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Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh redux, how we can get the indoes to switch sides. Especially if AFC decides to have an Alliance wid the APNU. At the end of the day, it is indoes voting that will count. I think Granger will get the momentum if he says the correct things and offer some sort of guarantees-the man has the black votes regardless if he is the leader of the PNC. He must consider patriotism first. 

i agree with most of what you say here, but i believe that deeds count more than words . . . there are no "guarantees" only consequences


a formal, binding agreement detailing the program, timetable for constitutional reform, recall prerogatives and the operating structure of the coalition in government is absolutely necessary to start


to bring constituencies along, and as a practical acknowledgement of the party's indispensible role for the success of this initiative, concessions to the AFC must be generous and disproportionate to its present representation in parliament, perhaps tied to regional performance @ the elections, but definitely including an enhanced prime ministership . . . this will take courage, and may be resisted by APNU power cliques; but patriotic, enlightened LEADERSHIP by whomever should carry the day.


AFC and APNU must articulate clearly the EMERGENCY nature of the coalition, spelling out the threat of creeping dictatorship - leveraging the presumptuous refusal to hold LGA and unrestrained budget lawlessness as Exhibits A & B!


just off the top of my head rite now . . .

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Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

The PNC boys TK and Caribj hoping AFC put Granger in Power.


TK cannot understand he is not part of the AFC.....and he is clutching at straws....and PNC treat him like a Dutty Dog....he got Low-Low ratings now.


This Grasshopper cannot understand he cannot make Granger President of Guyana.....

and Nagamootoo and AFC never agree to remove the PPP and replace them with Granger or PNC.


Now lets look how the thiefing PNC & TK does behave ....

Bareface Thieves


TK want be a Big Boy....he is de spokesman fuh PNC

TK Deal with it....

No one Trust....TK & the PNC


Replacing PPP

and giving Granger & PNC Presidency

is a step Backward...


Granger & PNC must take a Back Seat

like how Granger put TK

in De Back of the Room in Richmond Hill


Last edited by Former Member

If the PPP held the majority, they can get away with abusing the citizens because they would not be obliged to call an election. But with a minority, their fate is in limbo-stressful for them bcz they doan know which day will bring their end. The is the moment for decent minded citizens to step up to the plate. I expect the PPP to do exactly what the PNC did after the elections of 1992-bold, aggressive and do dispicable acts. Their feeling is they are over suh wah the hell.


The Combined Oppostion must cautious, careful and calculative-at the said time be in a hurry. The iron is hot and ready to struck.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Never knew you were such a shallow thinker redux, jumbie no 1 of mr. TK.


First of all Moses will not run with his political junior as his boss.


Second granja is 70 years old, way past the political expiry date.


Third, the AFC is not interested in putting the PNC into power, they want to play a leading role in any post PPP government.


Fourth it is best to force the PPP to cede constitutional reform rather than let the PNC gain access to power with the Burnham constitution still in place; they cannot be trusted.



but dream my boy, it is good for the soul.  But it will not happen.

i know all about alyuh 'thinking' . . . it is backward, and ultimately the PPP's not-so-secret weapon


[later, when i have some time, i will deconstruct the manifest foolishness u have offered above as your vision of 'the way forward']


my purpose here is to introduce NEW out-of-the-box thinking and point a realistic (yes, REALISTIC) way out of the PPP trap alyuh busy repairing


because y'all NOT REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT extirpating the jagdeoite PPP cancer


tribe and racism have shackled y'all thinking . . . playing the PPP game passes for political sophistication and "depth" to y'all losers


i have no illusions . . . u posers have NO IDEA just how late the hour really is

Look Mr. TK, is summer time and people with family busy so I do not have time to spend debating a numb skull like you.


When I am free, I am game, but I got to hit you up on this one.


still waiting for your deconstruction.


But to your point.


What out of the box thinking you introducing, a re-run of the PNC in 2016?




That makes you wuss than a dunce.


Secondly, who have a history of pushing racism, apan jhat and a vote against the PPP is a vote for the PNC.


Is them people like you in the PNC and PPP.


Old men lik Hammie and Danald and Gail and now they have a loyal follower in you Mr. Tyrone Kemraj ak Redux (jumbie no . 1)


Shut yu rass if you have no value to add.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Never knew you were such a shallow thinker redux, jumbie no 1 of mr. TK.


First of all Moses will not run with his political junior as his boss.


Second granja is 70 years old, way past the political expiry date.


Third, the AFC is not interested in putting the PNC into power, they want to play a leading role in any post PPP government.


Fourth it is best to force the PPP to cede constitutional reform rather than let the PNC gain access to power with the Burnham constitution still in place; they cannot be trusted.



but dream my boy, it is good for the soul.  But it will not happen.

Good points.


There are many who don't plan to vote PPP, but will never vote PNC. AFC gives them an effective protest vote.  Indeed there are probably many people who like the current status quo where both the PPP and the PNC have limitations.  If the PPP loses more, seats, hence any ability to scream mandate then they will have to learn how to behave.


Just as how forcing the PNC, and not the PPP to apologize is a nonstarter, thinking that the PNC and the AFC will win in a pre election alliance is a nonstarter.  Why?  Ethnic insecurity, and both the PPP and the PNC have bloody hands in this regard.


The AFC needs to attract more swing voters, and then demonstrate its ability to become a power broker by forcing the two major parties (neither having parliamentary control) to learn how to behave.

banna, don't u think that it has dawned on the region 5 and 6 AFC voter that incremental peeling off of more Indian votes from the PPP will eventually result in a PNC executive with all the lawless Burnham Constitution power wielded by the criminal incumbent regime


this is the limiting trap y'all have, for some gawdawful reason, refused to confront openly; the PPP has successfully herded a majority of the carefully cultivated frightened there these past 2 election cycles


have you been paying attention to what the minority regime has been doing legally with the the budget 'process' this and last year?


Guyana's legislature/constitution is a bloody joke on the things that matter most


how many more meaningless elections under this dispensation before y'all come to your senses?


Guyana needs a MOVEMENT and a MOMENT to capture the imagination of the people and shift the discussion and considerations to a different quantum level


caribNY, your prescripion and that of Afro-loathing, ethnic hegemonists like kishan, et al, sadly (happily for the PPP), promises more of the same ole same ole


read the Burnham Constitution carefully . . . it is time for the 2nd Republic

The AFC continue to also peal away PNC votes.  DUH.



LOOK run in the corner of the room Mr Tyron Kemraj ak Redux ak Jumbie no. 1

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

PPP terrorism in action here have a look at what they are doing to rice farmers.



This man will never support the PNC/PPP National Front Government, so stop talking bull sh!t Tarron Kimraj, the PNC soupnist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Suh redux, how we can get the indoes to switch sides. Especially if AFC decides to have an Alliance wid the APNU. At the end of the day, it is indoes voting that will count. I think Granger will get the momentum if he says the correct things and offer some sort of guarantees-the man has the black votes regardless if he is the leader of the PNC. He must consider patriotism first. 

i agree with most of what you say here, but i believe that deeds count more than words . . . there are no "guarantees" only consequences


a formal, binding agreement detailing the program, timetable for constitutional reform, recall prerogatives and the operating structure of the coalition in government is absolutely necessary to start


to bring constituencies along, and as a practical acknowledgement of the party's indispensible role for the success of this initiative, concessions to the AFC must be generous and disproportionate to its present representation in parliament, perhaps tied to regional performance @ the elections, but definitely including an enhanced prime ministership . . . this will take courage, and may be resisted by APNU power cliques; but patriotic, enlightened LEADERSHIP by whomever should carry the day.


AFC and APNU must articulate clearly the EMERGENCY nature of the coalition, spelling out the threat of creeping dictatorship - leveraging the presumptuous refusal to hold LGA and unrestrained budget lawlessness as Exhibits A & B!


just off the top of my head rite now . . .

WHY is the PNC against the no-confidence VOTE?

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