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an 15, 7:50 AM EST

Documents say India rape suspect is a juvenile

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Gangs in Paradise

NEW DELHI (AP) -- Documents presented in a hearing Tuesday indicate that a suspect in the fatal gang rape of a young woman on a New Delhi bus in December was a juvenile at the time of the attack, a court official present at the hearing said.

Two principals from the suspect's elementary school showed paperwork indicating that the suspect was a juvenile at the time of the attack, which would make him ineligible for the death penalty, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of a gag order on the case.

A judge is expected to rule on the suspect's age in a Jan. 28 hearing, the official said, adding that the suspect did not appear in court Tuesday.

The suspect, who is not being identified by The Associated Press because he says he is 17, would face three years in a reform facility if convicted as a juvenile. A conviction as an adult could lead to his execution.

Five other men also have been charged in the case, which has put an international spotlight on sexual abuse against women in India. One of the five now says he is also a minor.

Police say the 23-year-old victim and a male friend boarded the bus on Dec. 16 after seeing an evening movie. But the bus turned out to be off-duty and was being driven by a group of friends who, police say, attacked the couple and then took turns raping the woman. They also penetrated her repeatedly with a metal bar, causing massive internal injuries. The two were eventually dumped on the roadside. The woman died two weeks later in a Singapore hospital.

Figuring out the young suspect's age could be complicated. He is believed to lack a birth certificate - a common occurrence in India, where many people are born at home. In such cases, school records are often used as proof of age or identity.

The principal of the suspect's former elementary school, who testified at the hearing, said earlier that the suspect quit school in the third grade, about eight years ago. He declined to provide details on the school's records on the young man, but said few people from the school, in a rural, poverty-battered part of Uttar Pradesh state, have proof of their age.

"None of these people have documents," said Shishu Pal Singh. "If the parents say he's 6 years old (when he is first brought to school), we list him as 6 years old. If he looks older, we may say he is 7."

There are also medical tests that can indicate a person's general age, though it's unclear if the technology would be able to give a precise age.

While sexual violence is believed to be a major problem across India, the issue has seldom been raised in a country where women are still often regarded as second-class citizens. Victims are often blamed for sexual attacks - by their families or authorities - and the shame of rape keeps many women from reporting such attacks at all.

The bus rape, though, has drawn protests and intense media attention. Rapes have become front-page news nearly every day across the country, with demands that police do more to protect women and that the courts treat sexual violence seriously.

Late Monday, more than 150 people gathered outside a school in the western state of Goa to protest the rape of a second grade student.

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New India Gang Rape: Woman Hanged from Tree after Sexual Assault in Bihar


By VASUDEVAN SRIDHARAN: Subscribe to Vasudevan's 

January 14, 2013 6:27 AM GMT


Another fatal gang rape has been reported in India - less than a month after the gruesome sexual assault on a private bus in Delhi in which  the 23-year-old victim died.

Authorities said a 32-year-old woman, originally from the eastern state of West Bengal, was travelling on a train through the northern state of Bihar when she was abducted by a group of drunken men.

The woman, who had been travelling on the train to Delhi with her 10-year-old son, was reportedly taken to a nearby orchard, sexually assaulted, strangled and hung from a tree.

Locals report that the victim's clothes were found a few metres away from the tree from which her semi-naked body was left hanging after the attack.

There are conflicting versions of how the woman left the train. Some reports say that the perpetrators of the crime pulled the chain to stop the train, and then forced her out of the compartment. According to another report, the woman suddenly jumped out of the train as it slowed down, while another claims she alighted at a station called Bhagalpur.


"As she went towards the toilet, her cousin followed her. When she jumped out of the train all of a sudden, the cousin tried to stop her, but couldn't. It is not clear why she took this step," Meenu Kumari, assistant superintendent of the local police force, told the Hindustan Times.

The authorities found liquor bottles in the orchard where the incident is said to have taken place, according to the Press Trust of India.

The police have launched an investigation, and the woman's body has been sent to the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital in Bhagalpur for autopsy.

The incident came to light just a day after a 29-year-old woman was reportedly gang-raped by a group of men in the north Indian state of Punjab. 



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I read an interesting article which termed bands of young men in India who roam the streets "feral men" since they are  asocial and have little chance of ever getting wives.

Yep, result of the Caste System.

As a consequence of the Abominable Hindu Caste System 60% of the population of India are treated as sub-humans and live in slums.  A major consequence is that India is not only the largest slum in the universe but also a nation of rapists.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I read an interesting article which termed bands of young men in India who roam the streets "feral men" since they are  asocial and have little chance of ever getting wives.

India constitutionally classifies 30% of its population as "OBC's", meaning "Other Backward Castes".  So they are backward people, that's why they are placed in a social cage.  India has many who has nothing to live for or to look forward to.  As you said, then cannot even find a wife due to years of female infanticide.

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Yuh mean fuh seh aftuh a couple hundred yrs de Indianess is still very prevalent in GY


I tawt our sainted saffronites doan engage in this kinda behavior. We all know that only Black people are genetically programmed to committ crimes. Abbe Indos are sainted angels who work hard for their daily roti

Originally Posted by Observer:

Baseman, Joker and Freakster, don't you thank the good lord each day for making it possible for the Brits to take your ancestors to Guyana?  Look how you guys have such wonderful lives in North America, are millionnaires, have prestigious jobs, liming here on the internet, etc. etc.    


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