upon to pay back this G$10 billion in the future. To compound matters, we were advised by senior engineering personnel at GPL that the quality of work being done by this contractor is far from acceptable and will result in another white elephant like the Skeldon Sugar Factory. Such shoddy work will result in the taxpayers being saddled with billions of dollars in debt for poor work and the administration does not care.


A factory that is working at 60% capacity because of supply problems cannot be declared a white elephant.


- Chinese workers worked on road construction and other projects in Africa and other parts of the world where the China National Development is the financing institution. It is Chinese strong-arm tactic - aid with strings attached.  Western Nations used to do the same not too long ago. Guyana, like many other nations are forced to make concessions to the Chinese on many things. If they don't, then they are left with your mouth opened.





Billy Ram Balgobin

"To Gail Teixeira, this is not about your ridiculous claim of racism, it is about our compatriots’ national sovereignty being trampled upon at the altar of a scheme to defraud this nation and devour the Treasury. We plead with the majority opposition to take action now to ensure that the Treasury is not consumed by those who hold the reins of power.
How many more Pradovilles do they have to build to make them happy?  How many more multi-million dollar swimming pools do they have to build from the sweat of the poor and the working class? How many more billions do they plan to take to make themselves happy? We charge the opposition to stop this cabal from raping the country. This cannot continue indefinitely."


"Cheddi was a humble man who did not collect six months pay before he died. Bharat who handpicked Presi Pamotar built a US$2 mill house by the sea side as he tried to convince the world of global warming; and today he draws down G$3 mill/month for pension. President Ramotar lives in the legacy of Linden Forbes Samson Burnham's bastardized Constitution." 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Rape of the treasury!!  Stormy, your pals in the AFC were challenged to debate the issue on national television but disappeared when the moment arrived.

I have no Pal in the AFC. I support them on mere existence as a foil to the PPP.


That being said, the idea of debating corruption on television is abject nonsense. I do not know why any in the opposition would  agree to this as it defeats the purpose of demanding formal systems of checks and balances. The crooks in office used to harp on transparency now they given in a black box because they believe themselves to be omniscient.


That is what we want changed so that one crook cannot hand our premium leech opportunities such as  Jagdeo did for his friends with respect to radio frequencies and  control of the nations bandwidth. It has to change so brazzington cannot manage state assets and at the same time sell said assets to his brother at fire sale prices. We would not have a building in full construction mode using states assets liberally when none of the "investors" are known.


As I said, most of us can list the likely "investors" since it is no secret any longer who are first in line among the hordes of PPP parasites. The will be some of the names we heard.


You can say what you want but this is a crooked regime and the people will not give them a majority ever again.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

 Explain the significance of this to the rape of the treasury.

Overall confidence in the prudent fiscal management of the nations finances.  The low interest rate are a reflection of the confidence in the stability of the currency, the economy, low inflation and balanced finances.  This runs contrary...very contrary to the headline of the thread.  The writer(s) themselves privately admit this but are head over heels with ambition, so they slug away.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

 Explain the significance of this to the rape of the treasury.

Overall confidence in the prudent fiscal management of the nations finances.  The low interest rate are a reflection of the confidence in the stability of the currency, the economy, low inflation and balanced finances.  This runs contrary...very contrary to the headline of the thread.  The writer(s) themselves privately admit this but are head over heels with ambition, so they slug away.

 they borrowed their ass off. The US is at %3 and we are still in a deep recession.


The treasury is being devoured by PPPite...The Marriott is a give away. They already give away broad band and most of the radio frequencies to cronies. The land give away is in full swing and yes that accrues to raiding the treasury. Ramotar was a gimpex running boy 20 years ago now he is a fat patrician. Jagdeo never made enough to buy his lot in his entire life yet he is a multi millionaire. His highest earning power was not even on par with my part time jobs in the early years after school. That is Markos like raiding of our treasury.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

 Explain the significance of this to the rape of the treasury.

Overall confidence in the prudent fiscal management of the nations finances.  The low interest rate are a reflection of the confidence in the stability of the currency, the economy, low inflation and balanced finances.  This runs contrary...very contrary to the headline of the thread.  The writer(s) themselves privately admit this but are head over heels with ambition, so they slug away.

 they borrowed their ass off. The US is at %3 and we are still in a deep recession.


The treasury is being devoured by PPPite...The Marriott is a give away. They already give away broad band and most of the radio frequencies to cronies. The land give away is in full swing and yes that accrues to raiding the treasury. Ramotar was a gimpex running boy 20 years ago now he is a fat patrician. Jagdeo never made enough to buy his lot in his entire life yet he is a multi millionaire. His highest earning power was not even on par with my part time jobs in the early years after school. That is Markos like raiding of our treasury.

Seems irrelevant.  You are a bitter man.  The US is at 3% for different reasons and certainly their currency is not a major factor being a reserve currency.  Guyana does not have the luxury managing its currency, interest rates, etc.  The fact that the rates are off hyper levels speaks for confidence in the way the Govt running the economy.  This runs contrary to the article written.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by God:

A nation in distress as its Treasury is devoured


Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

When last have they checked the interest rates in Guyana.

 Explain the significance of this to the rape of the treasury.

Overall confidence in the prudent fiscal management of the nations finances.  The low interest rate are a reflection of the confidence in the stability of the currency, the economy, low inflation and balanced finances.  This runs contrary...very contrary to the headline of the thread.  The writer(s) themselves privately admit this but are head over heels with ambition, so they slug away.

 they borrowed their ass off. The US is at %3 and we are still in a deep recession.


The treasury is being devoured by PPPite...The Marriott is a give away. They already give away broad band and most of the radio frequencies to cronies. The land give away is in full swing and yes that accrues to raiding the treasury. Ramotar was a gimpex running boy 20 years ago now he is a fat patrician. Jagdeo never made enough to buy his lot in his entire life yet he is a multi millionaire. His highest earning power was not even on par with my part time jobs in the early years after school. That is Markos like raiding of our treasury.

Seems irrelevant.  You are a bitter man.  The US is at 3% for different reasons and certainly their currency is not a major factor being a reserve currency.  Guyana does not have the luxury managing its currency, interest rates, etc.  The fact that the rates are off hyper levels speaks for confidence in the way the Govt running the economy.  This runs contrary to the article written.

You refuse to believe what is before you so it matters little what "seems irrelevant" to you. I know on my own the relevancy of calling those scoundrels out. It is a moral and civic duty.


As with respect o your other assumption about " a bitter man"; that again is resonance to your hapless amorality and morbid  lack of creativity to say what you truly think.  Those men are tasked with being custodians of the state. They claim to possess even now a stellar qualities of honesty and integrity. They happen to be crooks.


There is nothing in the farthest reaches of possibility to cause a man to be bitter in  calling out crooks as crooks. So stupid is this that  premise that were it valid one would call Jesus, or Lord Rama bitter people  since they also dared calling a crook a crook!


As for the strength of the economy, let me just remind you we do not and never have in our entire existence, ever produced   what we need to survive. We beg and always has. Interest rates are not a definitive  indicator of the strength of the economy.


Further, the thread speaks to the distressing fact of our people being made poor as state assets are converted en mass to private holdings of those that are kith and kin of this party. Indeed the sum total of what is "our treasury" is our entire holdings and if these are systematically being siphoned off by these crooks our treasury is indeed being depleted..


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